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Everything posted by dias

  1. Yesterday before I slept, between this stage of being half awake and half asleep where you have dreams but you are also conscious simultaneously, Norwich conjured up. I dreamed myself walking on the cobblestone streets there, the streets I used to walk when I lived there. It was quaint. I remember it was more provincial and less cosmopolitan than Liverpool and I didn't like it that much for that but I made good memories there. Hmm, strangely it's the only place I miss from the UK, it's not Liverpool that much. I don't know why. If I went back to the UK I would have preferred Norfolk to anywhere else. I guess I liked it was peaceful and serene.
  2. Now this is crazy indeed. It was going to happen at some point but it's different when it is actually happening. I think there was a movie in the 80s with Sylvester Stallone who transfers into the future and he was using apparatus like that. This is not a movie though.
  3. Grrr this nagging need to travel is resurfacing. Years ago I thought I wanted to travel to escape from my problems and whatnot but nope. I am very happy and satisfied with my life right now and I still have a huge urge sometimes to take the first plane and go somewhere (anywhere really). I know it will subside in a week or two and then resurface again in a few months. I don't believe this feeling will ever go away.
  4. As strange as that sounds, not at all. I never felt any romantic/physical attraction from my side (although one of them is objectively good looking) and I am confident neither did they. One is single and one is not but I never felt any urge for something more. However, I do enjoy their company a lot, we laugh a lot. We still have one party left together next Friday which is my last day. I will try to maintain contact now that I am leaving...usually communication fizzles out with time when you leave the company. That's life. We have a good time as long as this friendship lasts.
  5. The other day I went to the office dressed in my street-wear and everybody was looking at me hahahaha. I don't care, what are they going to do now, fire me? hahahaha. I think I mentioned before about the two female colleagues I get along great. We had so much fun this day, we turned the office into a playground. How unprofessional hehe. They are as witty/frisky as me, we have the same sense of humor and we tease each other 24/7. The only time I remember laughing that much with someone was in high school. One would think it would be easy to find someone with the same sense of humor but this is definitely not the case. Not many people are witty and playful in a good way. Some don't get it at all, some are slow, some enjoy the banter but they don't reciprocate the tease so it does not last, some find it offensive....
  6. It was fun, essentially it's a combination of aerobic and acrobatics. I am not sure I will continue with the break dance though as it was very taxing on my knees. Even when I do squats (with light weight) my knees don't hurt but yesterday they killed me. I will continue with the hip-hop, it was not as demanding. Plus I don't have time for both, there is a busy year ahead of me.
  7. I try new things from time to time to get outside of my comfort zone. I went to a hip-hop dance lesson yesterday. I will attend a break-dance lesson on Thursday and then I will decide which one to start doing for the rest of the year. Generally speaking, I don't like dancing at all except for hip-hop and break-dance which I used to like a lot as a kid but never tried it. I thought I might give it a try now. In the company's party I made some moves and the girls told me I have potential with lessons/guidance. I don't know if that was just a compliment (more than likely) but why not give it a try for fun? I think the dance teacher got a bit frustrated with me. I told her I am a newbie she needs to show me the steps slowly. Instead she did a whole bunch of steps very quickly. I am like what the heck? How am I supposed to follow this? If someone who hasn't coded in his life came to me, I wouldn't start coding like I normally do, I think it's pretty reasonable that you go step by step. Jeez...Let's see the next lessons. I suspect the new job will be very demanding so I would have time only for hip-hop lessons or break-dance lessons but not for both. I want to see how it will be on Thursday.
  8. I understand, I have the same problem with my gmail account. You can do a mass delete when it comes to promotions, socials and junk folders but not on the primary section. The primary section always has emails you need to keep and there is no option to delete based on title, sender etc. It's very frustrating I know. There is a relatively easy way to mass delete selectively using code. I've been thinking about building a small app to do it. I am sure there are plenty of apps on the web (probably with no free version) as the code is available on the internet and you just need to put the pieces together. I might do it at some point. When I do I will send you the code to run 🙂
  9. I don't take dating apps seriously because 1) I don't get any decent matches usually, you have to be average looking to get matches it seems. 2) Many of them are either boring as hell or dumb as hell or both. Yesterday I was chatting with a girl and at some point I asked her "are you from Crete originally? you look like you could be from Crete" and she replied "No I am Greek". Like ***? Imagine you are in NYC and you ask someone "are you from Colorado?" and he/she replies "No I am American". Then I told her we could meet at the city centre in the most popular spot you can imagine, and she replied "I don't have a phone it's broken how are we going to recognize each other?". I am like we are talking on FB and we have pictures of each other, it would be easy to recognize each other, we don't have to be Sherlock Holmes...She replied "why don't you come with your car and pick me up?" I am thinking she is dumb alright but she still knows what a chauffeur is. I said ok, I will pick you up. I thought at least I might get some. She replies "but how are we going to recognize each other?". I am like yeah picking you up with a car does not solve the issue. I stopped replying after this, I can't deal with single digit IQ not even for p*ssy. If it wasn't for her reply about Crete I would believe she played dumb.... Only in real life I have met normal girls. I need to get back to the game the old school way.
