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Posts posted by goddess23

  1. oo hunn, listen i dont know how long this break up has been but it sound like its a fresh wound. dont worry its normal to feel this tempation and utter hopelessness. just remember to use something that mkes you happy to take your mind off of it especially for the first little while (for me it was driving lol, honestly day after the breakup i just drove!). keep yourself busy and focus on the positive. its clear you loved him and i knowww soo well how hard it is. just remember that time will make this wound a scar and although it will leave a painful memory it will also no longer hurt and alos carry a bunch of great anecdotes and memories just like a scar. thats the analogy i always use, its better than time heals all wounds...because really they become scars. and time does that. so just think about you feel about a scar...same thign! lol. i know right now it doesnt feel that way but remember that this relationship was amazing while it lasted you didnt come out with bruises from abuse, it was one that helped you grow as a person and be who you are today. and im sure you're happy wiht who you are, you can thank that relationship. and i think you're young and you have time and sometimes you need a break. who knows what the future holds, but this opens alot of doors for you and gives you a chance to foucs on yourself, your friends and your LIFE. good luckk!

  2. o wow. just like when my ex and i broke up. see he started getting talllller and keep in mind hes a year younger and wen dating we were like the same height! and he was reallly gorgeous. the feminine features yet not femenine looking at all! and my parents always remarked about how good looking he was. o wow it killed. my friends too. and it just kills your self esteem even more. you know what just look at this way: you GOT AN AMAZING GUY HE WAS FULLY INTO YOU ATTRACTED TO YOU MAYBE LOVED YOU! yes it hurst that its over but hey its a great story to tell your kids. the kids that you will have with a much better man. one who looks at YOU like the magnolia tree. ohh hunn i know how you're feeling and as much as we wanna say that looks dont matter in cases like this it just sucks. but just look at the postive aspects to it. and focus on moving on. honestly i must say im back with my ex now and even though hes taller our relatiojnship is up and down and honestly he just doesnt seem as hot anymore! so when you move on and find someone so much better those gorgeous features will become fuzzy. trust me...you know i remember STUDYING his every eyelash and after we broke up in a couple of months i could barely remember all thos little details. people can be insenstive so make it a positive!

  3. aww i understand. i know how it is we all go through it. its just this situation is soooo small i wouldnt think twice especially if hes never given you any previous hints to being into someone else

  4. okay granted womans intuition but let me start off by syaing im just not a jealous person in general so im sure a lot of people might disagree iwth me...but i think to be jealous in this situation is really not necessary. i mean i understand you feel a lil ughhh a lil jealous a lil annoyed or uncomfortable but not enough to start stressing or start asking your bf questions. i mean hes making it clear to the girl hes WITH YOU and guys and girls can be close. and i know im one of those girls who can come accross as flirtatious and loud, and some people might get the vibe like oo those two are flirting. so i mean obviously you need to know your guy and this is also an issue of trust. for something as insignificant as this to cause alarm i think is a sign of something wrong there. honestly i think you have nothing to worry about and jealousy is a total waste of time...unless he gives you a REALLL sign to worry i would sit back and have a cute smile on my face saying "see that arm around me, and the benz parked outside as his bday gift to me and the stack of cards in my drawer...thats having something". okay so i went overboard lol but you get the poitn!

  5. okay this is obviously a problem. i feel for you man. i mean i went through something similar in terms of the breakup--it was a vacation that ended it. he went on vacation came back and didnt contact me right away and when we did talk and i could feel that cold distance he siad he needed time. that he wasnt sure what he wanted. however the next day we just made it official. i couldnt hold on or do that bs. so i understand how difficult it is, and it was my first relationship and it was 9 months. so i understand how you feel. and pretend to look happy. you know after my breakup i acted as if i was super high and happy. people were like wahts wrong with you!! all i can say is that with time it does heal all wounds. and the first step is to lose alllll hope. i mean honestly we're bak together for 3 months now so obviously there was hope but i was like no its over no hope. thats how i began to move on. and i never stopped loving him (hence getting back together) but never the less, i did start to move on. i didnt get excited everytime i saw his name sign on, or go weak everytime i saw him in the hall...i liked him and i didnt deny that but i was moving on. it will take time. you just gotta keep yourself busy and take it a step at a time. remember that this is OVERRR dont even think thers a shot. start moving on with LIFE. and this friend issue is tough...but find new people to associate with and get different hobbies. your in the prime of your life! go clubbing, you probably have a car and nuff money to enjoy a decent life! get back into the dating scene if you're ready or just take some time for yourself and keep yourself busy. the pain will subside.

