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Everything posted by computer_tec09

  1. Actually there is such a thing as minor infidelity. That is when you don't do anything serious to put the SO at any risk of contacting an STD's. This would be minor things like kissing/french kiss, cuddling, talk dirty online or on the phone or make out. Some people would get over that fast than actually finding out your SO had a full blown affair or one night-stand. And nope, just cuz you do those minor thing doens't mean you don't love them, you still think about them. In fact if I didn't love my fiancee I would dump her right now. 1) Do I wanna end it?? Hells nope 2) Do I wanna marry her?? Yes, sometime this year or beginning of her next 3) Do I wanna have kids with her?? Hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's my first relation by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Wow, I'm surprise I got some responses. Anyways she did come on the 1st of June. Everything's alright except that she got the stupid idea of even buying this lie detector which I pass (I know all about lie detectors and how to fool them, which makes me think, I'll about this now), I stopped with the making out sessions when she came. As for marriage, yes I will marry her but not tomorrow nor next week, sometime late this year or the beginning of next year.
  3. Yes I wanna marry her. I didn't say I was unregretful, come to think of it, after that sweet talk yesterday when she came, pretty much feel awful about it. But nope, if I ever to tell, then that's it, I bet it would be so over. This all happen last year, at 18 along with the long distance, I notice I started changing and become more of a flirter, outgoing guy. Before it was the opposite, so yea I changed, even do talk alot more than before. It's like I went wild.
  4. Nope, definitely would not be happy about it. I would have a match with the other dude and tell him "Hey what the heck is your problem, she's my girl". Yea LostInMyThoughts, do plan on stopping this. Like I stated I wans't like this when she met me 3 years ago, I changed.
  5. Alright, I know this sounds pathethic and I bet yall gonna think "Damn she should throw that loser to the curb". Well see, at times, it's not like you do it with the purpose of hurting the SO, you're not really going with that malicious intend, just that the occasion is present and you and your partner are at it for so long without seeing each other, that it's not like before. Do you wanna tell?? Nope, unless it was something serious like STD's then ok. Do you wanna get caught?? Off course not, who would want to!!!!!!! Do you plan on continuing?? Nope, off course not, now you don't really want to!!!!!!! Yes, I know, I know "No Excuse", heard that already many times, think I'm gonna fall asleep if I hear that again, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Anyways well this how my story goes: 3 years ago I met my now finacee and first ever serious relation. I was a sophomore at high school back then and she was already in college, she's older than me by 4 years. Yea, she didn't really mind I was still a student and underage. I'm her third one so she's not really a virgin, while I am due to religion. As to how the cheating episodes took place, here goes. Way 7 months ago she had to go visit her other family in Chile and so we would not talk as often as before. Then 1 month later, is when I start meeting some people from link removed and also new friends on a bar. The first time it was at the bar, me and my friends got a bit high, and well this girl and me started talking, we end up kissing and making out. It did felt weird at first, making out when I have a relation. Then some 3 months later I started dating these 3 other girls and flirted. So now in total, I have make out with 4 different girls. Dunno wut went on with me, it's like I totally change, use to be quiet once, even bashful sometimes, my finacee was the one who first started talking to me back then. And we would go out in secret, cuz damn parents, so *mod edit* strict, had curfew until 10 p.m. only and if I didn't, I would be outside standing like an idiot. So now to present: Well she came just yesterday at night, it was really gonna be on June 6, but I'm glad she's back. I almost forgot to erase all the e-mails from those girl I make out with, not seeing them again. That's for sure, nope, don't plan on continuing it. Do I wanna marry my fiancee? Yes I do, do love her, I really do. So I'm I bad?? Nope, it was long distance that was driving me nuts, I was missing her like crazy. I know she won't really find out cuz those girls are from another state and hardly any of my closest friend well besides my older brother knows about those making out sessions.
  6. I guess my first thought would be who the hell is that guy. Then as soon as I see him, me and him would go on a match.
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