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  1. 60+days Keep it up, I promise it gets better
  2. Day 12 Not much to say besides I should've stuck with NC from the get go, would be a lot further along with healing now than I am. Head up, eyes focused on what matters, me.
  3. Ignore Neil Its been 7 weeks since my BU, and I wish I stuck with strict NC from the beginning. I've gotten nothing but false hope and told I'm her best friend and she doesn't want to lose me. Well, unfortunately that's life. For me I need NC to move on, 3.3years together and everything vanished in 1 day basically because she is "lost" and "doesn't know what she wants in life." At least she genuinely said there was nothing I did wrong but that she didn't think I was the one because we are on different paths. So its day 8 of NC attempt 1 bazillion
  4. Falling down the same path, but making some progress I've come to realize I need NC to move on, before I thought the daily texting might bring her back, but its just satisfying her needs and not mine. After 6 weeks she said "I love you" and "still feel connected to you" which gave me far too much hope. So yesterday I took the plunge and said that she has two options, either start over and make the effort to see if things can work or stop contacting me. It felt terrible typing that, still does, but I've now got the upperhand and will get whats best as time unfolds. If its meant to be she will take the time, if not I will be able to move on easier. So tough
  5. Hope is the emotional feeling of believing in a positive outcome, you can move 1000miles away and live a life you never thought, but hope can still exist in many forms. 15 days is a short time for proper grief sorry to say Wishing is for children because you align it with getting something back, hoping is for an adult because you are open to a positive outcome not attached to anything... best I can offer is to learn to live life without them so if they come back into your life it will be greater than anything you had before since you both know your place in the world.
  6. I listened to that story today, truly beautiful events that show not to give up hope... move on, but keep a spot in your heart for all that truly matter
  7. Holy Cow, I'd rather run a marathon than do this. Today was day 8 of NC after she got the remainder of her belongings... she had to drop off rent check and pick up a few plants I'd given her and at first it felt pretty normal. Both engaging in small talk, then she was ready to go and I told her that I wasn't sure where she was at with the whole breakup (1mon old) but if it was easier she could just mail me the checks instead and I didn't really get a response besides "ok." I could see through her sunglasses she teared up slightly (she was dumper) and I just turned around and walked away. That right there was the hardest part. An unbelieveable amount of built up emotions, I was ready to cry but held it in... then let it go once I was back inside. Without great explanation I will say we had a better relationship than 99% of the people on here that I've read about, making it all the more harder to move on knowing we are both still getting over the split. "When life gives you lemons I push them aside and grab a stiff drink, then garnish with those lemons and try to move on one sip at a time"
  8. Its been 1 week since you got the remainder of your belongings, I wish I didn't still miss you. You gave up on our family and the future we could've had. If you weren't such an introvert I would've known how you felt, instead I'm alone in our apartment unable to believe what has happened. I still sleep on my side of the bed, wishing you were next to me. I keep telling myself move on, there will be another, but all I want is you.
  9. 6 days of technical NC, I'm waiting for her part of rent check to begin full NC so I can tell her to just mail it to me 3 1/4yrs have gone by, I thought she was the one, but she isn't... moving on slowing but surely
  10. I just want my best friend back... someone to talk to about my day
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