  10. Hmm I don't know. Yes and no. I guess I like the chase otherwise I wouldn't do it. On the other hand, I like creating/building more than chasing. In a way I will always be chasing something better. I can't imagine myself becoming stagnant, only the thought is suffocating. I like changes. However, from this point onward I won't be chasing the wave anymore. I will continue getting better in whatever I am doing as this is who I am but I will wait for the wave to find me. I reached the point where I am satisfied with what I am doing. Yes I would love to be running a company right now instead of being an employee but given we live in reality and not in an imaginary world, I am satisfied with this job. I have high standards and I expect more than average from myself, now that I got it I will enjoy life more. In theory, it's better to have this attitude from the beginning and not to wait to attain something difficult. In theory always. I am quite happy with my life right now and I believe the future is going to get even better. I know I am in the right path when I have this feeling of anticipation that the future is going to be better than the present.
  11. I find the way this guy speaks a bit irritating but he is quite interesting and smart.
  12. I never chase anyone else's ideas only mine. It was more of a rhetorical question because I had a discussion when bro was here about this new job. I told him "my current job is like a hobby, they are paying me a good salary for doing my hobby" and he said "you know most people dream to have a job like this one". It is true. Do I enjoy having a comfy well paid job? Yes and no. I do enjoy it, I do enjoy drinking my coffee by the sea while I am on a call. Yes I like that. Forever though? It's ok for a period of time but that's it. I love the sea, I love the sun, I love nature and working from wherever I want is a blessing. However, how many times can you enjoy the scenery before you get bored? Some people never get bored, I do, I have too much creativity to only enjoy life as a passive passenger. In IT everything changes so fast, if you want to stay in the technical department you need to keep up with new technologies otherwise you will be left behind. Would it be bad to stay at a company with boring projects and old technologies for years? No. Not for most people. It's not for me though. It's in my very nature to move forward in all aspects of my life. I hate stagnation. I can't stand it, it makes me miserable in the long term. I thrive in changes albeit getting outside of your comfort zone and putting work is difficult.
  13. Work is slow since I am leaving next month. I decided to go to my favorite cafeteria to work. The weather is not that hot anymore, it's quite pleasant. When I arrived in the morning it was almost empty, the best time to drink your morning coffee. I had all the cafeteria on my own with only a take-away coffee of 3 euros. I even did a YouTube video. The lower level of cafeteria is so close to the water that you can literally jump into the sea. You can go for a 10 minute swim and get back when you have a call (which I did) and you don't even have to get out of the water lol. And I am not on an island or the countryside. I am wondering, is this the ideal life? Is this what most people have in mind when thinking about the "perfect" life? Having a good paying job working from the beach somewhere in the Mediterranean? If that's so, I guess I am living the best life ever. Although it's easy to get bored, as long as it lasts it's great.
  14. I only informed the head of department, the HR and some managers, not my colleagues yet. I had a call with the head of department, he suspected something was "wrong" when I messaged him that we need to talk lol. For half an hour he tried to persuade me to stay claiming if it's only the salary we can fix this and that the other company is not as good as it sounds etc etc. There is a shortage of good engineers in general, the companies can't really afford to lose good engineers. By good I mean having the right experience + being professional, not some unique gifted person. I politely declined as I don't want to burn bridges. Turns out in life you never know when you might need someone again. Case in point, I had to reach out to people in my previous companies to get references. I kept communication with a lady we worked together in Liverpool 3+ years ago. I asked her for a reference, she agreed but when she received the email from my soon to be employer she ceased contact for 2 days and didn't read my messages (which was the first time happening as she was always very quick to respond). I am not sure what happened there, she might got jealous or something as it's a really good job. I had to literally beg her to respond. She eventually did send the reference but for 2 days I was stressed as f*ck. You never know in life. I really hate depending on people and I truly hate begging but since I live in a society there is no other way. Which is the reason I don't want to move to managerial positions as I would depend on people 100%. As an engineer I produce practical value, I depend much less on people, although I can't ever be 100% independent no matter how skilled I am. Anyway, all's well that ends well. I start in October. Hopefully, it will be a good environment with interesting projects. I am still positively surprised I got this job. I always thought I am never lucky. Turns out I am and I am grateful for this. For once, the stars aligned for me too.
