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Everything posted by pineapple159

  1. hmm...I wasn't really looking for advice, just stating a point. Haha. Thanks everyone I guess though
  2. My favourite aspects of your excerpt are "damper" and how you make a big deal of her talking to another guy, and my favourite favorite favorie: I suffer from nervousness. It makes me chuckle. Nervousness is not often a disease, especially in HS and in situations like these...it is normal, and everyone gets nervous at some point. Also It looks like you are either a freshmen or sophomore according to your age. If this is the case, #1: of course high school girls and boys are going to talk to eachother, it is not automatically going to turn into something more. #2: Just ask her out. If you really liked her, nothing would come in the way, not even your chronic nervousness. The most she can do is say no, but at least she will keep you in mind, if there is even a slight interest. Your welcome man of mystery
  3. I've heard this stuff over and over. To reach full identity achievement you need, according to psychologists: Searching (Trying different things and keeping an open mind as well as knowing when to move on) and commitement (Standing strong in your beliefs regardless of what others say after you have searched, and practicing or utilizing those ideas.) 2. You need to know where you stand thouroughly with: Ploitics, Religion, and your career choice
  4. Why is there so much pressure from society to be in a relationship. If I am hanging out with the opposite sex my age, it is typically assumed that we are dating. We need to break the barriers of this irrational thought process that everyone is a potential significant other. I do not want a boyfriend at this time, but I feel pressured by adults and peers alike that because I hang out with males, I should start a boyfriend girlfriend relationship with one of them. I don't want that commitment and find it especially unnecessary at this age. I would just like everyone's opinions on "just friends."
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