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Everything posted by Curious0516

  1. That is awesome Sounds like your doing everything right so far I would just see how things play out, your converstation, etc. Perhaps start asking him what he thinks about it would be best
  2. I wanted to talk to her about thease things but oh well what can you do? I don't think it's a good idea to bend over backwords from the start because it could turn into a full time job. I am kind and respectful For example I handed her a beer to her hands and she said to me you don't have to treat me like a queen. I said to her that is just the way I do things and that was it.
  3. This past weekend I flew 1200 miles to meet a girl I have been talking to on the phone for a bit over a month. When I talked to her on the phone she sounded like somebody that I would like to fly and meet. One day before I flew to meet her she said something that I really didn't understand she said you never say bless you and that offends me. It made me a bit uncomfortable that she would say something like that to me and I wasn't aware that it offended her. When I met her we were having fun and everything but I just didn't like certain things like she would tell me to help her with the doors and I would tell her that I am trying but she gets there before I do. I did feel an attraction to her but I wasn't going to do anything about it because of these things. I didn't want to confront the situation too much because I was only there for the weekend and didn't want to make things uncomfortable. She called me right after I got to the airport asking me why I wasn't very talkative on the third day and I told her that I was tired that is all. The truth was that I didn't want to say too much because she is sensitive and I didn't want to say the wrong things. To this point I feel something inside for her I haven't called and I am not so sure at this point. The only things that I know is that we did have fun together but there were some hangups here and there. She is probobly asking herself why didn't he kiss me, etc. but I didn't want to do anything unless I was absolutely sure. I didn't want her to get hurt and I didn't want to feel rejected if in fact she didn't like me.
  4. She had asked me about my sexual past a threesome in particular I said no and then asked her if she had. I think I will cut her a break and see what happens because I had the option to tell her that I didn't want to know but I didn't take it. From now on I don't think I want to know about a girl's sexual past in full detail perhaps just if they have experience.
  5. There is nothing wrong with you You are just questioning wether or not you made the right choice which your probably did. Another thing that I have learned is that sometimes it is good to move on and not look back. Hope that helps
  6. I apologize to anybody if this is judgemental Lately I have been talking to a girl who I met online and she seems to be somebody who is fun. We have been getting along through our phone conversations Here is the deal I get disappointed in a girl when they tell me about crazy sexual encounters that they have had. A lot of women tell me about the things they are not so proud of that they have done. I don't know if this happens to other people but they always tell me their deepest things right off the bat. Only God knows why Well, The girl that I have been talking to now told me about her sexual encounters and I am considering breaking contact. I just don't know if I am looking at things from the proper angle. I myself have not had one night stands or sexual encounters with more than one person at the same time. Honestly it does disappoint me a lot when others have done things like that. To me it would be better if I never knew about these things but I guess it is better for the person to be upfront. I don't want to miss out on getting to know somebody because of something like this and I also don't want to be with somebody who does things like that. I just want to know if this is something that I shouldn't be so judgemental or disappointed about. Thanks for reading
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