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Posts posted by nexus532

  1. People therse days never seem to appreicate the small things around them. This was always a quick fix for me when i was feeling down about how things are going. Go outside one night and just stare up at the sky. Your mind will begin to wonder, and things that you miss everyday will become clear. Your family loves you, do you really want to put everyone through something as emotionally draining as for them to lose a daughter.


    As for the whole heaven and hell thing, Rent the movie "what dreams may come" with robin williams and cuba gooding Jr in it.

  2. Well, it would seem that leaving him was a smart decision. To be commited in a long term relationship each side should see it fifty-fifty to each others views. Although, excuse me if this may seem a bit too rude, but its not like your getting any younger. What you really need to do is sit down and think about what you want in a man, try and remove any physical of social boundries that may get in the way, after all some of the happiest couples usually are on oppsite ends of each social level. But, I'm only nineteen and have had the great privilege of staying out of long term relationships.

  3. Oh, comon saying unless i raped her. Thats messed up, if you have read my pervious posts i waited 4 days from the day she asked me in thinking about weather to have sex with her. Err, you sound like your mad because i did this, if its what makes her happy than im happy.

  4. Well, just got back from my girls house, and if you've been reading my posts i had problems taking her virginity away. Well i did it tonight, of course her parents were not home. I sure she wanted me to take it. She said it hurts but i told her that it will pass with more experiance. I just hope she dosen't get addicted to sex.She seems to be commited to me though. Thanks for everyones help on this 4 week subject.

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