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Everything posted by jebus

  1. loner, that was an absolutely beautiful response ! and i PROMISE YOU that you will find someone that will return the respect, gratitude and love that you have given others and that you deserve ! There are guys out there that want exactly the same thing that you want and have been hurt in the exact same way! Theyre out there, and just by reading your response, it wont be too long before someone as genuine as yourself will be snatched up by a true gentleman! peace !
  2. Guys, thanks so much for your replies..... The answers that youve all given me have been very helpful in getting me through this. Its really uplifting to see these sort of "from the heart" responses" and im very grateful. Once again, i hope we get what we all feel we deserve ! cheers all !
  3. I seriously cannot believe how similiar all our situations are. Ive been coming to this site for about 4 weeks now. Broke up with my gf (ex) about 6 weeks ago and have taken solace by the fact that alot of other ppl go and have gone through the same situation as all of us fellas. It's really difficult to let go and the pain is something i would not wish on my worst enemy. The initial feeling was as if my best friend had just died and i was feeling gut wrenchingly sick! Our relationship was on for 1 and a half years. it was fantastic. basically no fights, lots of love, heaps of laughter and just general great fun. without sounding arrogant, i consider myself to be an honourable gentlemanly type guy and i am certain most of you guys in here fit that bill too. I did and would have done everything for this girl that i most definitely considered "marriage material". Im 22 and shes 19, with me being in 2 previous relationships and her none. The last day i saw her we were extremely happy and everything was just plain fine. Next day she calls telling me that we need to break up. needless to say im thinking "what the *beep*". She felt that we shouldnt be together because she needed to "experience life and other relationships" and in a sense i can understand that. The problem is i dont want to be a consolation prize for her when she finally, if ever, decides that shes had her fun and may want to come back. We talked about a period of around 1 and a half to a two year breakup without talking or seeing one another and then maybe getting back (yesm im sure im living a dream by thinking we'd get back) but like all of u guys with your ex's, i absolutely love and adore this girl and so its so hard to let go of your feelings and emotions for them. She also stated that her father didnt think at this point in our lives that we are suited for one another......i was pretty annoyed when i found that out but kept my mouth shut. I went to a good school, go to a good uni, am doing a decent degree and have prospects for a well payed job when i graduate at the end of this year. My parents are basically well off and im a good hearted guy. Again, im sorry, i dont mean to sound like an arrogant *beep* by saying all this but i just feel that i was a fairly good package or whatever you'd want to call it and hoped she'd be satisfied. I feel that she is just throwing this all away simply because she wants to "have fun". I thought we were having more fun than she could get by breaking up and you know how you can just see it in their eyes when they love you and are enjoying themselves in your company. When they just hold you and squeeze your hand so *beep* tight and bring it up to their lips and kiss them. You just KNOW that they love you! so, WHY THE *beep* do they do this !!! Sorry this is getting *blo0dy long guys. Anyway, i felt that since we had been so emotionally close and had broken up on good terms that i would send her some "goodbye and thankyou" flowers on valentines day with a card explaining how i apprecitaed the times we had and that id be there if she ever needed someone to talk to etc etc! I thought that id send these flowers because i knew she'd feel like crap on this day as her sister and all her friends are in relationships and so maybe she wouldnt feel "unwanted" if id send them. what a bloody mistake and good decision this ended up being! Took me half a day to find a *beep* florist that would deliver to this suburb! I get a call from the florist saying the father said "my daughter doesnt want them!" and told the courier to *beep* off! again, im like what the *beep* !!! what did i honeslty do to deserve *beep* like this ! fine she wants her space but i believed this was a chivalrous decent thing to do for a girl you had spent so much time with and broken up on good terms. And they were GOODBYE AND THANKYOU FLOWERS !!!! i ring her father blah blah he says that i treated her like a "jerk" and that he had nothing to do with the breakup. Well, i know in my heart i never treated her in any shape or form like a "jerk" and ALWAYS respected her. He says it was completely her decision to breakup. I sms her twice a day later and get no response. Im abit annoyed by that and so say "the least you could have done was say thankyou for the flowers". the next day, every single present, cd that i made, little toy, little precious things that i bought her was sent to my front door. i get home from uni and i see all that stuff at the front and i swear my legs are literally shaking. i can not explain the emotions that were going through my mind. WHY would someone do something like that to you! My worst enemy wouldnt do something as conceited and cruel as that. I was struggling for reasons as to why!! i could only come up with that she wanted to erase all memories of me from her mind! It was as if it was a completely different girl and i was just wishing something would change in the world so that the girl i knew and loved would just "wake up" ! through a third party we communicate because i was sooo *beep* hurt by her that i didnt want to speak one on one. the third party says the reason she sent the stuff back was because she didnt want gifts as a way to fix problems....the only problem with that is that only ONE of the presents and little items was given to her to smooth a ruff patch we had AGES ago! why send back cd's that i made for her that symbolically ment something from the songs i put on! Why send back birthdays presents! why send back christmans presents !! i honestly felt that she was either a completely immature brat at this stage or just lost all her *beep* senses! sorry im abit cheesed off as u can tell by the way im writing this! ok calm..... so we havent talked or communicated since. And i feel that this girl that i honestly thought had a heart of gold, was caring, sweet and absolutely gorgeous was THE ONE. and that we molded so darn well togethere as a couple it wasnt funny! Im thinking, if this is the way you get treated and this is what eventually happens when you treat a girl with total respect, dignity, honour, love, attention and all other admirable qualities, then what the hel!l is the point!! either all women are bloody EVIL or i should stop being such a *beep* nice person and start acting like one of those total scum bags out there! maybe that way ill have them on a string! but i dont want them on a *beep* string! i just want what i feel all you guys want.... a stable,caring, loving relationship! would i ever take this girl back...i dont know would she ever call after all this....i dont know whyd she get so heated and send stuff back...i dont know bloody confused and hurting! and what, its like 3 weeks past valentines! man i could go on! hope we get what we believe us decent guys feel we deserve! a girl that doesnt *beep* us around emotionally and is honest, open & loving peace dudes!
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