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Everything posted by kebesshottamsn.com

  1. anyone know any books about rape and how to deal with it that i can buy for my friend.she doesnt want to go to counseling because they try to bring up the past so i want to get a book that doesnt say in capital letters you are a rape victim but a book that can help her understand she needs help a and how she can recover in life
  2. those are for paid though and dey get a little pricey is der any free listings in queens
  3. well its been a month im still with this girl trying my best i found out a lot more on why she does the things she does thanks to adults that know her.im guessing if i didnt i wouldnt be able to go through this alone.right now i have the courage to tell her to go to counseling know.right now shes going out with this boy that asked her out and still wants to be close with me and that shook me up because that not possibly or right to both of us .in my head since we were always happy i locked out the r@@@ fact (still cant say it) but after to see that she does have a probelm again now i know what i have because i do love her so thank you all for the help. can someone give my resources for help in queens
  4. thank you for the site now is their any site that explains the sysmtoms of rape like any site that has the affects that it has on a person or people explaining how it affect them.it was a childhood rape thank you for the information
  5. well its been awhile since i replyed on my ordeal i've been check other peoples post to see if they are similiar but i cant find anysite that will give me a description of the symptoms she has so i can help. right now we are really close and she really trust me she explains to me because she showed me her mom and family and let me in to her house.right now she is very angry she says its not me and that she is trying to think about things.this all happened when we had a little fight she doesnt like hearing the truth sometimes she thinks everyones judging her .anyway when said she keeps blocking me out she said yes i do because i dont need listeners any more i need helpers.isaid i want to support her and that i have been researching online.she said no site can tell you what im going threw.so can someone give me some sites and some advice.i've been to a counseler for my probelms and i told her so she doesnt think im just blind to how it feels to have issues i dont know if she has.but its getting a little worst cause shes not used to someone like me who cares well not out of a boy.guess the others just wanted sex
  6. thats the thing im not really sure of things now.im not the type to date alot either i only go out with a girl that i think is special ,im picky.it maybe has something to do with me. i only look for unique people that stand outside of the crowd and i must of fell for her cause her personality isnt normal but i really do love her and like i said im not really a dater ive only had 2-3 girlfriends in my life which werent long.so because im young i dont understand anything and i want to be with her.our maybe its that fact that shes always talking about the future we're going to have together that has gotten to me.
  7. im in the same situation as you i've been with this girl for a long time and i love her.she always wants me by her side and she says she loves me and cares for me and that i am a special person to her.but when i ask her out she always makes "dates" that our relationship will start.which confuses me because i don't want to get hurt.she says its because of her last boyfriend.i never understand it because i am her boyfriend she just doesnt see it.ill try the if we cant start a relationship then i cant be with you all the time plan.dont really know
  8. found out she was a bully in junior highschool by my best friend who she used to bully..also she forged this paper with her mothers name and her mom found it so she blamed me and now i have to make up i lie that it was an accidentt and i likenher signature so i tried it out i love her ...but
  9. here aree the text we sent the day i found out i didnt put mine because all isaid was the samething i said above that itt makess no sense that for 7 month we always kissed on the ccheek in the morining until we offically would go out in jan and now u push mee away and act different with out response. today after school we waited for her mom.she would walk with me and when i started a convo with her she would walk up faster which is rude.when i touched her hair she said i was bugging her.she basically ignored me but was walking with me so its like i didnt come to you you came to me.also we talked about the events on friday but the r..... part didnt come up so i didnt say just as if it never happened but i know she does Are u still mad? If so, ur going overboard Mad for what? Over a kiss on the cheek? U going overboard.u can't force someone to accept a kiss on the cheek. No means no...theres no why You act like I said stay 30 ft away from me or I'm callin da cops I didn't say anything except don't kiss me on my cheek and then u wna start debatin I don't no wat to say to u cuz ur so sensitive...so I guess I juss won't say anything but don't ask y cuz when u do ,u askin for it....but I still love you....ur my annoyin luv n ur da only guy I actually have conversations with...da rest just wna jump in a relationship n I dunno dem I'm wearin my northface...its freezin.n I had a dream I got my belly pierced n I was holdin ya hand n then when da guy pierced it..ur hand was there.so he pierced my belly stickin to ur hand So u think I don't care about you? Maybe I don't show it but I do..I wouldn't waste my time on u if I didn't....dat means ur special to me
