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Everything posted by mynatahsa

  1. that's funny. me too. I am waiting for him to say "oh my gosh!...what is wrong with me..." and it isn't ever going to happen.
  2. My husband used to try to..... they are grown now....I started young. We got into many fights over my children. His son was able to do anything and he made all sorts of weird rules for my kids.....or rather he tried to.....unsuccessfully. do you have kids? Together or ??
  3. Hello. Looks like me and you are in the same boat.....alone without any family...just a big bully husband. My first marriage lasted 16 years, this one 6. I'm ready to go....but only emotionally ..... I have been studying Buddhism lately and have been getting a lot of insight there. For the most part though....I am struggling with it. It seems there is no easy way.....but talking to him is like talking to a wall or a bomb...... I know I haven't helped you figure it out....but just wanted to say that you are not alone on this one.
  4. complicated people and there are obstinate people... Aha....that is right. And that is a good idea. I've never had someone do that before.....
  5. He will sit down and try to talk. But every serious conversation that we have unfortunately ends up in an argument. He starts getting high pitched and then I get mad cause he's "yelling" instead of talking .....nothing ever gets resolved. I am not some negative person who doesn't know how to resolve conflict. But he is one complicated person.....I have never experienced a person like this in a relationship. Thanks for your input.....
  6. Where did you get that I knew this before I married him? ????? I said after we were married.
  7. it sounds like you could only do better. why would you want a guy that doesn't work and just brings you down? My guy brings me down.....but he pays the bills at least!!! hahahaha...only kidding.... but seriously....sounds like you should upgrade to me.....
  8. Married, 6 years....and the sex thing is getting worse and worse. Frequency dropped....on our wedding night.....we didn't have sex ......after he begged me to marry him.... It has been this way since then. I've tried talking, he just gets mad. I don't think he is capable of true intimacy......but we do have a lot of fun most of the time......we laugh a lot and generally like doing some things together. I'm not happy like this. I'm not a cheater. He is......or at least has been when he was drinking and drugging. He has cheated with guys. One guy called me and gave me details. It was all true..... I just don't want to end this until I know that I have exhausted every possible solution. I'm not there yet.....but I feel like I'm waiting aroung, watching my life pass before my eyes.
  9. I once....dated a guy, quite a bit younger than me. I really liked what he told me about himself, and he was extrememly attractive. Come to find out, he was lieing and had a girlfriend in high school....I felt so stupid. Here I was thinking, he's young, not jaded, honest.....wow.....and he was only trying to have sex with me.
  10. Our sex life changed the day we were married. We went from 1 or 2 times per day.....to maybe 1 time per week.....now it's like 1 time per month or even longer. He has had gay sex.....when he was hooked on meth. But now he's clean and finally stopped drinking..... ....I feel all the feelings that women have when they are with a gay guy.....I feel neglected and lonely....even when we have sex, it doesn't feel intimate to me. Yes. I have discussed it. He just gets mad at me. He has done everything with all kinds of men. I have found out so many things. I accept him if he is.....but he fully denies it. I am so confused, so terribly confused and I feel like an idiot. He tries to hold on to our relationship....to the point of obsession. But why? I loved our sex before..... He says that he always wants it and I never do..... the truth is.......not at all like that..... What do you think.....????
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