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Everything posted by Fudgie

  1. I agree with Sherry, I really do think you'll be okay. I hope I can put your mind at ease. At every hospital I've ever been to, they have their own separate birthing wards, most times it's an entire whole floor, just for moms in labor and other things. You have to be specially trained to work in maternity/OB-GYN. They aren't going to float their staff elsewhere. You're not mingling with COVID people or people from ED and the workers who are taking care of those populations are not going to be taking care of you. As patients go in a hospital, you're probably one of the "safest" in the sense that you will be on a labor floor, not a general one, and you will be away from all of that nonsense. The health of moms and their babies is really, really, really important and everyone takes that safely. That's one of the reasons labor floors have always been segregated from other areas of the hospital. You're not ill like every other person in the hospital and we want to keep you that way. Keep in mind that when people talk about getting COVID in a hospital setting, they mean things like waiting rooms, crowded EDs, improperly cleaned exam rooms (probably rushing between patients!). You should not and will not be exposed to that. You're not going to the ED, you're not going to sit in a waiting room, you're going to be whisked away to the labor floor.
  2. It really burns me up when people claim it's a hoax when there is so much coming out of NYC and even other cities. You think they are stacking bodies in cold trucks and mass graves for funsies? For the Instagram clout? Really? I hope they get sneezed on.
  3. Mine is coming but I don't see it yet. I am still working so I am not hard up for money. I am OK if it takes a while. Tipsy on vodka... Whoo... :(
  4. I have lost some weight too, down about 3 lb since the start of this month. I am a pretty good cook but I am lacking the motivation to make anything other than simple meals. I'm just sad and lonely. I'd rather eat a yogurt and some fruit and lay in bed.
  5. I'm very concerned medically, and not about COVID. So many procedures have been cancelled or postponed. Doctor offices are closed, reachable by phone only. People sitting at home and not going to the hospital for serious concerns. You can't do this forever. I have a patient whose dialysis catheter isn't working well - but it won't get fixed yet. I need a stomach scope because my GERD started acting up in December and I aspirated a few times in my sleep (fun) ... Guess what, I can't get scoped. The death and misery toll is going to be high and it's going to be a lot of non COVID patients. And everything else. Think of the mental health crises and suicides. The domestic violence. Drug use. Hell, I drink 3-4x times a week since I went into isolation. Yes, it's a temporary crutch but I know so many who are going way over that. The effects of making people stay home and taking away their jobs, school, childcare, and routine medical care is going to be staggering. Not only is social support cut off at the knees but also people's sense of purpose. Again, I'm not saying we shouldn't socially distance ourselves at this time. Clearly, it's needed. I am just concerned about the inevitable long term consequences of this for everyone, on TOP of covid.
  6. I'm worried about that too, Cheet. I also worry that when restrictions are loosened (maybe in a month or so?), there may be a deadly resurgence and then people will be reluctant to socially distance again. If it makes you feel any better, other symptoms usually surface before the fever if you get COVID. namely, sore throat and dry cough. If you get COVID and you're one of the symptomatic ones, you're likely going to have one of the other symptoms first (local infection) before fever (systemic infection). From what we know, the virus seems to attack the throat and lungs first. I hope you can feel a little at ease with this. I wish I could see my therapist. I've had 2 telepsych sessions and I just hate video calling, the whole thing really ruins the therapeutic experience for me. But she can't really say anything to me to help. Yes, I am working in a facility that has COVID patients, yes I am anxious, yes I am lonely sometimes, yes I have trouble sleeping... There's not much to say or do. I just have to keep going.
  7. I read, I play video games, I work on coloring/calligraphy, I walk, I listen to music, I watch TV and movies. I don't video chat (just not a fan) but I call people on the phone when I want to talk. I wouldn't say I'm bored. I'm just a bit lonesome. And, of course, worried.