  10. is their anyway i can help her cause the chances of her goin to one is pretty low not until we go to college
  11. helloo im new to this forum but heres my probelm im 17 and theres this girl in my highschool that from the day i saw her i fell in love wit her which sounds kind of corny but has to be true from what i've been threw anyway. as soon as we met we always had fun together never had fights always put a smile on each others face and she always seemed caring as she gave me hugs and kisses its not until this summer after 7 months that i asked her out now the probelms started happening from their. she told me i would have to wait 3 wks before we could go out she said it wasnt me but that she didnt know if she wanted to get into a relationship.so i believed her and after those 3 wks.she made up her mind that she didnt want to get into a relationship with me until after college which is a 2 yr period.scarey part is she really believed that it was ok to do somthing like that. .so i tryed being more sweet like writing her poems and even a love song s.she always said she liked it.but i always got this feeling that even though im doin all this she doesnt get it in her mind the reason why im doing this for her because to her it was like giving her a gift card for a free pizza.but after that she changed the date on when we would be able to go out to 2 months which would be jan 07. i was really happy but the probelm began when i realized WHAt kinnd of girl does this .you cant hang with a boy all the time and when they ask you out your tell them to wait weeks months years its not normal.i really started gettin pissed when she stop letting me kiss her on the cheek with out saying anything.its like i would say hi and go near her and she would push me. she never told me why in my head i was like you let me go to the same bathroom wit you but i cant even kiss you on the cheek .so i asked my friends and they all were like shes using you and you dont deserve to be traeted like that.i couldnt let her go though so i asked her why she was acting like that and she said she just didnt want to be kissed anymore when i saw her i should just say hello but that make no sense and she wasnt mad at me.so after that i started talking to her and she was texting me saying i was goin overboard thing is she has a lack of empathy i realized that because she would make fun of me and say harsh stuff and not know what was wrong with what she said.most of the time she hurt me was when we were having a playfull debate over who is childish and so that she wouldnt lose she would hurt me.so for 2 days i wasnt talking to her and she sent me this text messages. i dont know what to say to youcuz your so sensitive ..so i guesss i juss wont say snything but dont ask y cuz when u do u askin for it..but i still love you ur my annoyin luv.n ur the only guy i actually have conversations with..da rest just wna jump in realtionship n i dunno dem that day she sent that text we cut school and went to sizzlers.we had a good time until we had another debate that ended up becoming serious bcause she didnt want to lose and it was over whos a kid...god after that we walked out and i was silent she got upset and didnt understand why she though it was cause she didnt let me kiss her but i told her that wasnt the point.then when we got to the bus stop she told me...it just that when i meet new people i act more caring toward them den ppl i care about.when i get to know them i just dont do stuff like that with them anymore..i was sooo confused i said maybe its cause of something that happened when you were young then i started building up tears.for some reason i have high empathy its easy for me to read people like a book. when she started saying when i was 7 i started crying then she finised it with r***d (the word is taboo to me now its hard to see it)she tryed to tell me by who but i yelled out stop.while i was on her shoulder crying i looked at her face and i couldnt see any emotion like she was trying to push out the fact that i was there crying and that she was at a bus stop alone.when i whispered im sorry she said its not your fault you didnt know.when we got back on the bus we acted like what happened didnt and we were cracking jokes and laughing i truly love her and i wish someone would tell me what to do next i know that we can just act like nothing happened but for her sake i think for her to tell me i cant just act like that cause i know her emotions were affected by it.even she doesnt know why.shes done a good job of hiding it just like im able to hide my probelms.but i think that if i love her i need to be someone she can talk to about it. please help me so i can understand her more and some steps i should take also she wants to go to the same college as me and always talks about the house we will have and the kids she will adopt because she doesnt want to have them.she forgets though that we arent a couple yet or i dont know im to young and inexperienced with women and this is like my first real relationship with someone also sorry for bad grammmer and spelling my hand hurts from typing
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