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  1. When I was reading your message I couldn't believe what I was reading. I kind of wanted to laugh in a "I'm sorry" way because I am going through the same exact thing with my girlfriend. I don't know exactly what to tell you because I need the help to. I just can't believe he's treating you like this. Guys are people that don't like to talk and doing things with their partner doesn't matter if it does or doesn't happen. I'm not like that. I know how it feels to not hear I love you when you want to hear it. I hate quitness myself. I'm a person that when I'm with someone I'm there until the end and I won't give up. I'm quite sure how you are though. I'd love to have a girl that loves me to no end and wants nothing else to do but life her life with me. I guess maybe you can tell him that there is something very important you need to talk to him about. Let him know that you are very concerned about yourself, him, and the two of you together. And just tell him how you feel about things changing with the two of you. Don't say "with him" alone because then he will get angry. Just ask him where he want your future to go together. And just let him know that you cry and miss him so much. I hope I said something that could help you. Nothing works for myself in my situation.
  2. First of all you didn't say how old you were. That could effect your situation. The second think I wanted to say was that some women cannot have a orgasm from going inside. Sad but it is true. The g-spot is a rough thing. I'm not sure if you've even located it. As for the orgasm I'd say stick with playing with your clit. I'm sure you'll have one then.
  3. I have been with my girlfriend for three and a half years now. She is 13yrs older than I, has two children, and lives with her mom and sister at the present time. She has been divorced twice. In the three and a half years we have gone through a whole lot. We have broken up twice in that time which was her decision. The first time was because she was afraid one day I'd want a child of my own since she can't have anymore. The second break up was because she was afraid that I'd wake up when I'm 35, ask myself "what am I doing with her," and leave her. Now the situation we're in now has nothing to do with her and I as a couple. Right now her brother is going through a very rough marriage that involves two kids. The marriage may be over for him. My girlfriend won't talk to me about what is going on because she feels that her brother doesn't want his personal life discussed. My girlfriend is so stressed and depressed that she doesn't even want me around. She's doubting all relationships now. She has not broken up with me yet. When her and I are around each other anywhere she won't talk to me but for one word answers, but she'll conversate with other people smile and laugh. I think she just does that so people don't know she's troubled, but I don't know. It hurts to she her talk and laugh with other people and not say much to me at all. Her and I talked a couple days ago and she just doesn't want to be bothered with anyone at all even myself. She said she needed space and that me even calling her, stopping by for ten minutes, or watching her kids sporting events is not what she wants me to do now. I tried my hardest to reassure her that I'm here with her in this relationship forever and I won't leave her. So now I'm giving her the total space she wants and not bothering her at all. It hurts to not see her, and scares me even more that my relationship could be over. I don't want that to happen, but I don't know what I can do. I want to be there for her in her tough time, but she won't let me.
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