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Posts posted by Lboogie23

  1. I read your previous thread, and if your girlfriend really is bisexual, its not something that she can just ignore. Even if she wanted to , her real feelings will always come out eventually.Like when she's drunk.

    I'm sorry your going through this, i can imagine how frusterating it must be for you as i'm sure you love your girlfriend very much. But the reality is, maybe you should have a serious chat with your gf and find out for real if thats really who she is. Because if it is, and she tries to hamper her feelings to spare yours, then she will only resent you in the end. Try to open minded, and not too judgemental. I know it hurts you, but these kinda things are really out of our control. good luck to you.

  2. when i was 19 i dated a 51 year old man. and i don't think there is anything wrong with it, you can't really control who you love. sometimes you would be surprised who you have chemistry with.

    Anyways, i think if your just casually dating and you live in your own place with your own life then its your own business who you decide to see and your really not in any obligation to tell your parents.

    But if its going to be long term, then you probably should let them know. they can't stay mad at you forever, and it may even help them to realize that you are an adult capable of making your own decisions.

  3. I definatley understand your reasoning behind not wanting to live together until you are married. In a lot of ways it would make the marriage seem more complete and final and yes, special. And while that situation might be ideal for you, there is definatley something to be said about really knowing a person by living with them. I was with my ex for two years before we moved in, and when we did, i learned things about him that i never knew, and it helped me ultimately realize that he was not the one for me. I'm not saying this to say that you should get to know your fiance better before you marry him or anything, i;m just saying that living together before marriage can prove to be.....useful.

    But i think if its really not what you want then stay with your mom until the wedding, and visit when you can. Or rent a place and find a job until the wedding.It may seem like a waste but if thats really something you want to wait on(living together) then it will be worth it.

    Besides, nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

  4. Well, it definatley has to be a mutually wanted thing. I don't think its dirty if you are both into it, and its not just all about a guys pleasure. Women can like it too if its done right.

    My SO and i don it once in a while just for something fun and different to do. I wouldn't really recommend it on a regular basis.

    But to give you some advice, lube it up(a lot) get on top and stradle him, this way you can have more control on the degree of penetration, also this position opens you up more and it will fit in better. go incredibly slow , not thrusting back and forth, just very slowly putting it in until it is comfortable for you. I wouldn't recommend laying on your stomach with him on top, this closes you up and it hurts far more. good luck and have fun with it!

  5. I'm no doctor either, but it seems to me that with all the technology out there that there would be something that could be done about your friends condition, besides the ordinary medication.

    You said she has already seen plenty of doctors regarding this issue and they have all given her the same answer, but i would keep researching, and also, keep your eye opened to different doctors. They can't all have the same opinion. Sorry i couldn't be of better help. My sister has IBS and i know it can really interfere with her life, but not to any degree of what your friend is going through.

    Good luck, i really hope you can find something for her.

  6. Well, if the two of you are still reallly close, you should be able to talk with him about anything, including this. Maybe you can ask him how he would feel about trying the relationship again. How long have you been just being friends post break up?

  7. Well, you even said yourself that you thought that he kissed you just to get at her for already assuming that the two of you had been together.

    To me that says that he probably isn't into you as much as you are into him. It sounds like he loves and chooses to be with his girlfriend for whatever reasons that have nothing to do with you. He may still want to be your friend but feels akward about the kiss. Also he may not feel right with you hanging out with the two of them bc he may feel like it compromises his relationship. And i only say that bc you kissed each other.


    Have you tried to talk to him? Maybe you can work past this. Would you be okay with just being friends? try to talk to him when his gf is not around. Good luck

  8. i guess i'm exactly sure why i feel like this.

    When i was young i lived in a very small town where there were NO minorities whatsoever. It was dominately caucasion. I was a little different, my mother comes from a very dark skinned siclian family and my father is german and indian.

    So i sort of stuck out like a sore thumb with my dark complexion and thick coarse hair. I always got picked on and they always told me how ugly i was and that i looked like a jungle monkey. I had no friends, and their comments really hurt.

    i guess i was 14 when we moved to a bigger city and iwas much more socially accepted and even got compliments on my features but i don't know i think by then the damage was done, you know.

    also about 5 years ago i started a horrible and traumatizing battle whith acne that has left some scarring on my face and i think that ulitmatley was the icing on the cake for me. I just feel horrible all the time. Even when i am all done up, i think that people must see through it and see how unattractive i really am.

