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Posts posted by Goodfun88

  1. I wouldn't be surprised. You didn't have protection, obviously you shouldn't be having sex without it. Also, not only is this the first time the two of you will be having sex, its also the first time you will be having sex at all. Thats a lot of pressure for a guy. Maybe he wants to make sure he feels really strongly about you before he takes your virginity from you. Thats pretty respectable. Also you said your only a month into the relationship, and your ready to have sex for the first time, thats scary to a guy because that must mean to him that you have strong feelings for him, considering you are still a virgin and haven't chose to sleep with anyone else. There are alot of things to take into consideration. I'm sure he wanted to, he just didn't feel right about it considering the circumstances.

  2. I would not take your ex back, he seems to hot and cold, and totally unable to decide what he wants. But that doesn't mean you have to go out with the other guy either. Stay single for a while and keep your options open for someone you could see yourself holding hands with! Good luck!

  3. I'm not a counselor or pyschologist, but when I get down, and start thinking negative thoughts, I immediately replace those thoughts with positive thoughts. Kind of like retraining my brain to focus on the positives instead of the negatives. You have a new girlfriend, instead of getting down when your not with her, instead look forward to how much fun you are going to have the next time you see her. Its hard to replace these thoughts if you've gotten into the habit of thinking negatively, but it can be done! Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. I wouldn't make a big deal about it. At least he texted you back! He was probably thinking about his game and I'm sure he was glad that you text him, but wasn't really worried about his response. I wouldn't get myself all worked up about it. Plus its hard to tell the tone he would have had if he had said it in person, thats what sucks about texts. I'm sure everything is fine! Good luck!

  5. I think its inappropriate for your boyfriend to be giving out his phone number to some girl from myspace. I would not tolerate that. Thats is incredibly disrespectful to your relationship. I think its fine to keep things light and fun on myspace, but he's crossed the line. Plus that fact that you are uncomfortable with this should cause him to stop, but it seems he's not taking your feelings into consideration at all, and thats a bad sign! Good luck!

  6. It just wasn't meant to be. If he had really been into you, you guys would have been in a relationship a long time ago. Don't dwell on it, but remember if someone says they doesn't want a serious relationship right now, they may just be meaning they don't want a serious relationship with you. Good luck and I hope you find someone who is worth your time!

  7. Maybe you are to needy, or maybe your not. Everybody has a level of attention they seek and give. If yours doesn't match up to a girl you dating, neither of you will be happy, you will be wanting more, she will be wanting less. Find someone that wants to see you as much as you want to see them (as long you don't lose yourselves). Dating is complicated, you just need to find someone you are compatible with! Good luck!

  8. Please stop talking to him. He doesn't care. You shouldn't feel the need to notify him that you are deleting him as a friend. Just cut him out of your life, and move on. I know it hurts, because you like him, but its obvious that he doesn't feel the same way. It won't hurt him to delete him from your friends list. You should be doing that for yourself so that you can move on! Good luck!

  9. I read your previous post and the way he talked to you was so rude. I don't know if I'd be able to accept that, it would really take a lot to get me to agree to continue with someone that makes a fool out of me in front of his friends. But it seems you are able to forgive and forget, and seeing as it was a one time event, I guess he deserves a second chance.


    As for your friend, don't listen to anything she has to say right now. She is still fresh from her breakup and can't rationally form an opinion, especially about YOUR boyfriend. Good luck, and don't let this guy walk all over you!

  10. I always ask where I stand. Sometimes you get an answer you want, and sometimes you get an answer you don't want. But having an answer is much better than waiting in limbo wondering what he is thinking. Maybe he thinks its to soon to talk about the future with you, or maybe he isn't sure yet or maybe he sees you in his future but doesn't know what you think. Asking is the only way you will get peace of mind. Good luck!

  11. Haha, yeah, email is never good for serious discussion topics! Well maybe he can look past this and it will all work out for you. I know it can be nervewrecking when you like someone and want more. I know with my bf we were "dating" for about 4 months, when I blurted out drunkly "Are you gonna be my boyfriend or what??" Luckly he took that in stride and we've been together ever since (4 months). We all make mistakes and do stupid things when it comes to dating, if its really meant to be, he'll look past it! Good luck!

  12. Wow, I hate to say it, but I think you went about that in a totally wrong way. You pretty much said what you have with him isn't special (or at least you don't think your special to him), and that you think he sleeps around and might give you an std. If I were a guy I'd be so insulted. I don't know, it might be to late, but maybe you can retract your statement and say that you were really wondering if he was interested in being exclusive with you but that you went about it the wrong way. Good luck!

  13. I firmly believe you should do everything in your power to save a marriage. Just because it has become lukewarm doesn't mean it can't be more. If after some time with both parties trying to fix it, or feeble attempts by one party, its not fixable, you should end it. As far as a job, I know I would never stay in a job I hated. Sure you might have to till you get a job offer, but theres no way I'm going to stay doing something I hate for the rest of my life. Maybe thats because I'm part of a younger generation. Who knows. I have no job loyalty whatsoever though.

  14. I'm sorry that happened to you. Part of the problem may be you being insecure and acting weird, but you have to remember there are two people in a relationship. It seems that perhaps the girls you are seeing really aren't into you. If a girl liked you, she could get over a little insecurity. It doesn't seem like asking if she'll have time to see you when she goes back to school would cause her to break up with you. You'd been seeing each other for 2 months and I think its a fair question to ask someone. Yes its true that girls go for a more confident guy, but I think you'd be more confident if you found a girl that seemed to be as into you as you are into her. I'm not sure how you can stop falling for girls so hard, but just remember we are people too. If a girl doesn't seem that into you, don't waste your time, move on to someone that is into you, and wants to spend time with you. Good Luck!

  15. Oh I know you didn't post this to make me feel sick haha! I guess I just have to look with in myself and get over some of my fears and then I can find something to be passionate about. Its probably a good thing I read that, haha!

  16. I think you should save up for what ever amount of time, so that you have enough money to live comfortably for like 6 months, and leave your job, pursue your dream and see what comes of it. If you don't do this, you'll always wonder, what if I would have at leasted tried. If after six months you haven't gotten anywhere, get a new job. Maybe you won't find one where you make as much, but at least you were able to try and pursue your dream, and thats worth a lot more. Also could you look into getting a night job while you are doing this to get some extra money. What is your plan if you decide to do this?

  17. Its hard to say really. He sounds really immature. Seems like he might be trying to keep his control over you by not letting you go in a mature fashion. But who knows what he's thinking. Thats why its best to just know that you did all you could and that him not wishing you well is all on him, and not on you. You did the right thing and left the relationship in an adult manner, and if he wants to be silly, then thats his right.

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