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Everything posted by WHYNOW41

  1. Here ya go..... 1. Average 2. Joe Boxer(Melon-4 men) 3.Eyes and Butt 4. Yes 5. " You are my God" 6. Jeans/T-shirts 7.Discovery Channel 8. Yes, but no rush 9.Laugh with me 10. 15 minutes tops! hope this helps Girly!
  2. You will know when to stop kissing when she passes out from lack of appropriate oxygen flow and her lips turn purple and besides the obvious sign...when she slumps over and her eyes are roll'n in the back of her head dude ! Have a clue man
  3. Just do Bob and get it over with all ready
  4. Hi Again ! Thank you for responding to my situation people ! I am so damn torn from all this I feel like I am going to explode inside and out. I Love my wife and kids so very much and I do need to talk with her about our situation, I owe her that much and more. This new woman in my life is such a wonderful person inside and out and she really does brighten my outlook on Love, it is amazing. We have not done anything physical but mentally she has turned me upside down ! I believ that you are all so right when you say I should stay with my wife and raise the kids and just plain be there for them.... What a hard thing emotion is. I am a totally different person with this other woman. I did feel this way about my wife when we first were married but things do change over the years both good and bad. The hardest part about this entire scenario really is the kids(period). If they were not around I would not think twice about leaving my wife, but reality is she is with me for the long haul. I will most likely end this with the other woman but I can tell you now a huge part of me is going to die on this day, I feel so empty inside Thanks again to all of you
  5. Hi ALL ! I have been married for 21 years and am still fairly young, love my wife but we have nothing in common other than our children ages 10 and 5 and I love them to death. I have come accross a path I never thought could happen to me .... another woman , whom is married also has come into my life and I am incredibly in Love with her !!! We have met with one another on several occasions now and it is starting to get heavy now, no sex yet but we are getting there now. She wants the sex more than I do, but I see the woman I truly love when I look in her eyes. I care for my wife but have been living with out really loving her fully for the last 10 years. I believe she feels this way too but we are in it for the kid's. WHAT DO I DO ABOUT THIS OTHER LOVE OF MY LIFE...SHE IS THE BOMB !!!? CONFUSED
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