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Everything posted by ckw626

  1. Hi all, Its been a few months since I last posted, but unfortunately my love life has simply nosedived into a hopeless mess that has left me in utter despair. I am really hoping I could find some advice on how to get over my current situation. This is how it goes: Last summer, I went through a very tough rejection from a girl that I honestly liked very much. In fact it was the first time I ever asked a girl out. It had to happen right before my high school graduation, and put a very sour note into what could've been one of the most memorable moments of my life. I was completely and totally shattered, and it took great strength for me to even begin to overcome the pain. While I was still emotionally vulnerable, a rather unfortunate coincidence had to occur when my best female friend went through some personal problems of her own and turned to me for support. Naturally, I began to develop some feelings for her, but I realized that in the end our lifestyles were just too different, and I highly doubted that she had anything for me other than as a friend. Not willing to risk losing one of my best friends, I decided to try holding back my feelings, and I can say that have been largely successful at doing that, but nonetheless it has definitely strained my already volatile emotional state. Thats when I met a new girl in university. This girl however, unlike the previous two, shared many common personality traits and interests with me, and we bonded really quickly. Seeing some potential in her, I decided to make a move to get closer, and thats when I found out she already had a boyfriend. I knew it was too good to be true. We've settled and become pretty good friends now, but it really didn't help ease the pain that was already accumulating inside me. Which makes three unsuccessful attempts all in a span of a few months. Talk about a slap in the face from fate. It seems to me that love is completely non-existant, and that I've given up my heart and soul for nothing. My frustration is almost beyond words. Everytime I hear anyone mention something about love or a relationship, I simply want to cover my ears and run away. I've had enough of this. It's really doing nothing but destroying me. I've started to eat less, my sleeping habits have become extremely unhealthy. What can I do to get over this? I've tried spending time out with my friends, and without a doubt it helps. But whenever I'm by myself, the painful thoughts start drifting back. I really want to get these poisonous thoughts out of my system, so that I can put my life back on track again.
  2. Greetings, As some of you might know from my previous thread, I've recently started to have feelings for a close female friend after she turned to me for advice and support after a break-up link removed Anyways, after reading the responses, I've decided to simply follow along with whatever happens, and just be there for her as the friend I am. However, since then, I've noticed some slight but noticeable changes in the way we interact. Whenever we chat on msn, I've noticed that she seems to take on a slightly more intimate tone on certain occasions, calling me by my name or sending me a hug or kiss emoticon, all of which are things she never did before her break-up if i recall correctly. But the most noticeable of the changes is the fact that whenever we meet in real life, she seems more comfortable around me, sometimes leaning almost right up against me if she is sitting beside me. I am not quite sure what to make of these signs. Is she simply bonding with me more as a friend after all the things I did to help her? Or is it something else?
  3. Thanks for the replies so far. They've really given me a much better sense of direction. While I wasn't sure about what exactly to do, one of the first things that I thought too was that it would be appropriate is to wait a while before I try anything. But I did feel quite guilty about this for it felt like I was trying to exploit her. But as OmegaMan mentioned, I guess I really shouldn't feel that way, as my feelings were mostly the result of my caring for a friend if anything.
  4. Hi there everyone, I'm a college student who's recently gotten himself tangled in a rather sticky situation. One of my best friends, one that I've known for many years, was devastated recently by a break-up and naturally I was one of the first people she turned to for support. Having recently struggled to get over a tough rejection myself, not only did I feel very sorry for her, I started to really wish I could make her happy. As she is one of few people that I felt have truly understood me as a person, it was inevitable that I began to develop some rather strong feelings for her. However it's very clear that we have both seen each other only as friends all these years, so she probably won't expect me to suddenly ask her to be more than a friend. I am not afraid of rejection though, because I am quite happy with the way things are now. What I am really afraid of however, knowing alot of her pet peeves about guys asking her out, is that this friendship might fall apart if I do so. I would really appreciate some advice on what I should do from here. Should I go for it, and if so, what's the best way to approach her in this situation?
  5. hmm we don't live that far apart, its jus we usually go different ways thats all, so it shouldn't be too hard to make contact as for getting something organized, thats exactly what i tried over the holidays...i asked her to lunch but she thought i meant as a group and so the plan eventually turned into the aforementioned party...so i couldn't get too much time alone with her i don't think there is much room for any moves if she is not alone with me, but i don't no how i would go about convincing her to do that without making it seem too obvious rite away
  6. hi all im new to the forums here, and i've been looking for some advice for a situation i am in rite now i met a girl last summer that i really like. we became pretty good friends however...she is probably my closest new friend in recent memory... we don't see each other often anymore however, as we go to different schools during the normal school year, but we still chat online and occasionally on fone we met once during the holidays during a party and i felt i really did make an impression on her so now i'm beginning to think this is my best chance to ask her out before i lose my chance but i am rather nervous and uncertain of how i should go about doing this, because i have always been a relatively shy person and i have never seriously asked anyone out before what i really need to know is basically what i should say, and what would be a good time to say it
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