  9. okay, i guess for as long as i can remember i have always struggled with very low self esteem. It disrupts my life, and my relationships on a daily basis. i hate confrontation. I guess bc i don't feel confident enough in what i have to say. i never feel pretty enough, and no matter how much i'm told that i am pretty or attractive, i can never see it myself. When i look in the mirror, all i do is see flaws and things i wish i could change.


    i have also been struggling with my fiance who looks at pornography on a regular basis, this crushes my already low self esteem. And while i have tried to explain my feelings to him, he has never stopped and don't think he ever will. I get so mad at myself for not being able to deal with this and i know its my own insecurities that inable me to do so. I feel like hes not happy with me and thats why he does this. Ihave posted other threads on the subject and have received great advice, but it all comes down to my own self esteem issues.


    i can't go to the store without a full face of makeup on and my hair done. If i do, i feel horribly ugly and i just want to keep my head down and not make eye contact. it angers me when some one tells me i am attractive bc i feel like they are just saying that, i feel like it can't possibly be true. I'm always trying to do things to make myself feel prettier or better. Like constantly changing my hair, go ing tanning all the time, i always have to have my nails done, i buy clothes exessively, and even after all this, i still feel ugly.


    I guess i just wanted to get this off my chest. I was wondering if anyone else felt like this, or had any possible advice. thanks.

  10. I think you should probably wait until your not so mad to even say anything about the situation. And i don't think that theres anything wrong with being the one to call as long as you approach the situation the right way.

    I wouldn't be too confrontational about it. Maybe just ask him if he's still into you and if he had planned on rescheduling your date.

    You haven't been dating him long so i definatley see why it seems hard to approach the situation, but i think you should say something or else you may come off as a door mat. (good luck)

  11. If anything, tell him you want to separate for six full months. Meaning no contact, broken up. tell him to get his issues worked out by then and maybe you can try again if he has totally changed,but he would need professional help bc he has a real problem.(thats totally up to you though) Otherwise just end it for good. But there needs to be some kind of a break here. Enough is enough.

  12. In cases like this, if you are serious about getting away from this unhealthy situation, cold turkey is the best policy. don't even give him the opportunity to sweet talk you, he obviously knows how to play on your emotions to make you take him back.

    I had a guy like this once and he always got me to take him back. even after i was soooo mad at him, somehow i always gave in. Finally i ended up moving out of where i lived and moved in with a friend that he didn't know without tellilng him, and i finally got rid of him. this was an extreme case, but you get the idea. These kind of guys are so sneaky and so shady, your better off without them. Just be strong, your not going through this alone.

  13. i totally agree with her! I couldn't believe it when you mentioned that you had only been together for six months and are fighting so badly that you have already broken up a number of times.


    I think deep down you know the answer to your problems. this is not the one for you. If he is emotionally abusing you now, what will it come to later??`You should take care of yourself here, don't allow yourself to be stepped on like this. Good luck to you.

  14. wow,thats strange. But sometimes when people hold things in for a long thime it comes out like and explosion and we are just left wondering,"what the hell"?


    It sounds like his problems stem largely around his friends. It seems as if hes feeling like he has to be a certain way in order to keep them as his friends. Maybe they have been pressuring him into doing things that he feels guilty about. It sounds like hes trying to tell you that he has betrayed you in some way, but is afraid to come out and say it maybe in fear of losing you??


    One thing is for sure, its not good at all that he has been able to lie to you for god knows how long. And you can only imagine what he may have been doing on weekends from whenever he leaves your house until two or three in the morning......


    did you plan on talking to him today? Maybe you can get him to soberly talk to you and explain a little more clearly what exactly has been going on. good luck

  15. it seems by the different posts on here that the younger(teenage) boys tend to like really small, really skinny girls. And men a little older like a women with a figure that is more curvy. Which makes me feel better, because while i am small, i am also curvy. The only body type i can think to compare it to is jennifer lopez. She is smaller on the top and thick on the bottom. I know some men who say they think shes fat, so i guess i was wondering what other men thought.

  16. i was just wondering bc i guess i'm confusesd on what men consider thin. some women have a small waist but have bigger thighs and hips and butt and are considered fat for that.

    i have a small chest(size b cup)

    a small waist

    and i wear a size 9 in pants. which means i have a booty and hips.

    Is that still considered thin?

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