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Everything posted by markm

  1. Well, what do you know! Another Text message this morning, LOL. It's is raining here in Phoenix for the first time in 143 days (new record). It's been beautiful & sunny here for almost 1/2 a year with no rain until today. Just happens to be the weekend her family decided to visit from Wisconsin to get some sun, LOL! So anyhow, she texts me: "What do I do with my family on a day like today?" Why are you asking me? I have ignored her last 4 text messages and voice mail. But, she keeps on texting. I'm gonna keep ignoring her, unless she wants to talk about getting back together.
  2. well she just text messaged me again. She asked..... "Did you leave my mail under the mat or are you home by chance?" I didn't respond. Her family flew down last night and is visiting for only the weekend. She's been totally looking forward to their visit, and I'm sure they have a ton of plans. Funny how she would want to get her mail now. The mail has been under the mat, all she has to do is pick it up.
  3. So after she left that message yesterday about picking up her mail, I never contacted her back. Well, I just woke up and my phone had a text message on it. Apparently, she sent it last night at 11:30pm. She must have just gotten home from picking up her family from the airport (they are visiting from Wisconsin). She texts: "Thought you were here for second, there is a black mustang with silver letters in back like yours. License plate ends in LTT - Crazy!" Well, it wasn't me. My plate ends in LTL, and I was at Kona Grill all night.
  4. Thanks you guys, you are so right. You all are such a big help!
  5. Ahhhh! What the hell is wrong with me? I'm starting to feel like hell again. I'm missing her, and feeling like I screwed up and all that stuff. I feel like crying right now, but I can't. Damn! Some of her family is in town and I wish I was hanging out with them. I can't stand that she is into another guy and they might be doing "stuff" together. I went out tonight and just felt lonely and sad. I wish she was back home so I could just cuddle with her.
  6. Yeah, I guess. This was the first time she actually called, and not texted. I'm at home. Wonder if she'll just swing by? Doesn't matter anyway cause I'm going out for happy hour in 1 hour.
  7. She just called and left a voice mail. She asked if I could leave her mail out for her or if I would be around later to pick it up. She has some errands to run today, blah blah blah. Then she says, "hope things are going well, talk to you later" I'm not gonna respond.
  8. Absolutley! Don't be sorry, you're 100% correct. However, I don't think I'm her fallback guy. She has not displayed any desire to come over or call or anything.......yet. Thanks Solo! I am still laughing from reading your post!\\
  9. OK you guys won't like this, but her email is on my computer and that's her fault not mine. And yes I know I shouldn't look at it. Don't worry I am actually feeling fine about things. Especially when I read these! I opened it last night and saw that she sent out a couple of messages. These are messages sent by her about the new guy Carlos and her. This is how I knew they got back together. Remember, he broke it off for a second time becuase she came over to my house to get her mail. But this guy sounds like such an A-hole. I would never do the things he does, I can't believe she is being this stupid. She's gonna get hurt. Check these out: 1: "Carlos ended up telling me he missed me like crazy, he doesn't know what I did to him, he never felt like this before, etc... but things feel weird this time. And he hasn't told any of his little fling girls about me either. He was supposed to go to Vegas with a girl this weekend and he told her he couldn't because he had to work. I said "How is that fair?" And he gets mad at me for talking to Mark for one hour... what the f#ck? And then, last night I know he got a message from a girl about getting together tonight and she was horny (only saw Wed & horny). So, if we don't hang out tonight, I know what he's really doing and it'll be a done deal! Looked at his phone though he doesn't know it, his outbox was deleted and his inbox had messages from her "Where did you go?" that was after he got to my house, so I know he was texting her before he got to my place. Whatever, if it doesn't work, I'm on to better people! I shouldn't have looked at his phone, but when I saw those two words of the last message, I couldn't sleep!" 2 "Carlos and I are On & off I guess. I went to pick up my mail and talked to Mark for an hour. Carlos didn't appreciate that and ended things again. Now I guess we're trying it out again, but I'm leary. He's gottent together with some girls in the few days we were apart and he's the typical sassy boy that gets laid when he does that. He denies it, but admits to "having fun." Whatever, who knows what the true story is. I know he was texting a girl yesterday and I'm pretty darn sure he hasn't told her we are dating, I don't think he's told any of his flings that he's dating somebody seriously. So, I have my guard up! We'll see what happens."
  10. I'm not contacting her ever again.
  11. No, I didn't. We have a mutual friend.
  12. well, just as I thought. She is back with the other guy. ](*,) I didn't talk to her, I just know that it happened.
