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  1. I told you mint stuff....listerine, altoids, mentos, or toothbrush don't do anything
  2. i talked to my dentist and he told me to use listerine...i think that he doesnt think that it's serious. I don't want to chew gum or any other breath freshners. Cuz I have bad breath after 10 minutes when I eat a mint or something. And I hate gum so much! can meat really cause bad breath? Yea I do eat a lot of meat..well thanks I will try eating more veggies and fruits. I don't think that I have a madican condition. BTW, i heard that your tone is a source of bad breath and that we should brush it...but when you get half way through your tongue, you know what happens..you throw up, so how am I supposed to do that?
  3. get a proactiv solution. I'm on 3td week and my skin seems to be more soft and clear, also it doesn't shine like it used to because of oil and constant treatments that dry skin and cause it to be more oily. My skin was so oily that it looked wet. Now I don't use any make up at all...anyway, get proactiv
  4. how can you heal bad breath when flossing and listerine don't seem to help at all? I've been chewing gum for 3 years every day so I can talk to people and not stink like ****. and having a boyfriend can't be on my list since I can't kiss with this breath. Help
  5. Hi, everyone. I have had acne since I was about 12, (17 now) and nothing ever helped, I tried everything, things that doctors subscribed made me so ugly that I just stopped using them. Proactiv dries my skin too much and gives me more acne. I can't use anything on my skin. It is really bad before my period ant takes like three weks to go away, so I rarely have one week of almost clear skin. But my blackheads on my cheeks and nose never go away, they're really bad, scrabs don't help. I don't want to use make up because it feels disguiting that something's on my skin, I use Neutrogena make up when I have to but I hate it. My dermotologos says that I don't have very bad acne for Accutaine, but I think I do, she just haven't seen me when my face is really bad like NOW. She also can't see that I have lots and lots of under-skin ones that come out before my preiod or sit there forever. I hate the feeling of my skin, it's all bumpy. I don't care what side effects Accutaine has. One of them is depression.......well whatever, I'm depressed about my face anyway so why does it matter. I have a feeling that my acne will never go away like everyone says. Does anybody know how to get rid of them? Or better, how to get my dermatologost to prescribe Accutaine for me? Thanks
  6. oh huh LOL! U know maaan. Bacteria and germs die in boiling water too, lo
  7. I am toooo shy! I can't help but think that people are better then me, even if they are not. I can't even talk properly when I have to talk to anyone, I don't have real friends who I can hang out with over the weekends, I never had a boyfriend, never kissed, never even been hugged, nothing! I feel like such a freak and I don't know why I'm like that. It's not like I'm ugly or anything. Some girls who are very ugly are popular! And yea I know it's their self-confidence and stuff, but I don't have it and I cant have it. Everyone says that you're just supposed to think that you're better then everyone else, but guess what, it doesn't work that way. Anyone tell me if you have ever been in my situation, and if you ever got over it, or almost got over it. I just can't stand being like this anymore, but I can't help myself. Oh, and if I talk to guys, I just lose my speech! I cant just say "what" AND THAT'S IT
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