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Posts posted by OhJeeeez

  1. Wow, thats alot of info. My best advise is to do what makes you happy. If staying with your friend and you are both in love, then Kennedy will have everything she deserves. A loving home doesn't ever have to be both original parents together.


    As far as the money thing goes, must have been nice, but millions of single parents do just fine ever day.


    Be happy, do what makes you happy and don't let anyone else besides your daughter influence that!!!

  2. Well, if you want the text book response, they say its 1/4 to 1/2 the length of the relationship. But it really depends on you and how well you heal.


    You've been hurt, there's no doubt about that. So take the time to heal yourself. I'm not saying be by yourself, go out and date. You'll probably meet some fantastic women. That will just solidify your decision to move on from the last girl.


    Just don't go pouring your heart out to the next girl you think is "perfect". Stand up for yourself and decide not to let them walk on you. The "good" women (alot of them on here ) won't do that to you anyways.


    Be single, live life for yourself, just be careful and be responsible. Not being responsible often happens right after a long relationship.


    Take care and good luck man!

  3. Man, you seriously are brainwashed aren't you. I only say that because I've been there. What you need to do is stand up for yourself and stop letting her walk all over you.


    Some women, I say "SOME WOMEN" actually enjoy the fact that they can walk on you. All the while, some other guy that doesn't let her, is getting all the attention.


    We've all been walked on, its an important life lesson I think.


    My advise? Stand up aand be strong. Next time she talks about being a princess, hand her a mirror and walk off. Be strong man!!!!


    PM me if you need help, serious....

  4. Don't complement her too much. I bet all the other guys that hit on her do that too.


    Next time, pick out something about her and make fun of it. " Nice shoes, I did know they made them that big!!" You'll be surprised the reaction you get. Confidence and humor, best tools you have!

  5. This will be short, i just have one observation. First off, Rob sounds like a good guy. Heck, thats my name, he has to be.


    You mentioned in the last part of your post "Do I stay with Peter or do I try and get a happier life (maybe with rob)? I need help on how I decide this?".


    Maybe it is you need to find a happier life with you? It sounds like you are so unhappy with yourself, you couldn't possibly make anyone else happy? Maybe the fact that Rob is making you feel better about yourself, you view him as a savior.


    Truth is, I dont have any advise, but to make yourself happy and do what "YOU" need to do to get there. I wouldn't let go of Rob, sounds like he's going to be your "crutch" till you can do it on your own. But I wouldnt get involved.



  6. You could always just show it to her?


    It may be awkward if she doesnt know you look at porn though.


    I would just say, I was surfing the net and you are going to die when you see this!! This girl, looks just like you!! When confronted in person, she may freak out because it does, or she will come clean. Either way, you wont be worried about it and I think its a safe way to bring it up.


    Don't waste time worring about it, just deal with it. But you may want to prepare your self for her reaction. If it is her, are you ready to deal with that?

  7. Time...


    Thats what it takes, seriously. I was with a girl for 5 years, even had a son together. She cheated on me and I confronted her, she wasn't totally honest with me, even though the crying was to try and convince me. I had a really hard decision to make.


    But I rose above it and realized that I could never trust this woman. That was a solid fact. I for one will never stay with someone I can't trust because they decived me, lied to me and hurt me because they were having issues. Thats not my problem right? I didnt cause it, I gave it everything.


    That right there made me never want to go back, even though I loved her, there was no way I could believe that she would not do it again. Now, a year after I broke it off, I look back and realized how long I actually put up with the lieing and telling myself that I loved her.


    Again though, time heals all. Take it easy, don't get involved with anyone else yet. Live for yourself. Heck!! Your single again!! Go live life and enjoy those things that you couldn't do being tied down! Believe me, this helps. So crawl out of your self pitty hole and go have some fun!

  8. I want to tell her that I'm dating this guy. He's my age and I don't plan on having sex for a long time, so that's not something she'll have to worry about. I want her to know that I am mature now, and I've learned from my own mistakes and that she needs to let me live


    I think you honestly have it right there. That to me is respectful. My kids are alot younger than you, but I know when it comes time for them to leave, its going to be hard.


    You may not realize it, but I bet the reason she has become over-protectant is because she realizes that she is getting ready to loose you. On top of what I quoted from you, I would just tell her you love her, and by you going away, making your own choices, shes not going to loose you. By controlling your life, she may.

