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  1. I'm already having a problem with b/f of 1 year with his unwilling to get intimate or have sex. As sick as it sounds in my mind, I imagine getting it somewhere else. I would never cheat but I keep imaging that. Then I also imagine telling him that I'm going to leave him for someone else if he doesn't give me enough of it. Seriously why would a guy all of the sudden for the past 4 months say that he feels bore and not really into it. Accordring to him he says it feels like a chore. So what happened to his libido, where did it all go? Seriously wouldn't you all feel rejected or not wanted if your partner decresed getting intimate with you and you being the one having to insist and yet he/she's bore all along. Why can it be like before where it would be everyday?
  2. I don't really know whether to considered this rape or not. My best friend from the time we were kids confess that she was violated once by a stranger when she was 11 years old. Just like me, she also doesn't know if it was rape because only there was no penetration, instead she was forced to perform and receive oral sex. When it was done, the stranger told her that if a word come out of her, then it would be worst. I read somewhere that rape is when either oral, anal, or vaginal sex is done against the victim's will but to most people, penetration would have to occur.
  3. Hi people, Ok, I'm new here and basically I'm getting fed up with this crap I'm getting. But thing is I dunno if this is consider like abuse. Here goes: nearly 3 yrs relation and everything was fine until like 5 months ago he started with the critisims and like sarcastic comments, even when I had a problem for ex: flunk an exam or was stress, he wasn't helpful at all, instead he would just laugh or say "agh ur exxagerating or "Oh well u prollie flunk that exam cuz u were never good in that subect and so on". I can't figure out wut the heck is wrong with him, he was supportive and now he's not and sometimes he ignores me. He even compare me to his ex and say how prettier and more understanding was she than me, he says that even in front of my parents and friends, he also criticism my friends. Yes I know everyone's telling, even my parents on wut a loser he is, but yet I still love him. Well I thought he was gonna change that "I don't care attitude already" cuz there was a point like around 2 months ago, I really got so mad, I just lost it, I smack so hard giving him a black eye, and basically punch him, but heck I was mad, he wouldn't stop with those mean sarcastic jokes/comments and comparing me with his ex. Well everyone saw it, and say he deserve it, after that he say he was gonna change and would stop. It was ok for like only 2 weeks, then it he started with that crap again. Wut do I people, he won't stop and it's making me angry again, it's frustrating me, I think I even have a bit of my self-esteem and self-confidence lower cuz of him, he's not supportive and ignores me, he's not there when I need him, wut the hec is wrong with him, why did he changed so much?
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