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  1. Sounds like a whole lot of fun, until you think about how unsafe the whole situation is. I doubt the fun is worth the risk!
  2. Thanks for all you advice! I is definitly mind control!
  3. I totally know where you are coming from. I deal with the same sort of scandalous girls who are after our men! It seems strange to me however, that your boyfriend would let this girl be all over him and flirting! Maybe he likes all of the attention. I would expect my boyfriend to take a stand for our relationship and not let this girl try to come in between us, especially infront of you. Since they were friends before you came into the picture, he needs to tell her to back off.
  4. Trust me, no guy and girl can be "just friends!" I have grown up with two older brothers always warning me about guys and when they say they "just want to be friends" they are not telling the truth. Whether it starts out innocent in the beginning or not, one of you in the "friendship" ends up wanting something more, whether it ever comes out in the open or not. I have had a boyfriend for 5 years. This does not stop my "guy friends" from trying. Even his friends have tried to hook up with me when my boyfriend and I decided to take a break. Bottom line is, if you trust him great, and if he has the will-power to substain-awesome... When you are being the friend to turn to when the one in a relationship needs advice, its easy for sparks to start to fly!
  5. Thank you for the response! I have always been a little uptight when he would talk to other girls, but not overly crazy about it... I will mostly keep it to myself. I know its bad, but I get very insecure when he does! I would love to break this habit of mine and let it not bother me, until it really needs to bother me! My biggest problem with that is that I know and believe that guys and girls can not be "just friends!" It never works that way. Someone always wants something more. Thats how it has always been with me. Any guy I try to be "friends" with , they want something more. I know girls are just as scandalouse though too.. To answer your question though, he wouldn't make me sound like an insecure girlfriend, but he would act like I didn't mind him talking to her. Which is good in a way, cause I don't want to scare people off from being able to chat! 'Writing this down has helped me though, cause I know that he would never cheat on me. I just don't like being so scared of losing him. Any suggestions?
  6. I am 20 years old, and have been with my boyfriend for nearly 5 years. I moved away for a year and came back because it was too hard for us to be apart. I have a bad problem with me getting jealous when he talks to other girls. He has never once given me a reason not to trust him. He has tons of friends, but no close girl friends. I don't have many girl friends either. I did where I lived for a year, but when I am back here with my boyfriend, I am friends with him and HIS friends. My boyfriends best guy friend was hookin up with this girl that my boy and I got to be aquantances... they aren't hookin up anymore, but we still run into her once in a while... Last night she text messaged my boyfriend and asking if she could come over to his house for the 4th of July. He said sure, then she said she had a question to ask him... she said she felt that they could be close friends, but wondered if his relationship with me would hender their closeness!!! I have been cool with her, and haven't even stopped or said anything about them being friends!!! Now this upsets me though, cause I would like her to feel that she could have a close friendship with me!! Why does she need to get close to my boyfriend? I really start to get insecure and protective when he talks to other girls... I can't help it!!! I am a very attractive girl with a very strong personality, I have been told i come off intimidating!? All of my friends are guys, and that doesn't bother my boyfriend, cause they are his friends too. Girls do not like me! My boyfriend insists that they are just jealous, but what do I do to stop me from feeling jealous??? Do I put off some sort of vibe or something!! How can I get girls to not find me so intimidating and vice versa!! And how do I stop getting so worked up when my boyfriend talks to other girls!!????????? Please Help, Confused and Jealous in Oregon!
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