  9. I just started dating a girl about 3 weeks ago or so. Things hit off so well we thought something was wrong with one another, like we were hiding something (distrust). This distrust stemmed from both our backgrounds.


    She fell in love with someone that turned out to be married and would not leave his wife. I was engaged, had a son and then was cheated on after giving to this woman everything I had, including my trust.


    I used to be one to trust without reserve. I think many people are until they experience "real" hurt. Now even though we are still in the same boat together, the fact is, we are in it together, both growing from it. Communication is key in a relationship, more so when there is distrust involved. If you make your partner aware of your background, make them realize that you have a hard time trusting someone, I think it helps tremendously. I find myself going out of my way now, to show her that she can trust me. She does this to me now as well.


    We both now realize what's ahead of us, so we take it at a comfortable speed, slowing learning to trust one another. The good thing with us is, that even though its been a short time, if feels like its been forever and we are able to open up to one another so much better. So our "trust" that the person won't abandon this or hurt us, is slowing dwindling.


    Hope my situation gives you some direction, seems to be working for us!

  10. My advice, coming from a guy....


    Patching things up with someone is always rough work. I think sending red roses or roses at all is predictable and boring. Now, they are pretty flowers, but it doesn't show you really mean it to me. If flowers are your choice, then I would stop some where on the way to her house and find some wild flowers. There are so many beautiful ones growing all over.


    Just make sure you don't pick and weeds!!

  11. Ok, Im going to give you a guys point of view. I actually had the best BG of my life a few days ago. I'm not really into them anyways, yeah, it feels good and all, but it doesnt make me cum. Of course, It can if done long enough.


    Licking is the best. NEVER give him a hand job. Why would you girls think a guy wants that, we can do that ourselves? lol My old GF used to do that and I was always like, are you done yet? It actually got annoying.


    There's a secret I learned though. If you caress the nutts while you do it, it makes it 100% better, also, when its in your mouth, use one hand to guide it, makes it feel like you are putting the whole thing in your mouth. On the caressing thing, it also makes normal sex last twice as long because it calms the guy down, but feels wonderfull at the same time.


    Sorry I got graphic, but you asked?? Hope that helps..

  12. Here is the rule I always use when trying to turn a girl on. I've been dating the same one for a few weeks but have only had sex a few times. The last, after we were done, she couldn't believe it. SHe told it was like I was inside her head and knew exactly what she wanted when she wanted it.


    Now I am no expert at sex, but, I've figured out how to please a woman. Turn one on before sex is actually very easy. I use the two steps forward, one step back rule. Gets them hot.


    Say we are sitting on the couch watching a movie with her laying next to me. I'll put my hand on her head and start caresing her hair, then I'll lean over and give her a kiss on the forehead. Move my hand down to her shoulder and stop. Wait a few minutes and then reach over and kiss her on the lips, take a step back and just hold her. I keep advancing the whole time, but only in short moments. This getts them going crazy.


    As far as sex goes, most guys just suck at it. Believe it or not, if you make a women feel good, it just makes it better for you. Most guys are just there to please themselves and not really care what the woman is going through.


    I find it better, to just start slow. Now, aggressivness in this is key though, like throwing them on the bed and just passionatly kissing them to start. But, take a step back (driving them crazy again). Slow down and start kissing.


    Now, the key is to pay attention. Being observant of the way you are making her feel is key. When you do something, you really MUST watch how she reacts, you can tell what they are wanting that way. Some women will even react and guide you. Brother, just shutup and let them do it, they know what they want, lol


    Thats my advice, be observant and patient...

  13. Ok, here is some solid advise. i met this girl at a club one night, we talked for about 3 miuntes about how she was doing, I craked on her funny shoes, etc. It was very short though. I just said I had to go, but she seemed normal and asked her if she had email, she said yeah so I gave her a pen. She wrote it down and I said it was nice to meet you and walked off.


    Now this is assuming you have at least said Hi and she knows who you are. This is the email word for word I sent. This girl was a 9 easy too.


