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Posts posted by nexus532

  1. between 8 and 10:30 is a big time frame to wait for someone. My quess is that she went there at a different time and waited for some amount of time thinking the same thing you are. Yea you should go to the concert, and if fate is on your side you will run into her. try not to make it you whole goal while your there, try to meet new people also.

  2. Its not that the men have lost faith in wemon, usually its because men are more afraid of showning their emotions. Men are afraid to do this because they think that if the do its a sing of weakness or that the female friend will laugh at his display of emotions, which is usually not true. A major breakup for a guy my push his feelings farther into repression with every breakup.

  3. What can i say is that you need more confedance. start going to a gym and running daily, get in shap, from personal experance girls love a tight muscular stomach, it will be hard to do but well worth it.

    take care of your complection by not eating bad foods, the whites of you eyes will begin to clear up and girl will start to gaze into your eyes more.Drees nice, use colone, always semll good, my suggertion is to but a colone called (pie) its a vanellia smell. girls fall head over heals for it.

  4. Well there is a girl in my phycholgy 101 class. She has been very hard to read signals from because she always with her friend in that class. She will turn around to look at me for a breif second and than play with her hair. My question is how do you know if she is interested in you. I need good facts because i know most of the noticeable ones.THX

  5. It always feels wores for the one who got cheated on because most time it comes as a surprise and one is left without love, so he/she will try to fill that lost link in a short amount of time. this is not always a good thing because personal standards will become lower than usual and the person will end up more drpressed. As for some advise take a brake from dating for a few months, enjoy your single life. Take care of your body so that when you put yourself on back on the market you will go into it with confidence.

  6. Ok, this is what i usually do on a normal date, just wanted to know if it is very good. Of course you gotta buy nice flowers for her not thoes cheep ones, first question is i have a newer truck and a 66 mustang, i usually take the mustang but i feel that it may infulence the way a girl will feel about me. Next i take her out to a itallian dinner , for the first date it is always the same restarant because its nice and i like to have my dates planned out. Next (and i always feel skectchy about this part) i will take here to a place down by the river, its kinda out there, i feel like the girl may feel uncomfortable out there because there are alot of bad people in our city. Also i built a fire pit out there. If we don't stay there, i usually will take here to a movie at 11:00pm, but is a movie theater better than goting to my house? I never do anything with her on the first date just hugging and casual touching. Will most girls get turned off by this at 19 years of age? All the normal stuff is incorperated with all this, opening doors, pulling out seats and pushing her in, paying for dinner. Bascially as it says above, am i too much of a gentelmen with my actions.


    PS: most girls are satisified with this but sometimes i feel they are after money and not a relationship.

  7. Well your getting into some serious stuff. In your mind i think you know that you will never be happy with this friend of yours over a long period of time, if anything were to happen. If you love your husband you will distance yourself from this friend, think of everything bad her may have do to you, things he has said, done ect.. And i too was attracted to an European girl at my college, we talk all the time and had lots of fun, but when she told me she was married i distanced myself from her, it was a hard thing to do but i had to do it.

  8. If you start to skip class now just wait till college. TRUST me its not far away, If you get into a rut is skipping class in high school you will not even won't to go to college classes and flunk out or waste your parents money. Besides whats 45 min at the most, high school is easy so just go to the class, no one will think your a good girl for that, they well think your a smart girl. Oh, and about your friends smoking weed around you, do you like that, when they smoke around you.

  9. Don't call him back , if you wern't happy with each other before than you will never be happy with him. The best way is to, yes, change your # and move on to different guys, this will help you get over your depression.

  10. Strawberries and wipped cream always makes the night better for me, your should try it with her. Also what really gets me and a girl going is going somewhere where there is a chance of getting cought, it always gets your heart racing, but be smart about it.

  11. yea, 2000 is quite impressive. you think your grandpa could lend me some money. Just kidding, your only 14 so do what ever makes you happy. Your grandpa should understand that times have changed and the fasions have changed. But you should buy one nice outfit and wear it around to make him happy.

  12. Dreaming is a state in your sleep called REM. During these Rem sleeps that occur 20 minutes many time throughout the night you will start to dream. Most dreams are not remembered because they help sort through all the information through the past day. Some dreams are said to show wishful fullfillment or the persons desires, also cognitive problem solving can occur during these stages. Most freams are caused because of high neuro activity the stimuliates the brain. that is a short overview of dreams.

    As for your dream if i was to inturprate it, it would seem to me that this dream represented everything you don't want to happen in your life or you are afraid of.


    Hope my information is helpful.

  13. I've decided to write this because many of my friends have fallen into this trap of the heart. When you see someone of the oppsite sex make sure your in a comfortalble place. You see when your not in a familiar place the heart begins to beat faster forcing blood through the body quicker. This is due to you being nervous or unsettled. Your brain will interperte this, expessically if your around people of the oppsite sex as a feeling of love towards someone. So remember if you looking for love don't go to a high mountain if your afraid of heights or on a long swinging bridge if your afraid of unsecure footings.

  14. I take it you've just moved to highschool in the past year, me and my (ive had since 4th grade) went through a short time where we didn't talk much. But it passed and now we go to the same college and party with each other. Usually this point and time for you has to deal with you guys trying to find where to fit in/ what crowdes to run with. If you guys have benn long term friends you should end up falling into the same groups.

  15. Well theres not much i can say because ive never talked or know someone who has done this. All i can say is if you want to be happy in the future you need to stop this cutting. Happiness begins with how you treat your body.


    sorry if this doesn't help

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