  15. And some activities easier!
  16. I joined a call the other day where a manager praised me saying I am an excellent professional and an amazing cool person outside of work too. He is the slimy type so his comment don't mean that much but I don't mind a bit of flattery hahahaha I am sending my letter of resignation in a few hours. I know they will come back with a counter-offer to stay but it does not matter at this point. Hopefully it won't upset many people. This is the end of the road....and the beginning of another one. I always wanted to start my own company, I never wanted to be an employee. Turns out so far I am not competent enough. So employee it is. Anyway, with this new job I reached the ceiling as an engineer, then I need to move to a managerial position which I am not sure I want to babysit people and hear people's gripes. I really don't like babysitting notably when it comes to adults. I can spend the rest of my life as an engineer with a very good salary and have enough free time to do whatever I want. It's not bad. The best thing is that now I reached the level I am satisfied with. From now on, I can enjoy life a lot more as I won't be stressing about the next goal because there is none. It reminds me of the time where after 4-5 years of training I finally got abs. I started to enjoy training a lot more since then because the only thing left was the enjoyment I was getting from the training itself. I am at the same point in my career now. I feel some sort of relief. It might be because I won't be putting pressure on myself anymore. I will start going with the flow...and see where life leads me.
  17. Hmmm.... I can't provide a clear answer on this. I am not the kind of person who wants to be in a relationship (or part of any other group) because I can't stay alone or feel insecure. On the contrary, I am exactly the opposite, I would like to be part of a relationship/group because I really want to and this feeling really depends on the other person. If I truly like a girl yes but unfortunately the ones I truly liked were not interested/unavailable. I admit I haven't invested as much time as it is probably necessary (like a part time job) for this purpose so unless I decide to take on the job I know I won't see any results. It's me being lazy more than anything. Plus, I move around a lot which does not really help. And I don't compromise with average. It seems I will continue being alone hahahaha. Not that I will shed a tear about it, I am pretty happy with myself and my life, I can't complain.
  18. How are the real Christian men? I am (very) far from that but I am curious to know.
  19. Interesting. I thought something completely different based on the title alone. I guess the interpretation depends on the reader's personality hahahaha. Too bad for her she meant it literally.
  20. Damn, I had some intense dreams yesterday. I don't usually have dreams. Must be the gyros, I ate 3 big ones. I am being sloppy this week with food. I was too lean for quite some time. At some point my body gets tired with the low body fat and I need to put a couple of kilos to recover. I never stop working out so it's relatively easy to lose weight. I did see the Mexican girl I met in New Orleans in my dreams. Strange. I guess I really liked her. Too bad nothing will ever happen in real life. I have become friends with some of my colleagues, mainly two girls that we go out for a beer after work sometimes. They are just friends, there is no interest for anything more from both sides, but I do like spending time with them because I can be myself and we laugh a lot. It's so rare to find people that you can be yourself with them. Anyway, one of them brought her cousin when we had a company event as I told her I am on the market. She was an ok girl but we didn't click. I know I must appear so fussy and picky. If I met her on a dating app I might played the game for a little bit just for sex but now it would jeopardize my friendship. I don't believe I am that picky, ok I am to a degree but I think it's mostly that I don't go out a lot to actually give myself a chance to meet people. It's so boring going out alone to bars for the only purpose to meet people like I am going hunting. Hmmm I might be fussy I don't know, maybe I have become so complacent being alone that I am too lazy to take on this part time job.
  21. Looking so Greek right now 😆 Chilling at a cafeteria by the ⛱️ with bro drinking coffee. Can't get more Greek than this.
  22. How so? because he didn't finish? The whole time before this he wasn't repulsed by her?
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