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Posts posted by mikeca

  1. Is it even possible for you to still love me after all that's happened?[/i]




    hmm..that line makes me wonder, she's obviously regretting some if not all thing after the break up it sounds like a tester for getting back together..have you been NC forawhile? Does she think your over her (if you arent) if you've been doing the things here listed you should do, this could be a result of those actions. I would suggest taking it slow, maybe asking her what she expects from you after this? maybe plan a meeting depending on that outcome, to see if shes generally interested, say i'll meet you for coffee but im busy this week, how about next. If she's serious then you will know.

  2. Well the problem with NC is..most of do it for the wrong reasons. Honestly, we come on ENA and see storys of reconciling and taking back, and we think..maybe that will be me..if i dont talk to them for a few months they'll come running back. even though we say its not for getting them back, we never listen. I havent..I dont know why even as I tell myself its for me my heart is like.."yeah, good one". But thats me, I guess im that kind of person. I dont like completely shutting the door on anything. I still 'relapse' but have not broken NC, I'm only human and I had a very big place in my heart for this one so its natural to harbour feelings after such a time. We just have to let go of trying to contact them no matter how different we feel, and just live our lives again, thats what matters the most, its you. and we forget that

  3. Im at a point now where its almost like...wow, im such a better person then I was 3-4months ago. I've gotten so much experience, prospective and just generally changed some of my habits, started reading again even if its relationship books haha. but then its like...I wish I could be this better person with them..

  4. I concur with aurian for a long time I'd have the same dream well actually like 3x but even that was confusing to me. SO I started running...basically running from the pain, and now I do it for fun and enjoy it. Knocks me right out come nighttime.

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