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dont cry tonight

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Everything posted by dont cry tonight

  1. My boyfriend and I have sex quit a lot. I can't say it's bad because it does feel alright at points but I just never seem to have an orgasm. When I am on top, I feel this pressure, sort of, that almost feels like I have to pee. I can't decipher wether this is a good feeling that will get better, or if it is just a feeling that just happens because.....it does. Please help me. Is this normal? Or am I just never going to have an orgasm during sex.
  2. I know that you can get pregnant if there is a hole in the condom, but exactly how big does the hole have to be in order for his stuff to swim through?
  3. Hey. I'm really no expert at this but I'll try to help ya. 1. What exactly do you consider a "real kiss"? 2. There really is no right time for french kissing. It sort of just happens. If you've kissed her continually and havn't used your tongue at all yet, then maybe you should make the first move. You never know, she might be shy and never tell you. 3. Once again, making out just happens. If you are kissing her, let's say, on your couch when your home alone...and you both start getting touchy feely with each other...if she doesn't feel like it's right, then she'll most likely push you away. That doesnt mean she doesnt want you. It just means shes not ready to make out with you yet. 4. Don't even worry about sex yet. Kiss her first.
  4. Hmmm...we're definetly more than friends. I guess you can say that we're dating.
  5. Ok, well this is my first post so I'm kinda new at this whole thing so bear with me lol...but I'm with this guy. I like him a lot and all and I know he likes me. It just seems that when I try to sexually flirt with him, he isnt phased by it. Maybe he doesn't have a high sex drive...or am I just doing something wrong? Please, guys, give me some things that turn you on when your girl does it to you...thanks!
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