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Posts posted by SeaBisquit

  1. hello, ok i met this guy about a month ago. I just found out that my best friend likes the same guy I do. He doesn't like her at all. He likes me and he asked me out on a date. I told him no because of my friend but I really like the guy and feel that he might be the one for me. I don't want to jeopordize my friendship with my best friend but I'm thinking about going out with him anyways. am I wrong to go out with him?

  2. well, he is asking you to hang out with him. but i feel that if he wants to see you more it would be more on a one to one basis. i wouldn't consider it dating or anything like that if his buddies are always around. how do his buddies treat you? and if he is really into you he will be showing you off to all his buddies

  3. sorry for another post. today, i'm going to see my ex for the first time in months. i talked with him this morning and he wants to meet with me tonight to talk in person. i'm really nervous because we had a really bad break up and when we talked on the phone i felt that there was alot of pain in his voice but i also feel he is going to blame me for the breakup. we brokeup because he cheated on me. but i'm sick of dating and i have known him for along time so i am considering getting back with him if that is an option. i just don't know what to say to him when i see him so i thought about writing things down on paper before we actually meet. anyways i will consider any advice or help on what i should or shouldn't say. thanks.

  4. well there was a episode last weekend ware a whole bunch of us were going out to a club. the guy i'm dating told me he was going to teach one of the girls how to dance because she doesn't know how....he wants to slow dance with her.


    so i was like.... "How can she not know how to slow dance?" so I'm trying not to be naive but damn...


    then the other day were in the mall and one of his friends makes a comment about this girl butt and so he has to say something about her butt too.

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