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Everything posted by inquisitivesharon

  1. Does anyone know where you can purcharse spermicide (the kind of put on a diaphragm)? I checked at Target but they didn't have it - unless they keep it behind the counter. Thanks!
  2. Hi- I have a second date tonight with a guy I met online. Our first date was great and we had a nice time. He took me to a nice restaurant and was very polite and chivalrous (opening doors, paying for dinner, etc.) and seemed like a nice guy overall. We live within a mile from each other and have plans to go out to a restaurant about 20 minutes for our houses - so it makes sense for him to come to my house to pick me up. However, I wonder if this is the safe thing to do, given that I don't know him very well yet. Should I meet him somewhere instead? Any advice appreciated! Thanks.
  3. When you are in the early stages of dating someone new, what "deep topics" do you like to talk about? What topics of conversation are important for you to discuss that go beyond the where did you grow up, where did you go to school, what's your job, etc.? How do you steer the conversation so that you can really find out about someone beyond the initial surface. Guys, I would be especially interest in your viewpoint! Thanks! Sharon
  4. I got an e-mail from him this afternoon saying he had a nice time, but just didn't feel the chemistry. I'm bummed, but I appreciated his honesty.
  5. After communicating daily w/a guy online for two weeks, we finally made plans to get together this weekend for dinner. He took me to a nice restaurant and picked up the tab. The conversation flowed nicely and the date lasted more than 2.5 hours. I thanked him and told him that I had a nice time and he said, "Let's talk after I get back from vacation?" - he's leaving on Thursday for a four-day trip. The next afternoon, I sent him a quick, two line e-mail that said "Thanks for dinner - hope you have a great trip." He never responded...yet in our communication the previous two weeks he has responded w/in two hours of each e-mail and has been able to e-mail at various times throughout the day. Granted, I didn't ask him a question, but I figure that if he was interested in another date, he would have responded with a, "me too, call you when I get back." Do you think he's not interested in a second date? I may be overly sensitive but I just got the disappearing act this summer from my boyfriend of 6 months.
  6. I had been dating my bf for the past 6 months. We had ups and downs, mostly due to the fact that he wanted to take things slowly after recently getting out of a LTR where his ex had cheated on him. He told me that I was a gem, a rare find, a special woman - but one day, he just up and disappeared. Here's the background: I was admitted to the hospital after a near-death experience that was very sudden and very serious. I left him a message letting him know what happened (we were still dating at the time - month #6) and he was absolutely panicked when he found out. He told me he was so scared that something would have happened to me, called the nurses station to get updates and leave messages for me, and told me he would come to the hospital right after work to check up on me. He never showed up to the hospital. He called the next day to tell me that the traffic had been bad (how lame) and he couldn't get to the hospital, but wanted to take me out to dinner after I was discharged the following day. I said fine, but we needed to be back at my house by 10 so that I could take an injection that was time-sensitive. At the time he was supposed to be at my house, he called to tell me he would be an hour late b/c he had to return a phone call to his brother. He showed up with flowers, a bottle of wine and held me in his arms for 10 minutes in a tight embrace and told me he never wanted to let go. We had a nice evening and made plans to get together for his birthday the following weekend. Two days later, I sent him an e-mail letting him know I had something really fun planned for his birthday, and much to my surprise, I received a response saying that he didn't want to go out for his birthday (with no further explanation). I waited a day, and then sent a response saying, "that's fine" and told him that I was staying home from work b/c I still wasn't feeling good and was having trouble breathing. He never responded. I let a day go by, then two days.... and now it's been one month. I have heard nothing from him - no e-mails, letters or phone calls. NOTHING! For all he knew, I could be dead due to complications from my illness - and still nothing. Thanks to this web site - I have maintained NC. It's a struggle every day b/c his behavior is so cruel and inexplicable. The one thing that's keeping me back from e-mailing is knowing that he deserted me in the time when I needed him most - AND - that he was willing to cause me stress when my physical health (breathing) was already in serious peril. However, I have an obsesssion about knowing why. How is it possible that any human being could up and leave someone during such a tough time - and just forget the history we had together. I don't get it. I understand that this speaks volumes about his character and doesn't represent the type of person I deserve to be with. But, to be honest, it makes me feel less than human that someone was able to do this to me. Has anyone else been the victim of a disappearing man? How did you find closure within yourself? I know he won't (or can't) provide it although it's tempting to e-mail him and ask. I'm taking this time to work on myself and get my life moving ahead without him, but I can't stop thinking about the why. Every day, it's a struggle to e-mail him and ask what happened. Any advice would be appreciated. Thnx. Sharon
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