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Posts posted by nexus532

  1. This past weekend I went back to my hometown for thanksgiving break. Naturaly i wanted to have a good time. I saw a old friendand decided to go and talk to her, we had a good time. She talked about how she liked me in high school (she is still in highschool and i am a freashman in college). At the end of the night she gave me her number and i gave her mine. We were both drinking but i can still remember the night. She said that she would call me the next day, which is today. Since she didn't call should I call her? Or should I come to the conclusion that this is just another one night stand? O yea, she also has a boyfriend but has been very unhappy with him over the past few weeks. I need some help on what i should do.

  2. Well for me and my girlfriend it was a tipical night, except her dad was away and her mom went out. So after a lovely dinner we decided to head back to her house. We sat and watched "Keeping the Faith" which might i add is a great movie, with a romantic flavor to it. The movie left us with a sense of love towards each other. We decided to go up to her room, things go very tender and spicey. She had put on some nice music and we began to express our feelings physically. Now this part come as a shocker, we where both half naked, still in the whole procedure, kissing each other ect. Than her mom knoked on the door, she has no lock, my mind couldn't register what was going on. Bam her mom came in, what does she see? me and her daughter half naked in her room. Very embarrassing. The mom didn't overreact, i simply put on my shirt, said, i'm so sorry. Her mom said, "I think you had better go home, i have to talk to my daughter" Its 2:45 here and this happened not 3 hours ago. I need help on how to address this to her mom when or if i can see her again. More importantally what do i say to her dad, am I in a world of hurt or what.

  3. you should ues the fact that all your friends have girlfriends as a helper. See if your friends girlfriend has any single friends, than arrange a double date. For being funny don't do anything that may hurt anyones feelings or offend someone. Eventhough the girls may laugh at it they might still think you are a jerk. When get around the girls compliment them and talk about the day.

  4. i think girls do this because they still need to fill thier emotional block. even though they may have still found someone else they need someone that they know to be there for them. Think of it like this, every ex boyfirend is like a phychiatrists to their old girlfriend. She still needs someone to understand where she is coming from.

  5. Well thats why most nations are having a high raise in std's. Because kids are having sex at a younger age, there are more std's than everyone really knows, meaning knowone knows the exact number of different strands of bacteria or viriuses out there. you only have one body, treat it with respect and be smart about what you do.

  6. Well you need to find times when you both get off at the same time. Ask here is she wants to go to a coffee shop.note have one already picked out . If she says yes than your in the clear. Don't worry too much about work being weird, many of my ex's and I still talk whenever we see each other.

  7. well the bacteria that grows in the foreskin is called schmagma spelling is wrong, if its not cleaned it will smell and possibly become infected. As for the condom he should be erect when he puts it on, just to be safe.

  8. wow, the other day i read a form about a fourteen year old kid takling about having sex. I think thats a little young to be thinking about that. Personally i waited till i turned 18 to engage in sex. Find it to be no big deal, don't have to have it, but i still need it if you get my drift.

    Still I think its getting crazy when such young people are doing things that may affect thier lives without the proper knowledge of whats going on.


    What a crazy world we live in.

  9. I think it is not possible to have sex and not develope feelings for the significant other. There is a reason why the two lover have hooked up. If there is a sexual connection, emotional connections will soon follow.

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