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Everything posted by Fudgie

  1. Don't you know, you can't pass on the virus if you share DNA. That is so high risk, boggles my mind.
  2. One of my friends (again, relevant staff member as I am also a relevant staff member, but she works in the outbreak facility whereas I am working elsewhere) invited me to a party at her place. Indoors, no masks, no social distancing, eating/drink alcohol. Bluntly, everyone invited works in healthcare so we all should know better! But nope, guess not. We talked and she revealed to me that she knows about the work outbreak. I talked about a recent oubreak in our area due to a wedding. "Oh that's sad" but then asked "It's a shame you can't come to the party". This is why things aren't getting better. This is why cases are spiking. For parties?!?
  3. Can I rant for a minute? We've had a big outbreak here locally, within a healthcare facility - all staff! Yikes! And guess, what people are still having these stupid parties! I got invited to one recently - with some people (again, staff) who work in the same place at the outbreak. They are aware of the outbreak too but apparently they don't care because here they are planning a party. It drives me INSANE. If I were God, I'd dunk this earth in some rubbing alcohol and start again. Clean slate.
  4. Cases are booming in my area. We are reaching a 2% infection rate, no signs of slowing down. The numbers are worse where my parents are. I'm scared for them. My family in Canada is in a hotspot and very at risk due to health issues. Scared. We had a horrible time in spring. Our ICUs had hundreds of COVID patients. I am scared that it will be that bad again and that I could be pulled back to ICU. It almost happened last time. I am seeing my doctor soon. I am wondering if I should start on an anti-anxiety med, something potent but short term, take on an as-needed basis. All of my dosages on my other meds are up. I don't know what else to do other than throw drugs at the problem.
  5. Haha Kitty from 70s Show. :) It was very rainy and dreary today.
  6. Thanks Batya. I'm doing good wound care and I think I've rounded the corner - the site looks better. I guess I just need to heal up. In the meantime, just lots of tissues, fluticasone, pseudophedrine, and water water WATER. Just hunkering down and trying to study. I voted by mail, guys, wake me up after Election Night is over cause I'm D-O-N-E with this nonsense and stress. Trying to focus on getting better.
  7. Nope, 2 days max here. My insurance covers 100% and I also have an electronic app so the results are pushed to me immediately once completed. I'm finding that tests that have long wait times to get results occur because the tests have to be outsourced elsewhere. I'm lucky that the tests here are done locally because we have TONS of labs and they work around the clock now. Got my flu shot last week and I'm glad for it. I'm hoping this cold is the worst thing I get for a long time.
  8. Score, I'm negative. Still feverish, still coughing/congested , and I'm concerned one of my surgical sites is infected but I'll take ALL of that over covid. Mazel Tov! If I weren't on a bunch of meds right now, I'd have a strong drink!
  9. I'm awaiting the results of a covid test. I have low grade fever, congestion, cough, and sour throat. I recently had an outpatient surgery (abdomen) so the double whammy of dealing with 2 different things (surgical pain AND these symptoms) at once is something unique and also worrisome.
  10. ShyFool, I really enjoy talking on the phone and do so with my loved ones. My friends though, they don't like it. It's either text or video chat. I don't mind text but I hate video chat. I agree with you, I'd love to have a long conversation on the phone but somehow they don't want to do that. They say they "prefer" video chat. I don't get it. I don't want to sit my butt in front of a screen to be held hostage for the whole convo. When I'm on the phone, I'm doing my dishes, I'm organizing my flash cards, playing a video game, etc. I can have a super long conversation and be involved while also doing something else that's kind of mundane/mindless. That's the beauty of phone calls.
  11. Just feeling really down lately. My life is so solitary now. If cases really spike here, I won't be able to see my family for a while. Also, I can't understand why friends insist on video chat (I refuse unless it's for work/school) but somehow talking on the phone is a no-go.
  12. Worried for my family in Canada. Cases are also on the rise in my area. I am depressed and still isolated.
  13. How do you get your son to be engaged in online learning? Pretty sure my parents would have had to glue my butt to my chair by Day 3 of that s__t.
  14. God that sounds like one of my worst nightmares If that happened to me, I may just die of embarassment, quite literally. I hate Zoom too. But you know what I hate more than Zoom? Proctored exams online. I won't go into too much detail but just now that involves me giving complete control/supervision of my computer to a COMPLETE STRANGER who watches/listens to me through a web cam for a couple hours while I take an exam online. I hate it so much.