  6. lol o wow italian stailian that was funny styll. anyways, seriously as the other posters said this is just a dead end. if you want a real relationshiop this is simply not the guy. i mean are you okay with just being a sex toy for him? i mean maybe this is what you want right now and if thats the case and you're having fun fineee...but honestly this just doesnt seem right whatsoever. get out hunn.

  7. well first of all its only been a day so YES YOU NEED TO GIVE HER SOME SPACE. as in dont ask her countless questions about getting back together. but it seems clear she doesnt have "thoes" feelings for you anymore, or maybe its been gone for awhile considering you guys didnt kiss for so long. kissing is very intimate and that shows that something is missing. i think you should focus right now on moving on and being her friend. maybe later on she'll change her mind but at least if she doesnt its not like you're just wiating on her answer. so try and move on for now and dont pester her for answers right now. give it a little time for her to think too. good luck!

  8. hey. well i think its very normal that you will have much more intense orgasms when you paly with yourself. you know yourself know exactly where to touch and when. but then you said that you were realllly feeling it with your bf so what is your confusion? this is great! honestly i have more intense orgams when i play iwth myself i think its pretty normal. im also still a virgin and with my bf the stuff we do does feel good but most of the time i can do better lol. but there are times when it feels REALLLY GOOD. so its a mix. and im sure its the same for the guys!

  9. hey. now im personally just not a jealous person at all. not to say it doesnt hurt at all but somehow its juts me. now ways i deal with it...remember that hes probably just trying to get me to be jealous you know guys are really egotistic. try and remember that your guy really likes you and that him looking is natural as long as he doesnt touch lol. keep yourself busy, have separate lives!! that is soo important. as far as this guy right now it sounds like you guys need a break anyways. work on those aspects and if he comes back great otherwise focus on moving on anyays!

  10. okay you obviously hurt him. i think giving it another try is not the worst idea however think about it carefully. think about your reasons: is it really because you like him or is it because hes unavailable? im just saying think. and as you said you dont have much to lose either way so then go for it. you know your situation and you should tlak to him about it see how hes feeling.

  11. oo hunn im with this guy that ive liked for 3 years now and he too was my first everything. i know oh too well how hard it is. im sorry and i know how i also get caught up in the past. sometimes i think it was all a dream because it was soo wonderful. just remember that part of love is losss. and with all honesty do we really wanna be with the first perosn we're EVER WITH? i mean as in our first kiss and our first dance and our first bf. the experience is something that has changed you. you are who you are because of it--no regrets! and it was great while it lasted. the memories you will always look back on and smile about. just think of it that way. this is not the end...it is a new beginning

  12. ouch. first of all hunn the fact that you're chubby means look as far as your questioning yourself as a great girl STOP. everyone has different tastes and everyone has different strengths. there are things about you that no skinny girl could ever make up for im sure. the same way there are some things other girls will have that you just cannot be. we all are beautiful in our own way. remember that! now as far as this guy....it does seem a bit suspicious. he tells you things that you just WANNNNNT so badly to believe i mean i want to believe it for you! the age difference means little. its basically that you may be in a different period in your life. but still his behavior is way tooo suspicous especially for a relationshp that technically hasnt gotten off the gorund. his words and actions are very contridicting. i mean for him to tell you to "wait for him" and then not want you to give him a hickey! doesnt add up you're right and honeslty im sure you really like this guy and dont want to let go but i think its just too fishy to give himt he benefit of the doubt. honestly i usually say go with the flow but this situation is too weird. i think you should talk to him once and for all tell him straight up that he is contridicting and you understand if he needs time but he needs to say that to you! no back and forth bs. see his reaction if hes still pissed then just say this aggrivation aint worth it! byee

  13. its a tough question. see everyone approaches love differently. as well everyone has a differnt definition of what love is. i believe that feelings can change. and really we may say they change gradually, many casees they do but sometimes it isnt gradual. its just a matter of something serious happening. i mean im not sure what you're talking about specifically but i jus think that you shouldnt doubt that this person loved you just because they dont anymore. to you it may seem sudden and maybe it is but it doesnt mean that love wasnt there.

  14. honestly all i think its a bit harsh to say it isnt love. im not saying it is. its just that there really isnt enough information to know if this is love or not. its a bit harsh to say straight out it isnt (i aknowledge in most cases with this age group it isnt). but it is possible it is severe infactuation only time will tell....

  15. oh hunn! its absolultely ok for the girl to make the first move. honeslty things are changing and guys seem more shy than us by nature! look as long as later on you're not the ONLY ONE MAKING AN EFFORT its veryyy good to make the first move. dont stress it a phone call! call him and officially give him your number like on his answering machine or something and then think he has my number he shud call!!

