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  1. Hoy. I'm having sex with my girlfriend and we've done it about 15 times now. We use lubricated condoms every time and we sometimes foreplay a lot but the last few times we've sort of rushed it. I have several issues: 1. I don't stay that hard that long and I"m not very long but kinda thick around in the penis. I wanna know how I can stay harder longer. 2. I take a long time to cum and my girlfriend gets tired during our lovemaking. 3. She gets very, very wet when we have sex and that cuts down on the friction. Is there anyway to increase the amount of male stimulation during sex? 4. I'm big and heavy (6'4" and 325) and she's over 200 pounds herself. What positions can we do well in bed with us the sizes we are and the fact that my ding-ding is about 5.5 to 6 inches long? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!
  2. Hey all. Been posting off and on in the shy daters forum because I am shy as all hell but I'm getting better with that...with time. But I come now with a different issue: I'm 22 and I'm a second year student at my school. My school is a liberal but private Christian college and a lot of the girls went to tiny private Christian academies/private schools. I'm one of the oldest sophmores here, as I took three years off after I graduated from high school to get myself in order to go to school, and I feel so disconnected from a lot of the students here. I want to date here but a lot of the girls here (and by a lot, I'm talking about close to 50% of the girls on campus, via my straw poll) have never had a boyfriend or a date for a lot of those. Also, a lot of them are religion majors or are really uptight about even the idea of dating in any form or come from really crappy houses and want to come here to get out. I guess I'm just looking for some advice as to how to be able to relate and mabye be able to talk to more of the girls here. I briefly dated a girl here who is wonderful but she's still being affected by all of her friends and enemies to be able to settle down and work so she's out of the picture now. I'm attracted to a quiet girl who's a religious studies major and I feel like I can't relate to her because it's been told to me that she's having a lot of issues right now and she's also not down with wanting to date anyone at this time, at any level. Has anyone ever dealt with having age gaps like this in trying to find people to date and if so, how did it get better? I'm in a secluded little country campus and it's getting so bad I'm about to go on the personal sites to try to find girls more my age in the metro area! Please help! Thanks all in advance, Mark G. (The Big Negro)
  3. Ok, bear with me here. I'll try to keep it as detail concise as possible: My now ex-girlfriend and I met the first week of me moving down to school here. She's 18 and I'm 22. We're both freshman seeing as I took two years off to work in my trade before college. We met and we liked one another but we played cat and mouse for most of the first semester of school. Then, in November, she asked me out. Before that time we had both mutually decided to just be friends because she was that crazy about me. She didn't trust her ability to want me and keep her schoolwork together. But she asked me out. And I accepted. And for a month, despite our not being able to see one another much, things were good. We get back to school and the third day of the break she breaks up with me saying she just wants to be friends again for now. She maintains that she felt now like she did before: that she can't concentrate on her schoolwork with me in her life as a boyfriend. She needs straight A's this semester or her parents will pull her out of school. I was ok with all of this...but I wasn't. I'm still not, really because it turns out I got played by outside forces. It turns out that her best friend was manipulating both her and another girl I was seeing off and on, trying to get me and my ex together. All of this has come to light now and I'm feeling like shite because once again, I've done everything right and been as perfect as one can be...and once again a relationship I try to start fails so freaking soon. My ex told me that she wouldn't have asked me out in November if she hadn't been pressured into doing it by her friend. And once again, I'm shafted. A couple of questions: 1. I've told her I'm going to casually date other people...but that I want to wait for her to come around. She's said that if she wasn't in school, she'd date me right now. Is this a good idea? 2. I'm just trying to figure out why none of my relationships can't last past 8 weeks or more in length. Why is it that the more you try to be good and decent, the less it seems you have the ability to really put it all together? I'm tired of my girlfriends and I breaking up so soon. I'm beginning to feel like I'll never be in a long term relationship of any sort. Is there some thing that I'm not seeing about all this? 3. I tend to date large women, women with emotional issues, artistic women, etc. and they all have, to one extent or another, not been able to deal with me and my love for them. I'm under the impression that the uglier the apple, the sweeter the juice, so to speak. But what happens when all the apples I pick seem to rot before I can really taste the goodness inside? Why do all of the least socially attractive women on the outside who happen to be awesome on the inside can't do anything except flounder and fall apart at the first sign of anything more then friendship? Any advice would help. All decisions have been made but I'm tired of Abercrombie and Fitch idiots telling me that I should pray and move on. I'm moving on but I'd like to talk about this. This is my life, after all... Thanks all, in advance.
  4. We're trying to do that, me and a couple of my friends, but in reality I'd prefer a lot more of her and I to be together one to one. I'm a lot like her as I have previous stated. As quoted before, I cannot drive. This is goal of my being home in CT over the break. Hope this helps.
  5. See, I'm the exact same way as your fiancee so I can completely relate. I have social phobia and I'll be fine for between an hour to 90 minutes then it's time for me to go. Period. The thing is, I'd prefer for us to be just her and I a lot more and she's still somewhat uncomfortable about that. Part of that is this but I'm also think that part of it is the newness of our relationship. We've only really been going out for a month though we've known each other all semester. I'm still lost about that but one of my goals whilst I am home in the big CT (Yay! is to learn how to drive and be able to drive her which, she has already said, will reward in me being to hijack her into things she wouldn't normally do. she hates driving for driving's sake and would prefer for someone else to do it. hence why I'm learning...and other reasons. Oh we've got tons of that. I just tend to need some help from time dealing with the little issues that come up in my head. A little positive reinforcement and all of that. Anyone else wanna weigh in, please do. But for now, thanks much.
  6. I've finally found a girl and she's awesome. But she has really bad social phobia and she's also dealing with issues of depression and anxiety. She and I both have a lot of the same issues and I want to be with her but a lot of times she can't deal with being in more then groups of 3 people. She also hates driving so it makes time for us alone very difficult as well. I need some suggestions because I'm getting close to the end of my rope here.
  7. Hoy. A somewhat shy around girls guy looking for some general advice and mabye some more specific stuff. I'm at a "conservative" christian college and a lot of the girls here are either without a boyfriend for the first time or have dated very little. There are a couple of girls I'm talking to and somewhat social dating here but the girl in question here is a shy girl from the local feeder academy and she is both very shy and very good looking. She's also a great talker and we had a good time going to Vespers together. I've asked her to a concert this week and she says she's thinking about it. I've got issues on two fronts: one, a friend of mine is trying to get me to stop being such a wuss about things and ask her out more often and become a better friend with her by threatening to ask her out if I don't. And he's a former neutered dog who likes to hump everything in sight. Secondly, I've got serious issues with feeling like I'm being a stalker when I try to talk to girls or try to become more better friends with them. I have real issues with fear in calling girls on the phone and I'm scared to talk to her because she's so busy. My questions are such: 1. I love writing notes to people. Are there any specific rules in writing notes to girls who are shy and if so, what the heck are they? 2. Should I tell my friend to go somewhere and work at my own pace with this girl or should I speed my efforts and see what happens? 3. What is the best way to deal with issues of feeling like I'm a stalker when I desire someone and guilt when I call someone? Thanks for reading this if you've gotten this far. Goodbye now. ](*,)
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