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Posts posted by nexus532

  1. Just keep talking to her but don't try and ruin her chances of finding love with this man. If you understand her you will let her and her boyfriend stay together. If you disgrace this it may come around and bite you in the butt later in the future.

  2. Well i don't think that you should base your opinion on anything anyone else has to say. The problem with this situation is that there are two situations that could come of this. On one hand you could stay with him, perhaps both of you would get over this and live out a happy life whis a beautiful house and some children, or what ever your heart desires. For the bad side of staying with him he could end you making you feel depressed all the time, prehaps now you feel in the back of your mind that you can't trust him, also he could be holding you down from greater things. If you leave him you may feel depressed because you left him while he was in such bad shape and live out your life feeling bad about the past. On the good note of leaving him you may find someone who is mentally stable and live out a happy life with this new other. Also if your going to have kids some years down the road try and think if he would be a good dad, if this is the man you see yourself having kids with.


    Very sorry if this seems a little clustered

  3. Ok first from my experiance it was not because you not good looking it was just that your fifteen and most girls are getting to know themselves better and understanding what they really want in a guy. I am assumeing that you are a freashman or sophmore in highschool. Take some girls and some friends out bowling are shoting pool. Movies are also good. When your in a group of other guys try and stand out, dress nice, fix the hair and make sure you don't stink. If you interested in a certian girl mess around with her. Meaning see if she is ticklish or anything to porvoke touching. try and always avoid that period where knowone talks think of something that happened even if u think it sounds dumb. Oh and have the night planned out, every girl likes it when they ask you what (we're going to do tonight) and you already have it palnned out. if you have any q's feel free to email.

  4. a few months back i got the oppentunity to know one of the most beautiful girls. We had a very good relationship, always teasing each other with touching and feeling. It was one of the relationships where we could hang out the whole day and takl through it all. It was never a boring moment with her. As we started to go our different ways to college we became distant, when i left to college i never heard of her again. When we where together it always felt right. I have had many other relationships and non have ever been that good. My question is, did i miss the a chance to find a soul mate.

  5. you know ther is much more to relationships than sex. but if you are not happy with your sexual relations try new things in bed. if this doesn't work you could go to the doctor and order prescribed medicene to give you the energy you need. if all this happenes and your still not satisfied yes you should consider a new relationship because if you continue with a unhappy sex life it could lead to cheating on her which may cause emotional damage.

  6. sorry if i may sound like a jerk but try this. When i was in high school i ate alot of fast food, its good why wouldn't i, I was envolved in almost all school sports and academic programs. But i still would go home feeling like crap, i didn't know why. In my Senior year i took a Prep for life class (which was the best class ever) i learned that eating all these unheathy foods can cause depression because they are starving you brain of the nutrients that it needs to function correctly. I quit the bad eating started to eat healthy foods, NOT on a diet but just preventing myself form engaging in any fast foods. In 2 weeks my body was completely flushed out. I would awaken with a good feeling and go home with plenty of energy. You can try this if you want , Whats two weeks with no fast food when you have the chance to feel great.


    Also don't look as yourself as all negative, If you think positive then you will feel positive

  7. Could mean alot of things my man, if you wanna take a chance try and act like your not interested in her, don't blow her off but if she looks at you in the halls or wherever your at try not to look.


    Your situtation is a common one, in my phycology class we were told if you wanna find out if someone likes you have to catch her where you both feel totally comfertable in, and proceed top talk to her. BEWERE, if your in a place where you would feel nervous you will most likely mistake the pounding you will feel in your heart for feelings for this girl rather than registering it as being in a unatural place.

  8. Somethimes i think of you,

    laying by my side at night,

    The warmth of a thousand suns,

    A smell like the morning dew.


    i loved the way you looked at me,

    The way you touched my skin,

    You always brought my heart some glee,

    During the darkest days.


    We were so happy then,

    in our younger times,

    You always told me you love me,

    I said i loved you too.


    Now many days have passed,

    The nights are long and cold,

    I always wish you were still here,

    Your love will never leave my heart.


    I bought you flowers the other day,

    They smell like the morning dew,

    Placed them down beside you,

    In my Heart you will remain.