  8. Didn't sleep well at all but that seems to be the norm for me now, especially before I have to go into work. I've tried weighted blankets, soft music, "winding down" before sleep, nothing really works that well. I don't think I'm going to be sleeping better until the pandemic gets significantly better. I keep worrying about my family and feeling lonely. Given the attempted burglaries in my area, I don't feel comfortable with my in-window AC units so I am buying a portable one soon and I'll only run it when I'm home. if I'm not home, it gets turned off and the window will be closed/locked. I don't trust anyone now. I've been working a lot extra lately. I'm hourly (paid well too) so it's pure OT for me but I am tired and I am hoping for a break next week and it looks like it will come.
  9. There are many people, more than we know, with mild or no symptoms. Usually it seems that once you contract it, you have about a week where you feel cruddy. How cruddy depends on you. Some people have horrible fevers and are unable to leave bed, other people have what seems to be a cold with a cough. After ~week, you either get better (truly) or you fall off a cliff and need a breathing machine. That seems to be how the illness runs its course.
  10. I am sorry to hear about your friend too, Cheet. A lot of nursing homes and other facilities in my area are blowing up with cases. I have some PPE given to me by work and I also have my own. People say that if we didn't have PPE they would walk but I know that not everyone has the luxury of just walking away from a job. Actually, most don't. I know I couldn't at this point in time. I'd sooner wipe myself with an old rag or washcloth and then wash it (and keep other old rags nearby for same usage) then spend a lot of money on TP. Just my take.
  11. I feel like I've turned a new leaf recently. My anxiety is a lot less. Don't get me wrong, life still kind of sucks but I think I've finally hit that "ok I'm not surprised/sad/upset anymore, I'm hunkering down and dealing with it". I'm finally enjoying my time alone a bit more and finding some contentment.
  12. I am working extra this week. I am dreading it. Part of me is so torn. I don't want to get COVID but part of me is hoping I do because it probably won't be too terrible for me (probably, not certain) and then I could be immune and wouldn't worry so much about giving it to my patients.
  13. I've heard local news about the curve flattening too. I wish I could be happy but the US is so beyond testing, even in my area, I don't believe the numbers.
  14. No outside visitors here either. It's just too risky. Many couples who don't live together are just acting like it's a temporary long distance situation for now. There are other ways to connect what would S say to that idea? Would he balk?
  15. I'm glad testing is better where you are, Cheet. It's abominable here. How can you see how you're doing if you have no idea where you are in terms of cases? This whole thing is embarrassing. I am thankful I can get a test very, very easily (and know the result within a day) but I believe that this should be expanded so that it's open to everyone. Given that the virus is asymptotic in so many people, everyone should be getting tested. I'm so frustrated with how this has been handled. Sera, I had my PCP appt over the phone. I got one of my meds adjusted and also asked for a new med which I promptly got. I checked my insurance, her practice never billed me or my insurance. Everyone is losing money and it sucks.
  16. Snny, I'm so sorry. I am hoping that you and your daughter stay safe. Please make sure you have plenty of Tylenol and fluids on hand. Sera, is your area doing testing? We are at 600+ I believe with many in the hospital but most citizens cannot get tested!! I think the real number is more like 2k because of this. The only way you get tested here is if you're a healthcare worker like myself or you're sick enough to be in the hospital. Mild symptoms? You go home, no test, told to quarantine.
  17. Hospitals all over the country appear empty because if you travel the US, it isn't hard to find not hard hit areas like in the rural areas and such. People in those areas are avoiding the hospitals and hospitals are canceling things in case of a surge. Hence, empty. Testing sites where I am have been empty because they either run our of tests or because no one shows up because unless you're a healthcare worker, you don't get one. I'm in a hard hit state. We have dozens in our ICUs and many more in the hospital. People who don't have covid are staying away because they are scared if they go to the hospital, they will get it. I have seen these patients myself. I personally know a few people who have gotten COVID but they were my age and have been doing OK. One of my family members knows people in the ICU. I have a family member working in NYC. Her hospital has 30+ deaths a day of covid alone. She has seen so many die. I've seen pictures of the refrigerator trucks with the body bags in them because there is no morgue space in NYC. Yet two neighboring countries have few cases so for them, not a big deal. But where I am, we have hundreds! It boggles my mind that the evidence is out there and people are still entertaining ridiculous conspiracy theories. What is it going to take for folks to trust that this virus is really bad and yes, it actually exists? Dead bodies are literally piling up in pictures and people are still doubting? What is it going to take?
