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Posts posted by mikeca

  1. ok...heres somethings I've done...I've done the whole long emails....(quite a few times) in search of the one time I poor all my emotions into this email she would feel the love from it and change her mind. If you can honestly say you dont feel like that send it. But if you do, I would advise you shorten it and add some positive information, or dont send it.

  2. well I think you have the right idea by going NC until she figures out some things on her own. You also must remember human beings tend to resist things that control us, you must give her the space to decide on her own. if she continuallys starts to call I think it would be best (if you havent already) to let her know you care about her and want the best for her (selfless love) and wanted to give her the space she needs right now.

  3. We definitely have the power to change how we feel...I was watching muchmusic and they had a spotlight on Nickelback. Now this might be nothing to most of the people on here but let me back track. LAst year this time we went on an amazing trip through alberta where they played nickelback all the time, saw my family, her friends. And after the break up they have one song called "someday" which is a great song... All this began to set me in a mood...almost wanting to cry, but then I thought of the fun positives that trip brang, and I smiled..

  4. Well I hope for the best in your situation. Your posting in the "GBT" boards so I'm hoping for you he sees the wonderful person in you and decides to make something of it.

    But also remember he could just be having a off day, lets hope he starts the ball rolling into something more.


    and what did you mean by "you got ugly?"

  5. (she broke up with him)



    Ya this is his way of dancing around the issue, dropping little compliments and how you two met and to guage your reaction to see if theres any feelings on your end, if there isnt, this is going to be hard on him. I would not reply if you dont have any feelings, it would be easier for him to go NC even thought it would be you doing it since he hasnt found this site yet so he can finally move on

  6. he lashed out because hes hurting still, your going to have to have a talk with him to see if you can work his out, honestly though I dont think hes forgiven you for cheating, and maybe he shouldnt, if you loved him why did you cheat on him?

  7. ya when this girl brought my heart it made me want to just go out and be a womanizer not really care for another girl again. But then my head took over and I decided thats not who I am as a person. This was my first relationship so I was unaware of being 'needy' too 'available' and making her happy by not arguing when in the end there needs to be a little of that, I still wonder if I'll get the chance to show her that.

  8. You know I was thinking of contacting my ex then I decided to read this thread and it inspired me. When I was in the relationship (my first) I did everything from the heart, I was unaware of mind games and being too available I just wanted to be with her when I could because thats how I love.


    Now reading the many posts in this thread its brought up several love overcoming pride and I believe in that 100% I would swallow my pride to show my love again. I know that I cant contact her, she will have to put her pride aside and send me a sincere message to show me that shes willing to work on things or to try.


    NC can only go for so long, before we have to make a choice whether they contact you in some way or you feel you need to intiate contact, what you do from that point on will set the tone. I have read both ways working out but only when someone puts their feelings ahead of their pride.


    For now I feel for my situation it would be best to let her do the contacting and maybe if it meant to be I will post a story like superdaves here, a posterchild for NC.


    I hope leigh you can read my words as well as everyone elses and make your decision I believe you know what you want, and you alone should act on it. No regrets.

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