    "It was great meeting you last night. I think you were already stalking me going to the same place for breakfast though. But I'll let it slide this once I suppose. ;-)




    So let's see…. What is your schedule like next week? We should get together and have coffee or something and you can tell me that long story about what it is you actually do or hey, even a stimulating conversation about your adventures in shoe shopping! ;-)




    Then if we get along, maybe we can go for a bite to eat… but you know, coffee is a safe bet… this way if you scare me to bad, I can say "Oh, hey… um… I just remembered that I have to go walk the dog… it's really important…" and then we can call it a night. ;-) Otherwise, you seem pretty down to earth so far. We just might even become friends!"



    Now that got me a date and much much more. But continue to be funny and evasive about it or she will know that you copied it.


    Heck, dont even have to say what I did, but dont be afriad man, what can she do, say no? lol OMG!!

  14. Oh, we've already had sex. It was the best we've both had actually. Thats what I meant my getting more physical. I just didnt know the right way to say it on a public board. She explained to me in detail about how she felt during and after words.


    You know, I think we both have had the feeling of tru elove and so desperatly want it back that we are just trying to hard? But Im not sure. This is what she told me this morning after we had the best sex each has ever had. She actually told me she felt like we were one and i knew what it was that she wanted at every moment. Now when you are a guy and you hear that, that is like the ultimate complement, lol.


    So this what she said afterwards in the morning:


    "Good Morning! Last night was awesome. I think you're great, which is why I'm asking for this to slow down a tad bit. I don't want to go so fast I end up screwing things up. The wounds I have are pretty fresh and I would like to give you a 100% chance here. I don't want to still have any feelings from before mixed in with the now. Bear with me a little bit and I think this will be a great thing."


    Then one right after saying this, before I had responded:


    "Let me explain a little more. This feels like it's going to good. Things are just too smooth and easy, which is making a little nervous. Probably I want things to go good and they are. I don't even know how to say the things that are going thru my mind.


    Does any of this sound familiar on your end.


    As for last night. Good God! You were just super, my kids really liked you.

    I did like the flowers and dinner. I don't know how to go about slowing things down enough to do this. I've never tried before. If you have an answer, tell me?"


    Maybe that is more insight as to why I am confused as what to do?

  15. Where do I start, this has all been so fast. I met a girl about 3 weeks ago (we are both in our 30's) and we both are already having semi strong feelings for one another. We talk all the time and have gotten to know each other a lot. She first started telling me all the bad things about her, like she was trying to protect herself or something. They really werent that bad, heck, none of them even bothered me. This was in the first week of us meeting. So we spent some time together and ended up kissing one night. It wasnt just a peck, it was passionate. It feels like we are a passionate couple already and it's scarey. Now we are both not dating anyone else and are open to having a relationship (we didnt go exclusive for each other, just so happens we aren't dating anyone else). But will it work if its too fast? I've known people married for 50 years and still going strong that married in the first month. I dont see marriage anytime soon here, but thats even faster. Neither her or I have ever had that want to move fast in a relationship. Things just seemed to fit perfect. All the qualities I look for and she looks for, we both have. I think that is why it scares us. Could two people really be that good for each other?


    Now a new thing poped into this delima the other day. She was with someone a few months ago, a married guy and she said she was in love. Why would she try a dating service so soon if she was "really" in love with this other guy (thats how we met). She told me that she broke it off a few months ago and knows that it will never work. She told me that she really likes me and wants to try and make things really work. It seems that her telling me that relieved some tension she had, and things with us even progressed further to a physical level. Now emotions are involved. The physical part was perfect from both opinions as well by the way.


    Now here is my question and I hope some one can lay some advise on it. I havent fallen for her yet, not opened up emotions to her because Im scared. She acts like Im the best thing that has rolled around, she loves what we have and thinks its just going to get better. But every time we have a great time together, she emails me the next morning saying its going to fast. She explains that Things are going so fast, yet it feels so good it can't be real. I havent pushed her, I have taken queues from her. I've givin her the space she wants. I think that all this worrying about what will happen, about it being so right and scaring us is just not good for a new relationship. Can someone please give advise on how "We" should go from here? Besides "Take it slow...". Id really like some good avise instead of the that blanket response.


    One thing I should mention, that when we are with each other, it feels like we are a passionate couple, it feels so perfect, she has expressed the same thing to me. We've admitted that we have made each other feel like on one else has, even those we have been in love with. I just can't get a handle on what is really going on here.

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