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  1. You sound like Jane Eyre to me. I mean that in the best possible sense. I know exactly what you mean about being uncomfortable with being paraded in front of everyone. I would be too. So I agree with the advice you've been given: 1. You need to meet his friends at some point. 2. Do it in a low-key way where you're not meeting them all at once and you aren't expected to talk ever so much.
  2. I work at the library, and there are a lot of cute guys that come there sometimes. I'd like it if one of them came up and talked to me instead of just staring at my butt when I lean over to put books back on the shelf! The natural thing would be to go over and comment about books or something since she's at the library. Most likely, if she's staring at you and then looking away, she's interested in talking to you but is too shy. Anyway, you only live once.
  3. That happened with my sister and the guy who's now her boyfriend! He wanted to go out with her but she wasn't interested...But he asked her out anyway and, after thinking about it for a while, she decided to date him! They will likely get married in a couple years. All that to say, I think a lot of girls would just melt at the idea of any guy they knew well pursuing them romantically (not just trying to get sex) if they knew about it and if the guy met her basic criteria. I think you should tell her.
  4. Thanks! I'll think about that idea...maybe if I could work up the courage to be possibly completely rejected...
  5. This is really stupid: I've been in love with this guy for the last year. He's perfect for me. Everytime I talk to him (or rather im with him) we have these really deep conversations that I, at least, find enjoyable. But there are problems. 1. He's waiting for someone else. 2. He's not in love with me. See above. 3. I'm not sure that, when we talk online, he's not just sitting back at his computer chuckling cynically about how flirtatious I am and how pathetic that is. I don't flirt with him because I highly doubt he'd be taken in by that, but I'm pretty sure he knows I like him and he's slightly egotistical so he may think that or misinterpret what I'm saying. What should I do? I can't get over him although I've certainly tried! Unspecific question for any kind of answer...
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