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  1. Thx for the replies. It means a lot to know that I'm not the only one dealing with this situation. Just as an update, my ex sent me an email last night. He states that he doesn't want to get back together, but he wants to know if I'm seeing anyone new. I'm thinking to myself: "Of course not!!! I haven't even had time to sort out my own feelings". In any case, I feel resentment towards him for asking me that question. I mean, he wanted to break up with me and I agreed despite my hurt feelings; now HE is asking me if I'm seeing anyone... I dunno if this makes sense, but I feel like why is he asking me all this??? I feel like he's trying to slow down my "moving on" process. Am I right to feel this way? And why is he asking me this stuff? I would appreciate any feed back...
  2. Hey DGuy, I don't know if my post will give you any valuable advice, but I just want to tell you that I know how you feel. In fact, I think I am the female version of you. Similarly, my ex boyfriend treated me like I was a princess when we were together. I, on the other hand, was much less kind to him. But I wasn't mean to him because I didn't love him, because I loved him like no one before him. I think back, and I realize that I was unkind to him because I was afraid to lose him... I know this sounds insane, but maybe you'll relate... My rational was: if I'm mean to him, I wont love him as much so when he dumps me I wont feel as hurt. I guess I was scared to really love someone, so I set myself up for disaster from the start. Now I'm full of regrets and I wish I could have done things different, much like yourself... My advice to you is to figure out why you treated ur gf badly in the beginning. Are you really just a bad person? or were you acting badly to her because of a more complicated reason. If you figure out the answer to this, you can tell your ex gf about it, and maybe she'll see that you really did put time into thinking about ur past actions... Maybe she'll even give you a second chance. Good Luck anyways... Cheers
  3. About a week ago I broke up with my boyfriend of two years. In many ways, I feel like our relationship was doomed from the start because he lives in Hong Kong and I live in Toronto. But when we met in Toronto five days before he was going back to HK, we both knew it was love at first sight. During our two year relationship, I went to HK for six months to work and be with him. He has come back to Toronto periodically to visit me when he has time. But the distance between us has ripped the relationship to shreds. Our love for each other was so intense and so self sacrificing, but in the end it still wasn't enough. The more serious we got about each other, the more we realized (or I realized) we might never be together (as in the same country). I think I'm a really strong person, or at least I try to act like I'm strong. Hence, I've kept my sad feelings from my friends. I loved my ex so much, I seriously thought that I would marry him despite all the obstacles ahead of us. I don't know how to feel at the moment. I don't want to let myself feel depressed because I can't stand that feeling. I can't feel happy for the fact that I've lost the love of my life. I'm just so confused... Someone please give me some advice. What's the first step to getting over someone whose done nothing wrong? How do you stop loving someone just because the circumstances for your relationship were not feasible? HELP PLEASE.
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