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Everything posted by animosity82

  1. Emotional issues as in avoiding people he cares about. I could be wrong. Like Drop said..he could be doing this to miss you more. Only way you will find out is to talk to him. Find out his real feelings and why he does what he does. Communication is the key
  2. I have been in your situation quite a few times with a girl i had been with for 7 years. We would break, not speak for weeks and months. The longest we stayed apart was 3 years. There would be the occasional phone call or email every once in a blue moon, but we always seemed to find each other again. All I can say is let fate do its work. If u guys are meant to be together, it will happen. If not, then try your best to get over him. I know its hard getting over someone you love. In fact you never get over them if you truly love them. You will only learn to deal with your emotions in a way you dont feel hurt anymore. Its a tough thing to do but sometimes you have no choice. Just let fate take its course and see what happens.
  3. If he said he avoids the people he cares about the most and in fact has been avoiding you...maybe he is afraid of rejection or afraid of committing to someone for fear of losing them or them not caring for him the way he cares for them. It seems to me its a little childish on his part. I believe you should sit down with him and have a nice talk about his behavior. Tell him to step up, be a man and follow his heart. If he continues this behavior he could miss out on a great thing and be stuck with the question "what if?" If you arent serious about this guy I wouldnt bother with him because it seems he has some emotional issues he needs to work out.
  4. yea if it was civilized contact it wouldnt be a problem. i worried about him becoming an inconvienance as far as trying to get her back etc. or trying to cause problems between me and her. as far as our issues in the past. everything is resolved. i have told her everything about how i feel and we get along great now. i believe we had problems in the past because we were both young and mentally not ready for such a serious relationship that we were attempting to have. we have both grown and matured over the years and i feel we are mentally capable of such a relationship. as far as me being a safety net..im a little worried about it. but my instincts tell me to go for it anyways. i know she cares about me alot just like she knows i care for her. she told me her marriage was abusive physically and mentally and she will never go back to him. however i have seen women in physically and mentally abusive relationships and they tend to always go back to the guy that puts them through so much hell. i guess love is a funny thing and distorts your perception of reality. i really hope she woudnt be that foolish
  5. well for the 4 years we were together we had good times and bad times. but thats normal with any relationship. i wouldnt neccessarily say im on the rebound but then again im not sure. i am being as cautious as i can about everything. we have always kept in contact even when we werent together. she tells me she didnt think i would ever take her back because after all i am the one that left her after 4 years. i was young and stupid and wanted to test the waters. didnt really feel i was up to committing myself to a serious relationship. but after all this i know now i made a big mistake. she also tells me that after thinking she didnt have another chance with me, she married this guy out of obligation because of their son. it wasnt something she had planned(or so she says). I guess all i can do is ride it out and see what happens.
  6. I starting seeing this girl about 7 years ago. We both fell in love or atleast I thought we did. After 4 years we went our separate ways. We had alot of arguments and disputes when we were together and broke up quite a few times but we always seemed to end up together again. After 4 years we were apart for almost 3 years. During these 3 years she met another man, got married and has a son with him now. A few months ago they separated and filed for divorce. She calls me all the time and I have been seeing her for the past 2 months. I admit I am afraid of the situation but I dont think I can let go. Im afraid either she will end up trying to patch things up with her husband or he will become a huge inconvienance for us in the relationship if we get back together. I do love her very much and have become quite attached to her son as well. If anyone can give me advice on what I should do please reply. Thanks.
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