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  1. Thanks S4il for answering my post. I really appreciate you giving me adivice. I may try that some day. Anybody else who wishes to comment on my situation please do so. I want to hear from a lot more people yet! I want all sorts of different opinions. Please don't think because its answered that that's all I need! lol Thanks so much 8)
  2. Thanks for replying to my message Alyssa. I will try to smile next time I see him (tomorrow) and hope to see him smile back. Maybe that will open the door for something else. By the way, I am in Grade 12 now. I was in Grade 11 last year when I first developed a crush on this guy. I'd appreciate anyone else's advice on my post. Thanks a bunch.
  3. There is this guy who I have had a crush on for the past 7-8 months. Last year (grade 11) he was in two of my classes so I got to at least look at him for one hour per day. I didn't really notice him until my friend had a going-away party one day and invited him to come along (he was a friend of a friend). At the party we made slight eye contact, and a few times if we were just standing around observing other people it looked like he was moving closer to me. (And then I'd try to shift my way closer to him). The next school day we made slight eye contact again, but either I'd look away really fast cause I didn't want him to see me looking at him, or he would. It wasn't very often though. About two weeks after the party I decided to add him to my instant messenger. We talked almost every day over messenger for the next 4 months. At school during this time we never said one word to each other. But there was definitely more eye contact. I would stare at him any chance I got. And he would look at me often as well (of course I would look away). Although sometimes I managed to keep up the eye contact and then he was the first to look away. During those four months, we attended about 3 social gatherings (as we have common friends) together. But we still never said a word to each other. I know why I do not talk, because I am so shy. I'm pretty sure he is too. Not as shy as I am but shy. Do you think thats why he won't speak to me in school? I did not see him over the whole summer as most of our friends who organize these social events were too busy. I did talk to him once on the instant messenger again (I had actually stopped after the first 4 months because he did not come online anymore). We didn't talk for very long, maybe a half hour at the most. Today was the next time I talked to him after that day at the beginning of the summer. He didn't really seem like he didn't want to talk to me any of those times, but he didn't seem over-eager either. Sometimes he would speak to me first, other times I would speak to him first. It was like a 60%-40% thing, with me talking first 60% of the time. We would mostly talk about school, but sometimes it would be what we were doing the weekend or the summer. I've seen him today and yesterday at school. We made eye contact a few times each day but still no talking, not evening smiling really. He is not in any of my classes this year (which sucks BIG time) but our lockers are not too far from one another's. I can see him from where mine is. 8) I missed an opportunity the other day to go to Subway with my friends (him included). I'm really pissed at that cause I want every opportunity to see him or spend time with him. I really like this guy. Trouble is I don't know if he likes me! Any thoughts? Do you guys think he does? Do you know what I should do? Should I tell him how I feel? (I may never get the nerve to do that, I am way too shy). I feel he may not like me because (well IMO) I am ugly, and even if he looks past that (which I think he may, he's not the arrogant type) some of his friends seem the type that wouldn't, and this could be affecting what he does/who he dates. Or I am thinking that he may feel he isn't good enough for me (which would surprise me if he did) because one time at another party he looked at a picture he was in and said "oh look there's me being ugly again". Could this have anything to do with it? I'm sorry this is so long but I figured I needed to get all the details in or you guys may ask questions while trying to give me some advice. I thank you so much for anything you may want to say.
  4. Thanks guys, I appreciate your replies. Just to let you know I am not 15 anymore, I'm almost 17 now. I do actually think I know more about sex now, but in the way that I know that I will wait for the right person and until I'm ready before I try it again. If anybody else would like to post any more comments that would be great. p.s. thanks for telling me the baby oil isn't safe, I may have actually tried that some day
  5. Hi, Here is my situation: At the beginning of the summer I met this wonderful guy online. We used to talk for hours and hours, well into the night and the wee hours of the morning. We really enjoyed talking to each other, and even came home early from things just to talk. We used to watch the same movie at the same time so it was like we were watching it together on a date. For the first two weeks sex was never mentioned. After that we used to just joke around like saying "sit on my lap until something pops up". And then towards the end it was still never directly mentioned that we would have sex with each other, but just stuff like "I was to make you feel really good" or "if we slept in the same bed do you think we would go right to sleep?" I never thought anything was wrong with this but you guys might disagree...because of the age. I am almost 17 and he was 25. Me and him talked about the age and decided we both regarded it as just a number. Is that too big of an age gap? Is it okay just to be friends but not more with someone 8 years older than you? What about more than friends? At first I never wanted anything more than the online "relationship" but towards the end I was thinking maybe we could meet in person sometime and have more. We lived in differenct provinces, but we used to talk about how him driving to meet me wouldn't be too difficult at all. Things ended abruptly though, and I have not spoke to him since. Now, though, I've met this other guy online, in the same place I met the first one actually. We talk often too. We enjoy talking to one another. Sex is hardly mentioned directly but we do say things like "im gonna spank you" or whatever. But if you thought 25 was bad before this'll be even worse, he is 35! Is this really bad? I don't think anything of it in regards to talking online but what if he wants more? We live a lot closer then me and the other guy. Same province, only an hour and a half away. And in one year's time I'm thinking of attending university in the city in which he lives. When I told him this he had said "we'll be a lot closer then, maybe we could grab a coffee sometime". This kinda took me aback, but then I started to think it may not be a bad idea. Just coffee. I probably wouldn't do more. When he said that I said "you do realize you are old enough to be my father?" and he's just like "if i had you at 18, which is unrealistic". I don't know what to do. Should I stop contact with him altogether? Any help or tips will be appreciated, thanks.
  6. Hey, Here is my situation: Two years ago I was with my first boyfriend. I was 14 (almost 15) at the time and about 3 months into the relationship we decided to have sex. We were at my house one day and decided we would try then. We didn't have much foreplay so I think that was my first problem right there. After he put the condom on he lid down on top of me and tried to stick it up in me but the pain was so bad I pushed him off. Once things calmed down I let him try more, but it hurt like hell again, even more than the first time (which I didn't think was possible) so I pushed him off again and that was it. There was bleeding, and of course the pain, so I'm pretty sure he popped my cherry. The first thing I was wondering was if I'm still a virgin or not? I never went through with sex but I no longer have a hymen, so it's difficult for me to decide which answer to give if ever asked that question. Secondly, I was wondering if you guys knew if it would hurt like that again the next time I tried to have sex? Since my cherry was popped I can now put one finger inside myself, which I couldn't do before, without it hurting. It is a little uncomfortable though. But it is the same kind of uncomfortable I feel sometimes after urinating. So it could just be the fact that I accidently rub the urethra or whatever. Are there any ways to make it less painful next time besides makng sure I am really aroused? Any tips on this part of my post or any other would be greatly appreciated . Thanks.
  7. Hey, For all the girls out there I was wondering how many of you have ever used a guy just for sex? And for the guys how many of you were ever used by girls for sex? Did you just want sex yourself, or did you want an actual relationship? I know it's not alright for anybody to use anybody, guys or girls. But is it just as okay for a girl to use a guy as it is for a guy to use a girl? You never really hear anything about girls using guys for sex alone, but you always hear that guys only wanted a girl for sex. I guess I'm asking because I actually kind of wanted to use a guy for sex once, and I'm only 17. I met this 25 year old guy online and was talking to him every day for a month. I started to want to tell him to come visit me in person, and even though I knew that I would only see him for a short while and then may never see him again, I had decided that I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted him to make me feel good. I guess I just wanted to use him. Is this normal? Any replies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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