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Posts posted by Goodfun88

  1. Sounds like he's over you. I don't think he's trying to play games or is mad. I think he is taking the steps to heal and get over the relationship. It should be easier for you to move on because at least he isn't giving you false hope. It's obvious he's moved on, now its time for you to move on. You can't make someone love you or want to be with you, so its best to leave this guy alone and find someone who wants to be with you.

  2. Some people are open minded enough to see change and change there perception of you. Some people aren't. People that refuse to see a change are obviously not worthy of knowing the new and improved you. Hopefully you are changing for yourself and not for someone in particular. The good thing is you have changed and every new person that meets you will have a good impression of you.

  3. That doesn't really seem like an appropriate thing to joke about. Reading your post kinda made me sick to my stomach. How long have you been together? I would let him know that those kind of jokes make you uncomfortable and you would appreciate it if he didn't make those jokes any more. I hope he's not doing something he shouldn't be and using jokes to kind of tell you the truth because he feels guilty.

  4. She doesn't sound like a friend to me. She seems crazy and unstable. You've tried your best to be there for her, but it seems like she doesn't care and only wants to use you. I think you are doing the right thing by moving on. Don't respond to anymore of her calls or texts. I'm sure its hard because you've know her for so long, but just because you've know someone for years and years doesn't mean that you always have to be friends with them. She's not treating you like a friend so don't feel obligated to continue this friendship. Good luck!

  5. Currently I am living at home. My parents have been talking for quite some time about moving some place new. Some place where they can get more for there money. They own there own business and put it up for sale, and they received an offer yesterday. They have accepted the offer and if all goes well they will close on it in the middle of June. They will still need to sell the house, but I've been told they will be moving in the next 3-6 months.


    Which brings me to my current situation. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months, though we've know each other for 10 months. In the past we've talked about moving away from the city we live in because its not affordable for two people starting out to make a life. He is also living at home and has all his life.


    I have a few options for what I can do. I can stay here in my town and rent an apt. or condo for $1000/month. Or, I can move with my parents and buy a home there and pay $800/month. My boyfriend wants me to stay here, but seems a little uncertain if he is willing to move out and share a place with me. Something is holding him back and I'm not sure what it is. He says he's open to moving, but that its just come up so fast. He feel like he wants to be in a better situation financially. Which I can't blame him for. His only suggestions for a solution would be that I rent a room from his brother (not going to happen, I'm not going to pay rent while his still lives at home for free!) or that I move in with him and his mom (never a good idea!).


    The ideal situation would be for us to move to where my parents are going. The housing is affordable, we'll be able to own a home. We can start a life together. He doesn't want to leave his family behind though. I can understand that, but people move away from there families all the time. He argues that I'm lucky cause we'll be moving near my parents. I told him I'd be willing to move anywhere in the U.S. that is affordable and has jobs, it doesn't have to be where my parents are going, but it should be an option.


    We are going to visit there next week (this was already planned before my parents dropped the bombshell on me) and he has agreed to give it a fair look. I've never been there either, but the housing prices are just to good to resist. I just want him to say that he'll go. But I also want him to want to go. I don't want him to bring up later on down that road that I made him do this. And at the same time, if I stay here, I don't want to bring up the fact that he made me stay here. Whatever happens has to be what we both want and can live with.


    I'm sure many of you will think that after only being together for 6 months that maybe I am putting to much pressure on him. I feel the same way. I feel like its bad enough I have to deal with this, but now I'm dragging him into it too. We want to be together, infact he made me pinky swear yesterday that we'll never break up, haha. I feel really confused right now. My parents insist that everything will work out, but I have to admit, I'm skeptical. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.

  6. Next time you are out and you see him, tell him about another cool bar you heard about and ask him if he'd like to check it out with you. If he invites his friends along, I doubt he's interested, but if he jumps at the chance to go somewhere alone with you, he's probably interested.

  7. Tell him that you don't think things will ever work out between the two of you (because of all the hurt) and that you decided to move on. And for now the best thing for both of you would be to go NC. Tell him from here on out we should both agree on NC. But that maybe in the future there would be a possiblity of friendship. Wish him luck and say goodbye. Be sure you stick to the NC though, if he still has feelings for you its best for him to not have contact and even for yourself and your new relationship.

  8. Sounds like your boyfriend has lost interest. Maybe have a nice rational talk with him about your relationship. No yelling, arguing, or crying. If he doesn't want to be with you anymore, move on and find someone that will. Being alone isn't that bad, and its a ton better than being with someone who treats you like your not important! Good luck, I'm sure you'll figure it all out!