  16. dont be too sad. honestly i remember the eighth grade. i remember loving someone very much someone i was very close to and knew since i was 4 yrs old. but he wanted to be popular and used my "liking him" to climb the social ladder. basically he treated me like so i know that in middle school kids can be cruel...and at least this girl wasnt mean to you and maybe she isnt lying when she says that she doesnt want a bf right now. i know its sad and thers nothing i can say to make you feel much better but ill tell you this much. you may always love her and you will never forget her but there will be others. and its so hard to imagine right now but there will be more. just remember that you;re an amazign person whether she sees it or not. and to someone you are their world RIGHT NOW.

  17. hey. look if i liked the guy it wouldnt annoy me. i would find it sooooo sweet and i would just savor every word he said. if i didnt like him in that way it would piss me off or just make me feel uncomfortable. way to tell...see her reaction. if she returns some type of emoticon that says she appreciates it and somewhat reciprocates then greeat!!! but honestly if you do it a couple times and she doesnt say ANYTHING then i would take it as a sign she may not like you. however pay attention to other things.

  18. k PERSONALLY i remember when in the flirting stage with my bf i would always be holding books infront of my chest or have my arms crossed. its just something i do when im nervous. cross my legs too even when im standing if im talking to someone i like! maybe because i think ill be tempted to just hug them if i dont! lol...look im just saying that if it was ME that you were talking to and i did that it would be a good sign. so look at other thigns to see if she likes you.

  19. i know im young but i can relate. my ex told me he loved me. and he meant it but it was like AT THAT MOMENT. he literally goes from liking me to not liking me to loving me day by day! hes soo messed. and yet i love him. i know i do even though i hate to admit it. we dealt for 9 months (consider it was both our first relatiosnhip and its high school lol)...and then he claimed confusion. i was totally hearbroken. and even though there was the possibility of getting back together (the first couple of weeks after the breakup we were talking and acting like we were together) i had to tell myself theres NO HOPE. right now try and be friends but honestly i think after a breakup you need some time ALONE away from that person to move on. you can be friends later on but not right away. as we drifted and time passed my heart ached watching us drift. but i pretended and told myself it was ok and eventually thats how i felt. well 6 months after breaking up we started talking and flirting again like crazy and sort of got back together and thats been going on for 2 months. but now he knows he doesnt love me anymroe and it hurts really bad but i just cant let go. i dont know your EXACT RELATIONSIHP but as of right now take a break take a bretaher and tell yourself its over. otherwise you're going to hurt yourself and delay the healing process. he seems to be in a place right now where he doesnt appreciate you and you need better. best of luck!! he seems to not know what love is. and you know what as far as him loving you ever....well you can ask him straight up. i asked my ex a couple times....because if you have unanswered questions that will also delay the healing process.

  20. hey one of the posters, it was a veryy interesting thing he said. that guys give love for sex while girls do the opposite: give sex for love. OMGG IS HE ON THE MONEY OR WAHT!! cmon, look a guy will be in a relationship without sex, but it is what he wants in the end it is going to be on his mind. and with all honesty there must be a phsyical attraction for there to be a relationsihp which means you would hope to get his dick up eveyr once inawhile right? but its not to say that guys wont be in a relationship if there isnt sex, if they realllly like you they'll wait. but there must be something there! and wow you know honestly the reason i do the things i do with my guy is probably because i know in those moments he makes me feel loved.

  21. it is normal and this situation is one where most of the sticky situation is gone. the only thing is really the schools policy. however, i think if you two started dating it would be fine i mean he isnt your teacher and you're not a minor. but if you did i would still recommend keeping it on the dl lol.

  22. honestly i think if you feel like it gets too boring it just means they're not the one. ofcoures there are ways to keep the relationsihp interesting. whether its being romantic or being creative regarding sex. but on the whole my idea of love is after awhile when those intiail feeligns of pure infactuation (which we often mistaken for love) somewhat go away and we still want to be with that person and enjoy their company. that we can comfortable without feeling bored. to now know they have flaws (because in the beginning we are so blinded we think that person is perfection) and accept them. you're still young and theres no need to feel as if you must feel this way. it will just happen with the right guy. this is TRUE LOVE. best of luck and dont stress it. as i said there are ways to keep it fresh but as far as this being a personality problem for you its because you're still young and this is normal. thats why you dont hear about many relationshipos that began in high school lasting. it does take knowing youreslf ocmpletely before you can give yourself to someone else. so just go with the flow dont feel like you need to force anything. time will tell you everything you need to know.

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