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Posts posted by mikeca

  1. I had this problem (if you can say that) I just chaulked it up to being able to last long, even once you have sex if you keep this up for a while your GF will love it. (no one minute man here hah) but all I can say is relax, maybe go down on her first (that really got me going) and see where it takes you.

  2. well on one side im glad you got some closure out of the situation. Your right when you said you did everything you could, you swallowed your pride and made an effort. Now I believe it will hurt all over again but now that you've tried, I think NC will be more absolute, you let him know you care, nothing more you can do.

  3. Well I'm just gonna let whats on my mind flow out so here goes.


    Background Info


    So lately I've been thinking back to last few days of the relationship, we were in VanCity. We went out one night to have dinner with a old close friend of hers that she hasn't seen in a long time, under a time restraint. I wanted to see my first Canucks game early so I could catch a few photos of them skating around. So were at dinner and its coming up to about an hour before game time usually a good time to go...I dont say anything..they keep talking catching up...time rolls on and still I say nothing waiting for her to initiate leaving to the game. At this point I felt it would be rude to stop two former best friends from talking while its the only chance there gonna get.


    Finally the friend says something and we part ways so me and my gf are on our way to the game. We arrive about 10-15minutes before game time, just in time for me to snap 2 pics of the 'nobody's leaving the ice. So I wasnt too happy and I let her know; "I'm so disappointed this was the one thing I wanted the entire trip and now we've missed it'' I said that over the course of the night, she apologized and I after looking in those lovely hazel eyes later said it didnt matter.


    So as I said I was thinking back to that moment...about a week before the breakup and I noticed a pattern from me. and it hit me like a revelation, I never spoke up when I was mad/wanted something/etc. I never communicated it to her as well as I should've. Everytime I'd be upset about something, I'd look in those eyes and just get lost. I would stop most fights before they even started because I was insecure to even get into them.


    Which brings me to my thought process tonight. its about 3am and I'm not sleeping yet, works slowly approaching but its not the first thing on my mind. I've been in NC since I told her I couldnt settle for just friends on May 1st. Stayed strong throughout the entire time whether were both at my job/hers/clubs. Ive been trying to move on but inside I'm waiting for that email, whether its just a light hello, or something more. That spark that initiates contact and gets the ball rolling again. I've read SD71's story and saw that she initiated the contact, and then I read another (jenny_mcs) where the dumpee slowly starting re-introducing himself back into her life, show her the improvements he has been making. It got me thinking maybe my situation is the latter. I've also been thinking lately as crazy as this sounds but this breakup has been good for me in other ways, career wise; I'm applying to the RCMP, realizing some of my own relationship mistakes (needy and losing myself) and value the time that you do have.


    So here I am, 3am and wondering now if NC has done its job, at about almost 3 months to bring me back to me. Its a tough decision and I'm split over what to do. I've seen people fail after initiating contact, maybe pushing there ex away forever. Part of me knows I should just keep on living and if it was meant to be she will find her way back somehow. But we all know NC is not for getting you ex back its for getting yourself back to be a better position for a chance at reconciling. And from that we all know that eventually NC must be broken. So lets hear some thoughts. I have not made up my mind but to me the initial contact would be a "coffee sometime" kinda deal.


    I'm smiling right now so that can be a good sign, maybe I'll sleep now that this is off my chest.

  4. damn I see myself in those last two stories about the guy being clingy, I kept bringing up the relationship, thinking every little romantic thing I could think of would help her realize what shes missing. I did this for a month before going NC and its been NC since then, looks like I've got alot to make up for. You really do lose your head after a breakup..

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