  13. well, I don't think she's gonna call anyway. She is basically done. After texting eachother yesterday, she just quit texting back after I sent my last message. So weird how she went from being emotional, upset, sad, needy towards me just a couple of weeks ago. And now she wants to stick around here in Arizona for another 3 month assignment to be with a guy she just started dating. How do people flip-flop like that? I know I can't. He broke it off with her becasue she came over to get some mail, right after he broke it off becuase she came to my B-day party. Not sure if she got back with him yet, but I assume they did yesterday or last weekend. Funny, I wasn't feeling close to her for quiet a while but I would never stray and date someone else. And I never looked for anyone else. I am brutally and stubbornly loyal. How could she go from being upset and crying that I wasn't calling her enough and seeing her enough, to wanting to desperatly be with another guy and stay here in Arizona with him. I still have a few things of hers at my house (bills, new bank card, tools) What's my move?
  14. But what if she wants to get together, or come over?
  15. hmmm...too late. She texted me later this morning about my weekend and we sent several messages back and forth. She asked if I went skiing, and if it was fun, and that she was jealous, etc. We used to go waterskiing every weekend with my family at their private waterski lake. I just said I had a great time, and it was so great to get back on the water.
  16. She text messaged me this morning: "Went rock climbing all weekend, awesome but so scary! Thank you for thinking of me the other day, appreciate it. Hope you had a good weekend." I texted her back: "Weekend was very nice. Thank you"
  17. Ok. So I'm starting to feel bad again. I cried today. Haven't spoken to her since Friday. I am so worried that she is snuggling/sleeping with another man. I hate this right now. I know she wasn't the right one. I wish she was. I keep wondering when I'll talk/see her again. I am missing her. I am staying strong though, and I am definatly not calling her. I'm just gonna take the pain and deal with it.
  18. Well I did a stupid thing yesterday. I called her. She was in the car with her friends. We started to chat and then it turned into her arguing with me. She kept putting words in my mouth and I was constantly having to correct her. I had felt bad for ignoring her when she came over the other day. I asked if she wanted to come over for a movie. She said it wasn't a good idea. So I asked why she never wants to spend time together. She said it was becase it is still hard to let go and there is still feelings there. She then said how she didn't want to give me false hope by doing things she did the other day, such as asking for a hug and almost kissing me. She was raising her voice at me on the phone and I just remained calm. But, She kept twisting all of my words and I must have sounded like the worlds biggest jackazz to her friends in the car. I ended the conversation by saying "I called to have a pleasant conversation, I'm gonna let you go now." Now I feel a bit worse. I miss her and I'm confused. I'm not down in the dumps or anything, but I am now wishing she was here. There was one good thing about the conversation...... It reminded me that I CANNOT have an intelligent conversation with her. That is one thing that drove me nuts about her. She cannot comprehend logic, and always puts words in my mouth and twists the truth. Well, no more of that. I added the this text banner on my cell: "Never Call Again" Hopefully that will knock some sense into my head next time I do someting stupid.
  19. Well, I'm still doing very well. Found out the new guy broke up with her for good (for now). She is totally in the dumps over it, LOL. She called me 2 nights ago. She told me the other guy broke it off for good, blah blah blah. I said, "don't worry he'll be back. He's just punishing you and your gonna build him up in your head and do anything to get him back." She told me that he has a kid and how she met the mother who is still friends with the guy. Well, I already knew this. I chuckled and said, "Really? That's classic" Then I said, "Well, I think the last of your mail is here. I'm putting it outside under the mat. Come pick it up, but don't call me anymore. Goodbye." So yesterday, I came home from work for lunch. She comes over and gets some of the stuff I left outside for her. One of the things I left for her was a t-shirt she bought me. She took it and brought it inside. I just said "Hello", then took the shirt and put it in the trash. She says, "You can't even keep a shirt I gave you?" I said, "No, I don't need it" I wasn't sure if she wanted to talk at all, but I basically ignored her. She walked outside and got into her car. So I went outside and walke toward the mailbox. She stops the car and asks, "are you gettin the mail?" "Yes" I said. She asks if I wanted a ride to the mailbox, I declined. I checked the mail, and she gets out of the car. I said, "No mail, you're good" Then I asked, "So did things work out last night?" She said, "No, I told you it was over" I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "Oh well" I just walked away and never turned back. Of course, I still think of her and wish things could have been different. But, I am also very excited about my next relationship and applying the things I have learned over the past 3 years. I am tempted to call, but I won't. I am sure the other guy will take her back anyway, but she deserves exactly what she's getting.
  20. You know what guys. I want to thank EVERYBODY! For some reason I feel great right now. I'm hoping it lasts. She is going after some idiot that sleeps around, has a kid, and an ex wife apparently, and has broken it off with her twice in 1 month, LOL. She's getting what she deserves at this point. I am happy to move on, I don't need someone like her and her low self esteem to affect me at all. I can do a lot better than her. And I know I am better than that new guy. I don't cheat on women, don't sleep around, I don't do drugs, never been married, no kids, great looking, own a great business, i have money, and lots of love to give! Good riddance. Bring on the next one!
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