    Still working on this, first draft, tell me what you think

  9. Go up to her and start a conversation, notice her actions. If see exposes her neck , plays with her hair, keeps eye contact with you,flushed on her neck or face. If she does these than she likes you. If she repeatedly looks at the groung looks at other guys passing by, does something with her cellphone, she doesn't like you

  10. This all depends on what kind of relationship your looking for in him. I your a long term relationship kind of person then this relationship will never work out. 10 years down the road you may or may not have kids, you have to think is this the environment i want my kids to grow up in. There is around a 75-85% chance that if your unhappy with him at times that things will not work out. But if your looking for a short term relationship go ahead and stay with him and see if he can make you happy.

  11. they say 98% of all pomes express a person's thoughts and feelings at any givin time. This is a really good pome but also sad, if there is any truth to it then i think its time to cast old relationships aside and look beyond the wall for new ones. After all loseing your feelings inside turns you cold outside.

  12. You have to try and think about what it would be like 10 years down the road.I you think you can be happy wiht him in these 10 years then stay with him, but if you think that his problems will always bother you then perhaps you should cut the relationship off. After all you don't want to be ten years down the road and being unhappy with you partner.Age will also be a factor, if your young then you should move on because you have a long life ahead of you, but if your in your late 20's or older maybe you should think of settleing down.

  13. first of all you got to tell me how to exercise the muscles into having longer sex. but as for you stop exercising the muscles for awhile. Another good trick is to not have sex or do anyhting the would cause to cum for a least 8 days, this way when you have sex you will be soo arroused that the pressure will become too much. there are also herbal pills that you may be able to take to increase sensativeness. During any physically activite try to think of things that get you really amped up this will cause the thalamus in the brain to receive extra sensory pulses and stimulate overactivity. If none of this works than try and ask a doctor about it, don't be shy either, i mean what is he going to say when you tell him that you can last for too long of a time in the sack when most males can't even last 10 min with vigorous sex. Good luck

  14. Your shouldn't go wait outside her house, BAD IDEA. This kind of behavior could lead to more serious things. You don't want to turn into a stlaker and have to be publicly humilated in court for a restraining order. As for her call her up and ask her what her feelings about you are. If she says she has none fine, there are plenty of weman that need a loving guy out there. If she says that she still has feelings for you but she is dating someone else, than you two need to go for a little walk and talk about the whole sitution, i mean don't hold anything back let her know how you feel about her.Still you shouldn't dwell on one girl in you life.



  15. Ever since i can remember i have been in a relationship of some sort. For the past few months I have been purposily staying out of relationships. I am in college so you think that i would want to find someone to be with to express my thoughts and feelings. Since the first couple months of school i have had many girls come up and try to talk to me but I always end up blowing them off. These are girls that I (at first glance find physically attractive) would have no problem dateing a few months ago. I don't know why this sudden onset of avoidence has come over me, and i wish that it would pass. I am scared that the next few years will be lonely as far as finding someone to love. Now i fear that blowing these girls off has runied any chance of getting to know them better, i feel really bad about what i did to them.


    If anyone has any ideas of why i could be blowing these girls off it would be very helpful.

  16. The fact that you are only fifteen means alot. You should forget about going out with her but continue being friends. Who knows someone other girl may like you but you don't know it because your soo wound up in this one girl. This happened to me once in high school. i had been dateing a girl for a few months and then we broke up , i still had feelings for her and tried to win her back. One of my other friends who happened to be a girl said that i should move on. later i decided to get ober it, i come out that the girl that said to move on has always liked me but never said anyhting because i was always with someone else. I began to date this friend and was the happiest person ever.

  17. Take both of them on different dates, just walk up to them and aks them if she wants to do something tonight. Next take them to a romantic spot, read her body signals playing with the hair, exposing the neck and facing down and looking up at you with her eyes. if she does this she is most likely intsterested in you..Most importaltly DON'T DO ANYTHING DUMB, be a gentalmen. open the door for her if its cold and she has no coat give her yours. At the end of the night hug her and in the middle of the hug look back at her. if she motions to kiss you your in the money, if she looks back at you funny bail out.

  18. Try and think about all the good things that have happened i your life, remember the past and think about the future. You are young and have a life of happiness ahead of you. If you parents really treat you bad sit down and have a talk with them. After all Love and Happiness are the cures for everything.

  19. This point in your life you are being tested, everything that happens will happen regardless of the obsticles. If you think thoughts of anger only anger will you commit, if you exercise thoughts of good only good things will happen. What is good and what is bad are hard to sperate. If your car gets hit by another car and the only thing that spereated a group of people from getting crushed by the other car was your car than you have saved many lives eventhough you may not realize it. My point is that you are needed on this earth, someday you may have the oppertunity of saving someones life without even knowing it.

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