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Posts posted by mikeca

  1. shes feeling alot of pressure from you and her friends, I mean how would it sound to you if everyone kept bringing it up over and over not to mention saying your making a mistake. I would give her some time alone to think then maybe contact her down the road and see what has developed.

  2. it would seem shes back on my brain after 3 solid months of NC its not a pain like it was initially. Its a weird feeling, she flows through my memories and as I think about it, i feel the feelings I had during that time Nervous,

    anxiety, ...love. I smile and laff now rather than getting sad and depressed. It also effects me doing NC, lately because of these thoughts I feel I should give her a call or goto coffee or something she was at my workplace yesterday and I almost went to talk to her but stayed strong. Then today I see her name on a letter from her job addressed to the bank..ugh..I know I should keep NC. But part of me thinks like some people have had success getting back even if they initate original contact. I've been debating that forawhile too, I've been trying to figure out if its my head telling me this or my heart. As soon as I can answer that I can make a choice..

  3. I would recommend reading superdave's story, it is strangely similar. On top of that I would allow her to recover from this breakup first before you would do anything. In the mean time allow her to get everything off her chest, I believe once she does this whether she actually means most of it will allow you to better judge how she feels and in turn how to respond.

  4. Well from my prospective, 'D' is keeping ties to the relationship, I mean if he would want nothing to do with you why would he contact your father? Hes also very confused and maybe see's your dad as someone who has been through alot and has become wise over his years. (is his father alive?) I had a good relationship with my ex's family bf's with her brother before we dated, and I'm joining the RCMP just like her father, at first I felt maybe I'd stay in contact with the father as he was helping me out with the application but I did not think it was right, I may call him down the road and ask for a reference but thats about it. I cant think of any reason else why "D" would talk to your father...its very unsual..

  5. I'd like to say its gonna get better quick, but it doesnt. weeks after the breakup I'd be at work or home and just randomly feel like crying and just being sad. But it does get better, it takes some time. What I found to help me was to keep busy, reading, joining a league, playing video games all kept my mind off her and eventually it became easier. If you want a book about relationships I just read : " the five love languages " by Gary Chapman, supedave71 suggested it in a post and I've enjoyed learning and bettering myself after reading it. I hope you can find some positives right now, just remember theres light at the end of the tunnel.


    also I found listening to Cake - I will Survive / Russell Watson - Faith of the Heart really turned around my moods

  6. Well today was a bit of a tough one, long work day + something unexpected popped up. So I rush from job to job, and as Im starting my 2nd job a co-workers comes up and says, so "Guy" is banging your ex now eh? I was like what? yeah right..hah and then hes like oh you didnt know? etc...then another person tells me some more info. I was just like wow...this "guy" is basically my protege at this job. I've trained with him since day 1. People, myself even considered him to be a 'younger me'. I thought of him kinda as friend, I couldnt believe this, then another co-workers said that she hasnt slept with him because hes a virgin, so now im like WHAT THE HELL how come so many people know so much and want to dump it on me! Ive been doing NC for 3 months so I was alittle distraught at first, but then I thought of you guys on here and all the positive reinforcement ive received...and got back to myself within the hour. I just couldnt believe this today, I put on a face, like oh well its her life she can sleep with who she wants, but on the inside it was brutal..just needed to write it off, doesnt hurt so much so I gotta thank the NC for that, but just how it went down kinda angered me.

    I kinda see it as a rebound since this is basically a younger me, im 21, hes 19 she's 23. So I doubt it'll be anything serious but who knows, and I guess who cares..

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