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Everything posted by confusdedinmaine

  1. my question is how old is your bf because if hes in his 20's like i see you are then i don't believe that there is a any problem with it. Not to mention the fact that teens are usually not teens at all they are usually in their early 20's. I wouldn't be concerned with it at all.
  2. well thank you for your advice but shortly after i posted she broke up with me for no specified reason, whether or not its one of her friends i dont know but i can tell you this, i havent been this sad in a long time
  3. Okay so my gf and i met anout 5 months ago while i was currently in a relationship. Needless to say i broke that off to be with my new interest. I was never so happy. we had fun all the time and up until recently its been great. there are a few reasons; She has alot of guy friends, ALOT. and im fine with that but thats not where it ends. before we were together she would tell me stories about her experiences with them (nothing sexual but stuff like wrestling, etc.) now when she goes to se these friends i am a bit nervous but usually fine. then theres the fact that whenever she sees one of them she gives them a hug, and not just any hug she basically tackles them. now thats not even all of it. sometimes she will joke around about flashing them but i know shes kidding but it still bothers me. recently she has even started to sit on other guys laps. I know she really likes me because of the way we interact with each other. second reason: shes still in contact with her ex bf. which at first i was totaly against but im getting used to it because they dont talk maybe 2 times a month and its usually through email. also he has a kid on the way with another girl whom he cheated on my gf with. Did i mention that he was a complete @ss to her? He cheated on her a bunch of times and was mentally abusive to her, thats why i dont understand why they are still in contact. the last problem (from her pov) is that we met atwork, so obviously we still work together, but we also go to college together, 3 of the same classes. now even though we work together we dont ever see each other because were in different departments, and at school we cant talk because were in class. so i dont feel like we are even spending time together, but she does. Therfore out of work or school she likes to have time away from me but i want to be with her. so what i need to know is am i being to jealous? any help will be really appreciated and advice would save me.
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