  9. I think its normal for each person in there relationship to have there own interests. Have you ever tried getting involved in some of the things he's interested in? You might find that you enjoy them, or at least can tolerate them. My boyfriend is into Hondas and skateboarding (he's 29, haha!). I humor him by going to skateboarding events and stuff and I realized its actually pretty fun to watch. If everything else in the relationship is good and you can deal with his hobbies, I'd say stick it out! Good luck!

  10. I feel for you. I spend my entire day on internet at work with little spurts of work inbetween. Its terribly boring. The work that I do doesn't hold my attention and seems pointless. Its a temporary position that I've been at for 7months and the assignment just got extended another year. I have no motivation to work hard because no matter what I do once the project is completed, I get layed off. The money is whats holding me here. I spend about an hour every morning looking for a job. I feel kind of guilty, but at the same time, I feel like they are taking advantage of me by using me temporarily to complete a project. If your job is not fulfilling you, find something that does! Good luck, I hope things improve for you!

  11. Maybe just say that you enjoyed your time together and you look forward to what next year brings and you hope that you guys can keep in touch over the summer, and maybe if its possible visit each other or something. It'd be to soon to be exclusive since you are both going home for the summer, but I don't think it'd be wrong to let him know your interested.

  12. Well my bf lives at home. He just turned 29. I also live at home and I'm almost 26. I don't want to live at home, and neither does he, we are just not in the position to move out right now. The housing market here sucks. For a regular 3 bedroom home prices are upwards of $500,000. A condo would be about $300,000. Yet the income of regular people is probably about average. I refuse to rent, I'm just hanging out here until I decide where I want to go (somewhere with cheaper homes and higher pay). I refuse to rent because its a waste of money and would make it extremely difficult for me to save money for the future. Depending on where you live and what kind of housing market, I wouldn't find it extremely odd as long as he aspires to move out in the near future. You would probably need to get to know him better to figure out why and what his plans are for the future, but if everything else looks good, I wouldn't let it stop me from dating someone.

  13. You need to stop right now before you push your boyfriend away! First things first, you bf is with you because he sees something in you that he likes. How fun would it be to be in a relationship with someone EXACTLY like you. Not very, you would never be introduced to new ideas or activities. Instead of concentrating on how great this other woman is, starting thinking about all the great things about you.

  14. Maybe you could just shoot him a quick email saying you've been thinking about the roommate asking if you were Michelle and you were just wondering if he's seeing anyone one else. Don't accuse, and don't pressure or ask for exclusivity if you don't feel its time for that. If something like that is bothering me I always ask. You'll feel a 1000 times better no matter what the answer is, because it takes away the unknown. If he is seeing other girls, you have to decide if you want to continue seeing him. If he says he's not, accept that and move past this whole incident! Good luck!

  15. Maybe he is insecure. I don't know. Seems like an odd thing to say. Are you not able to see each other over the summer at all? I would let him know one more time that you are not going to be seeing anyone or sleeping with anyone over the summer, besides him. And that if he can't accept that, you've got problems. 3 months isn't very long at all, you guys should be able to handle that. Good Luck!

  16. With my current bf we became exclusive after 4 months, in the past though its really varied, sometimes a week, sometimes a month. It all depends on when both people are comfortable with it. It also depends on how often you see each other. If you see each other once a week, a month may not see very long, since you've only seen each other about 4 times, on the other hand if you see each other several times a week, you might know that person much better. I usually try to wait until the guy brings it up, since I'm old fashioned like that. But this past time, I just blurted out "Are you going to be my boyfriend or what?" And thankfully, he said "Yes".

  17. I think it could be managable, as long as you are both on the same page. For instance, how long would this living arrangement be for? 1 year, 2 years, indefinitely? That would play a huge role in my decision personally. It would be nice for you though, you would be able to concentrate on your school work and he'd be able to build his business. It might be hard, but it might be worth it, only you know how much you can take. Good luck!

  18. Do you know if he knows someone named Lana? He could have accidentally sent it you, thinking he was sending it to someone else. Or he was just feeling good and said he loved you. Sometimes the truth comes out when people are drunk, and sometimes they exaggerate how they are feeling. I wouldn't take it as anything more than a drunk text, don't try to read into. If you feel the need, ask him about it. That way theres no confusion.

  19. You don't love your girlfriend. If you did you wouldn't be looking for anything outside the relationship. Stop kidding yourself, and either butch up and be committed, or end the relationship with your gf. She deserves to know what kind of guy she is with. And remember, what goes around comes around.

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