  15. My deepest sympathies. I'm a full-grown adult and it's not fun - I have NO idea how kids can deal with it! Especially with 4-6 hours of Zoom a DAY Mon-Fri! What the heck! Just the mere thought boggles my mind. As an adult, it has its benefits. Today, I "participated" (aka, listened but actively so) to a class's office hours over Zoom. I had slept in late, took a quick shower, muted/turned off video on my phone but played the feed live in my pocket as I made coffee, got some things ready for today, etc. I was naked part of the time, had to get dressed! haha.
  16. I have to participate in a number of required, "real time" Zoom classes for school. Gag me with a spoon, please. Work can still be stressful but I am much better off than most people. I was not pulled into the ICU to care for COVID patients last time. I am hopeful that this won't happen in the fall. I'd rather drive into traffic and get injured and be out with most of my pay than go to work with COVID patients. Several healthcare folks have died in this area and I'm no hero - I'd never lay my life down for patients like that. I'll quit and I don't care who thinks I'm a coward.
  17. I find it upsetting that it's been this long and people still have trouble getting tests. I am tested for work regularly, for free. But now any person can go out and get a test where I am, courtesy of the state or many clinics. You don't even need symptoms. I hear some good stories where I am but it doesn't help my pessimism. It feels like a lone flower on a huge, stinking pile of s___. As a healthcare worker with a lot of ICU experience, I could help out and do a lot of good. But I can't force myself to care anymore. I'm done. I do my job the best I can and go home.
  18. I regularly see people shop in pajama pants, both pre and post covid. I don't do it personally but I see it a lot. Maybe it's just my area.
  19. Bolt, I am like you - live alone with a cat, no SO. I see my family sometimes (I must get tested for work regularly, and they are isolating) but overall, I'm isolated. I read more, play more video games, etc. I am drinking more now, a few times a week or so. The isolation gets to me, I won't lie. But I don't see a real way out of this right now until the vaccine comes. I have no choice but to bury myself in schoolwork, solo hobbies, and alcohol and wait.
  20. I am so sorry, IAG. :( Honestly, at this point, if I had any COVID-deniers in my life, they would be gone at this point. I would forcibly remove them from my life. Thankfully, I don't have any of those people in my family or friends. Pretty diverse bunch too in terms of politics and other things but I guess this one thing that people in my life, even those who don't know science, agree on: wear a damn mask and take basic precautions. End of. I accept at this point that people have different comfort levels than I do. Maybe someone is more comfortable with flying on a plane, I am not, but they may be. Fine - just wear a damn mask and don't be stupid. Don't stay for prolonged times in indoors with lots of other people more than you have to and DEFINITELY don't do that without a mask. On another note: My mental health is iffy again. Feeling lonely/anxious. My summer classes ended, I need my fall ones to start because I NEED to get my mind off things. I chewed some nicotine gum and it helped me relax a bit but obviously don't want to make a habit of it and get addicted. I really don't want to get a script for anti-anxiety meds. I think I can manage on my own for a bit but I need my classes to start.
  21. I'll tell you what is frustrating me. I am having some cruddy GI issues. I need to get scoped. A GI doctor agreed, I had a scope appointment set up and then COVID happened. It was canceled, no idea when I can get scoped and I continue to have issues. I'm back to bad habits out of frustration. I fasted for almost 2 days (semi intentional) and drank a ton of water and coffee. I didn't feel hungry so I kept going. Now I have a fungal rash over some of my body. I broke out suddenly, looks terrible..
  22. It's been about 4.5 months for me. Life went to s__t in early/mid March. Isolated and lonely a lot of the times. My life lacks a lot of happiness. All I have to hold on to is hope. Changing my signature to reflect a quote from one of my favorite movies.
  23. Do you like it? I've seen the whole series. I'll probably rewatch it once some time has passed. I really enjoy its look at mental health struggles and how people get themselves stuck in "ruts" and bad patterns in their lives. Bojack is a fascinating character. There are so many little references to different things through the show too. It's funny and sad at the same time. That said, a number of people don't like that show and I admit, it's not for everyone and that's okay.
  24. I'm thankful that my family is small and we don't have any pea-brained solipsistic idiots in my family. Everyone is on board with safety and basic precautions, thank God.
  25. Me too. Hoping so. Funny how in March we went from "Man I hope this blows over by summer" to "I'm hunkering down until a vaccine comes next year".
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