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Everything posted by loviv-life-forever

  1. ya this is one of my worse poems i have alot more that i think are better...People where i live do alot things like writing poems and crap cuase there is nothing else to do and most of us if not all of us are depressed
  2. This is a really good short poem...i write alot of things like this...i actually have a poem called the end posted up on this list to...i have felt like that alot and thought about it like that alot...
  3. I hate you I hate the fact that u did that I hate the thought of ever going back I hate trying to forget the pain Why did u do that to me? Why did u make me suffer? Why did u bring me down with u? I hate u U hater the life u made me have Now the life u made me have is over Now the pain I try to forget is gone The demons of my soul are released The suffering u put me through is gone It is all done I took that knife in my hand It was all done u found me dead Now u see what u made me do After all the suffering After all the pain After all the memories After all the nights of crying myself to sleep After all the things you put me through It's all done with the cut of the knife
  4. Ya age doesn't matter cause i write poems like this all the time and i'm only 13!!! i jsut did a big prject on depression and self-harm and i think maybe u should look into cause it isn't what most ppl think it is...
  5. I would try not to ruin things with the gurl at church with the gurl on the internet and i would jsut forget about the gurl on the internet cause u haven't met her...much less even seen her i would just wait until the gurl at church is ready or had made up her mind
  6. I know how u feel i'm in the samething right now i totaly thought i was over this guy then when i saw him i feel in love with him all over agian...so my best advice right now is to keep him outta site outta mind..think about how this isn't gunna matter in 5 years thinkabout how ur just be like what did i ever like about him...think about how u have other guys looking at u the same ur looking at the one ur talking about...there is always someone worse off then u to so just keep those things in mind...keep him outta site...stay active...it won't matter in 5 years...there is more ppl u can have...
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