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  1. He's almost 30... I mean I understand that guys like porn, my brother is 19 and he is always in "teen" sites and that to me is normal it's his age range but the fact that my husband likes only this, makes me a little upset... and it doesn't help that he denies browsing porn sites, thats just weird to me...
  2. I know what you mean Ms Omaniac, I guess my "issue" is just the "teen" part of the porn, 'cause I don't have a problem with it I like to watch porn!!! and he tells me he watches porn, actually he told me yesterday that he has had nothing to do with porn since we've been together... why lie?! I told him that was BS! and he started laughing... which I thought was kinda funny! but I was just wondering if he would find porn on my laptop and it was all lets say asian guys, would he think that's weird? or have an issue with that?... I mean I cant expect for him to like what I like porn-wise but it's still a little weird for me...
  3. Well, I know for a fact that he has been going to those sites because all the images have been clicked on, and no, I haven't said anything yet, because I don't know if this is really considered weird. I know I should tell him how I feel about it but I don't know how to start that conversation, we are very open with each other but for some reason this makes me feel very uneasy...
  4. HI everyone! I'm new here! I've been reading through all the posts and everyone seems very intresting and cool! I just wanted to turn to you guys for a little advice. I have been with my boyfriend for a while and I love him very much! We are actually planning our wedding for next summer. Well last week I was using his computer and was browsing through the history and found a lot of porn web sites, well to me thats very normal, I watch porn and browse porn sites, but his sites were like "virgens gone wild" and "hot teens" type and that disturbed me, is it just me that finds this a little weird? I think I would have been OK if they were regular adult porn sites... I mean the girls were teenagers, not little girls that would have been worse!!! right? What do YOU think?
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