  18. Doesn't surprise me that Boris is in ICU. He was diagnosed with COVID, what, 10 says ago? This is what happens with COVID - you feel cruddy but manageable for about a week, either like a cold or flu. Then after about a week or so, you either get better or you crash and need help breathing. He's in ICU now so he's definitely on a breathing machine
  19. I think it is okay to grieve any losses, big or small. It's only a problem when you EQUATE missing out on, say, a restaurant date out with being as bad as getting very sick or being on a ventilator. Not that I think any moron would equate that but who knows. But it's important to acknowledge the grief and frustration, even if it's "small". Everyone also has different priorities and will miss other things more than others. I think you're right to validate your son. He feels disappointed in ways that many kids do. Dismissing his disappointments as "not a big deal" because "some people have it worse so you shouldn't feel bad" just doesn't do anyone any good.
  20. I think the pressure to be productive is ridiculous. It's one thing if we were locked inside without an actual deadly pandemic going on. I can't concentrate with a lot of this crap and I know other people are the same. Need to be kind and patient with ourselves. This is no time to be shaming others or ourselves for not being super productive right now. I work full time (3 days a week, baby!) and I do school part-time online. That's IT - I am placing NO OTHER expectations on myself. As long as I meet my work and school requirements, make food for myself to eat, feed my cat, clean my body/clothes, and manage to pay my bills - I'm fine. I drink alcohol a few times a week now (I usually only drink 1x a week or less often), I do adult coloring, and I am starting to work on calligraphy again just as an anxiety-reducer.
  21. Thank goodness! Actually, that's true of the grocery store (local chain) that I go to. They have good benefits and the like. I have a couple local friends who work there and everyone has been wearing masks too. Other places, well, not so much I'm afraid. I feel bad for people who have to work outside the home for not very good wages. I'm well compensated for what I do but people working the coffee counter for $10/hr with a-holes coming in going *coughcoughhackhack*? Oh man.
  22. I feel bad for those workers too, itsallgrand. Yes, I'm working too but as a healthcare worker, I get access to PPE. Retail workers don't, even if some sneezing, sick a-hole comes in. Plus, they make small wages and usually don't have good benefits, if any at all. You know if I get sick due to COVID, either confirmed positive or suspected, I get FULL pay to sit at home and it doesn't come out of my vacation or PTO banks. What do retail workers get? Nothing or next to nothing. It's not fair.
  23. Honestly, I'm all for liquor stores being essential. Alcoholics who stop drinking on their own can die and many do. They get terrible Seizures and usually require ICU care. I've taken care of these folks - it's terrible. Close liquor stores and you're just going have a bunch do seizing people who need ICU beds and possibly ventilators. We can't have that a time when both of these things are in short supply. There's plenty of time after this mess to quit alcohol safely but now is not the time.
  24. That's really kind of you, journeynow. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything to do at this point, other than to stay home and please keep yourselves safe and healthy. No word on my coworker. I do know that COVID is now in my facility. Great, just great. My patients haven't gotten it yet but I do think it's a matter of time. All of the doctors are anticipating bad things to happen here. Unfortunately, I agree with them. I'm getting ready for the inevitable storm. It's infuriating that Dr. Fauci is having his life threatened and now needs 24/7 security. It's really upsetting. No respect for experts or people who are trying to help. It makes me sick. This whole COVID crisis is making me hate humans even more. Yes, there are good stories out there but the myopic, destructive things I'm seeing go on just poison everything for me. You see how much better pollution is now? We were the REAL virus all along!
  25. Another worker in my area is under suspicion of COVID, getting the test done. I need to work an extra shift tomorrow as a result. Worried.
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