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Posts posted by Goodfun88

  1. I had a relationship like this once. It was horrible, we lived together and he spent all his free time playing MMORPGs and never talked to me or spent any time with me. I would bring it up all the time and he would promise not to spend so much time on there and it would last like a day and he was back to his old ways. I even tried playing with him, figuring it could possibly be quality time, but it was terribly boring. Eventually I had to end it because I couldn't see myself being with someone who never wanted to do anything, not to mention how bad it made me feel that he would rather play computer games than spend any time with me. I totally feel for you, but only you know how much you can take. When I reached my limit, I just had to end it. Good luck to you and I hope it works out for you!

  2. I'm sure you can come up with some sort of compromise so that everyone involved is happy including you. Like meeting up to eat out somewhere at night, and then going your separate ways. I would hope your friend would understand that you are trying to spend some time on your new relationship, and I hope your boyfriend would understand that you can't just blow your friend off for the whole weekend. Talk with both of them and explain that they've put you in an awkward position and they should be more understanding (I hope!). Good Luck and have a nice trip!

  3. Maybe he really did want you to go with him and his friend, but he told his friend and his friends said dude, you can't ask her to go out tonight you just saw her. Plus its guys night, or some nonsense like that. Anyways, calling him to tell him you ended up doing something else seems weird. Kind of contrived, regardless of what you ended up doing, you shouldn't feel the need to point out that you made other plans after he didn't call you because I'm sure after one date he wouldn't assume that you would wait around all night for his call (whether you did or not). You never know he might be going on the advice of his friend, like you were going on the advice of your friend. Good luck!

  4. Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time in the dating world. Sometimes it takes a lot of tries to finds someone you click with and have them click with you too, thats why dating is so complicated! As far as the guy you went out with on Saturday, can I ask why you called him on Sunday? I know its old fashioned but after a date, I always wait for the guy to contact me. I especially would not have called the day after though. You may be coming off as desperate or clingy after one date, and thats a huge turn off for guys. Just my opinion! Good luck!

  5. I don't think you are crazy at all. Maybe you were trying to fill the void that your ex has left, and you are realizing that casual sex isn't going to fill it. You realize that casual sex leaves a lot to be desired and can not compare to the loving sex you had with your ex. Maybe you should wait a while before jumping back into the dating game or at least keep sex out of it, because it seems you aren't ready for that.

  6. Hmm, lets see. Have you guys always used protection? How long have you been together? Seems like a strange response, but maybe you are missing part of it. Thinking that your girlfriend might be pregnant can be a scary thought for some guys. Still what he said was rude. Does he suspect you of cheating? Weird for sure.

  7. I wouldn't be to worried about it. He says thats in his past and you should believe that until he gives you reason not to. I wouldn't worry to much because I'm sure that you take sex very seriously and possibly are waiting until marriage, or for the right guy, so you will be able to tell what he's looking for based on his response to you not wanting to have sex. Does he know that you are a virgin?

  8. Oh no! Thats horrible. I really feel for you. In this case I have no idea what you should do. I have personally have a zero tolarence for cheating, especially a week before you guys were married. He confessed, or you have proof? How did you find out? Is it confirmed? What an awful situation. I hope someone else can offer you some better advice! Good luck!

  9. Wow that is a tough situation. Are you sure that you want to be with him? Its seems as though you had you mind made up but because he was so hurt by you wanting to see other people that you backed down. I understand you not wanting to hurt him because you love him, but you have to make sure that you are doing what is best for you. Is being with him the best thing for you right now? Or did you just want to see other people out of frustration and now you are ready to really give your relationship a shot and work on it?

  10. I'm sorry that you are going through such a tough time. The only thing I can think of is to maybe seek professional help, like a counselor or something. I've heard they can be rather effective. Just remember, life is worth living, and you only get out of life what you put in. Hopefully this is just a phase for you and you will be able to pull out of it soon and be able to start to enjoy life again! I wish you the best of luck!

  11. Hmmm, maybe make him his favorite dinner, or if you can't cook, take him to his favorite restuarant. And if he asks why you are doing this, say because you want to and you love him. I feel continually bringing it up will only remind him of what you did. Its best to just let it go now.

  12. So you've already apologized, and he's accepted that, and he says he's ok with it? In my opinion thats enough. Nothing worse than over apologizing and constantly bringing it up because that just reminds him of what you've done. If he says he's ok, you just have to trust that, and show him that you love him, and never ever do anything like that again. Good luck!

  13. You could just be casual about it and ask him when he'd like to get together again. Then you will have your answer. If he asks why you are asking so soon, just tell him you like to have time to plan ahead. I don't think it would be an issue though.

  14. I know that in the beginning of a relationship there is a lot of "whats wrong?" "are you ok?" "are you mad?" kinda stuff going on. But after 6 years you'd think if he had a problem he would tell you. I would stop second guessing yourself and relax. Unless you've done something terribly wrong, or been outrageously rude, why on earth would he be mad at you. When you can tell he's not in the mood to talk, just say what you have to and let him get off the phone, no biggie. I hope it all works out for you!

  15. You obviously have something special with this woman and I would not write it off. I would continue doing what you are doing, but also understanding that there are no guarantees with her. Maybe she is the "one" but you have yourself so convinced that she is not right for you as a defense mechanism because you are only getting part of her, because at this point she is not capable of giving you more. You never know what will happen in the future. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you!

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