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  1. Hi guys, she just sent me an email that she wants to meet with me this weekend. After 4 months of NC she brings this. Need advise please? Should I or shouldn't I. Talk some sense into me
  2. that is probably true. before learning about the whole NC thing, i sent a letter , 2 pages, not venting but clearing issues on my side, so i know what u mean. funny how something(the breakup) u never give much thought can have a great impact on ur life. its has to me anyway. thanks for listening lads. I guess nothing we do can bring them back.
  3. Another question that would help. if you know you are the one that messed up in the relationship, in one way or the other. does it help to admit you are wrong? This might involve breaking contact but if you feel it clears you of a burden, should one go ahead and do it?
  4. as most of you put it, you confirmed my earlier thoughts. just needed some form of reassurance not to send it... and i guess am not. NC all the way...
  5. Brief history on my situation. Been broken up since July 10, 2005. NC since then except for two emails from me and about 3 from her. She still has things at my place and am not sure the best way to tell her come get them is. i have drafted this letter,,, and need some opinions on it. Hope things are going great on your side . You still have a couple of things at my place. When you are in town you might want to come pick them up. Let me know and I will prepare them for you. Otherwise, things here are fair. I know that some of my actions in the past were not judicious. In hindsight, there are things I might have taken for granted or overlooked but know I always loved you. I only feel sadness for the pain I caused you - and am sorry. Since I was not that good at expressing my feelings, you should know this is straight from my heart. I find it strange how you and I developed a strong connection, which is challenging to do with other people even after spending a while in this place. Anyway, I don't intend to take up much of your time, just wanted notify you about your stuff. Take Care! Always, p.s. On a side note, I read this and thought I'd relate it to you A star has five sides; One side represents your charm, the other side represents your care, another, represents your love, the other side represents your friendship, And finally your personality That briefly sums up how much you mean't to me. W'd like some feedback on sending this one to her..
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