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  1. when I was about 5 years old I vividly remember a scene in the house where my dad(who is my sister's stepdad) was yelling at my sister(15 at the time) for not picking up her feet as she walked (she drug her feet on the ground while wearing flipflops which made a noise). That's about all I remember of it, but today my mom revealed after my dad yelled at her she starting to hyperventilate and throw up and said that he was abusing her. My parents got divorced over this and I was kept in the dark about it for obvious reasons. I was always led to believe the divorce was over money problems. It shocked me because I would never picture my dad as a pedophile. My mom always asked if he touched me whenever I visited him on the weekends, he never did but it makes sense now why she always asked that. I think today he is a changed man and that he is sorry for what he has done.When my family lived together, my sister and father would fight constantly, but now he asks about her as if hes sorry for what he did and wondering if she is making it in life. My question is, should I confront him about this? I'd like to hear his side of the story but he will probably deny it and it would make our relationship awkward.
  2. I've been talking with my online GF for 5 years now. I feel she is the most perfect woman in the world for me. The distance between us sucks but we have plans to move in together next summer. I can't wait
  3. I've known my girlfriend for 4 years but we've only been together for about a month. I was wondering what a nice gift for her would be...something to let her know I really love her and I am in this for the long haul. Price isn't much of a concern...but then again I don't want it to be too expensive.
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