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Posts posted by goddess23

  1. hey all i hav a question now lol. i didnt end up taking the birth control because it was to make my periods lighter not for actual birth control and reading the side effects i got scared. apparently the first 3 months you get nausea and thats something im not willing to deal with period. lol so just wondering how many of you have gotten sick with birth control, specifically nauseated.

  2. hey. well im 17 and my bf turns 16 this weekend. now its basically a year diff. but i can tell you that age differences in the teen years make a diff. like when i was 16 i totallly hit it off with this guy who was 21 at the time. i mean the converstaions were incredible and hoenstly im one of the most mature teenagers youll ever meet. however, i can tell you taht there are certain aspects that will cause problems. for example while you have just entered high shcool hes probably graduating has a job or is going to uni/college. he might be more interested in the physical aspect of a relationship that you might not be ready for. and with younger guys its like they dont take charge you have to make all the decisions they change their mind. so age gaps during these years are critical not to mention to law lol. but i know that it is ver ypossible and that you are likely to hit it off with someone whos not your age. its natural so just make sure there is a good balance.

  3. hey wow im EXACTLY LIKE YOU and it started happening to me when i was 11. its got its perks and its downfalls. but soon you'll look more your age, trusttt me. and hey the flattery of the guys is great right, great confidence booster for the fragile teenage girl. and yes your mom is going ot freak a bit but whatever. as long as you dont encourage anything its all good. enjoy it, embrace it and you know what im very mature for my age and sometimes i wish i wasnt but sometimes im glad i am. just be yourself das it!

  4. hey girl. wow....i can RELATEEE. my first love...only guy i ever danced with kissed or ANYTTHING. we went to middle school together and we would just spend hours together after school just talking and then hours online talking. we went out and it was the most wonderful relatinship. and one day he just fell out of love. i was completely heartbroken. but i tried to focus on the positive, TURE aspects of the relatinsihp: it was wonderful, no regrets and it helped me grow as a person. i have beautiful memories to take with me forever. now let me say this. we broke up. and i was heartbroken. and i never for a moment can say that i stopped loving him. but i told myself it wasOVER THAT THERE WAS NO HOPE PERIOD! this was the only way to try and begin to move on. and as we drifted and i cried myself to sleep thinking about the memories i never tried to flirt or contact him or pressure him or even dream that me and him would realistically get back together. then alll of a sudden we just got it back. it just was magic. and we got back together and have been together for about 5 months now. look i dont wanna say that you guys will get back. im trying to say that i know what its like and this is not an easy thing to move on from. and if you guys are meant to be fine but dont push anything and try your best to move on in the meantime whether thers hope or not! good lck!

  5. arite im going to just describe my type which i should go for considering my personality. now first of all...ive noticed guys with girls who are not even attractive wiht horrible personalityes getting a great guy so i think it goes both ways! but ya...ive noticed i like shorter guys (im like 5'7 and all the guys ive liekd were like 5'9 5'10 while my shorrtttt gfs are with guys who arel ike at least 6). and i like guys who are PRETTTY and CUTE like kinda look feminine but not really! lol...and i like guys who are more on the shy side and are funny and can hold a good converstaion. and im going to be straight up that right now i am very vain and good features get to me! someone who is goal oriented is nice but again at this age i really dont care because we're all confuzzled on what we want! lol. but yeah, i think it varies depending on where you are in your life and what your missing.

  6. ooh okay so you're basically me lol. well i know how it feels. and you feel reallly like you just want to. but i have ALOT of self control. if you know you dont thats good that you can be honest. i think its fine to continue what you're doing just dont do it too often and know your limits. persoanlly im not ready for sex so i wouldnt do it. so if you feel you're not ready for anything dont do it. if you are willing to fine. and make some rules. like...only one person can be bottomless at a time. i told my bf that so it helps that he doesnt take my underwear off because he used to and that would just amke it too close.

  7. straight up: you'll never be able to move on unless you have closure. soo whatever you do just talk to her and tell her that STRAIGHT up. dont push her into anything though. it seems shes got her reasons. if she cant tell you say fine...but i really need to know if you like me or not and if i should have hope for the future. see what she says.

  8. well theres lots of other stuff other then sex so it also depends on your limits sexually. i mean there are lots of physically pleasurable things you can do. to be quite frank a romantic relatioship is diff from a reg friendship because of the physical part for the most part. so you need to be more specific because theres ALOTT of room between holding hands and sex.


    now as far as non sexual things to keep it oging would be just romantic stuff. going on dates that are romantic and doing sweet stuff for eachother. but i could imagine the sexual tension, my bf and i are under it too and wow its tough so good luck and be a lil more specific.

  9. it doesnt mean your doing something wrong. i mean really giving head is only "foreplay" and typically doesnt always result in an orgasm (movies can be deceiving!). i mean with my bf the first couple of times i was SO NERVOUS and barely did ANYTHING really. and i was so caught up with making him cum i thought i was doing something wrong. but with practice...i mean just getting more comfortable with the whole idea and just getting into it myself he now easilllly cums with oral. again he just may not with oral but i noticed a few things that helped me so ill just give it out lol. okay well again you have to be into it yourself really. and if you go up and down with your mouth kind of fast that speeds up the pleasure....and playing with the balls seems to help as well just covering the "whole" area. mix up technique change the motion every once in awhile but ya just going up and down kind of fast really does it. but build up to the moment! lots of passionate kissing and stuff def helps before hand get him really heated up.

  10. im anemic becaues my period is too heavy and the doc wants to put me on birth control. im honest wid my mom and she knew when i was going for the apointment. so the doc gave me 3 months supply but i read all the risks and im too scared to do it. but honeslty for an issue like this dont use birth control it fu*** up your system.

  11. hmm...i know i could sound totally stupid but when something like this happesn and you cant get over it it means it was something special. not to say that you should persue it or even that it will work it just means that person was something special to you. sometimes it should be left as a sweet memory. but in your case i say play it casually. if something else in your life comes up then forget it. but just be a friend....email here and there whatever. let him do the work this time at least MOST OF IT.

  12. k obviously from what you posted he still has SOME feelings for you. i remember the confusion with my breakup. but you need to figure out what you want first. and dont expect anything too much and definitely dont push the issue right now. unless you see that you guys are REALLLLY FLIRTING and ya no....then you could talk about it because then it would mean hes sending you mixed messages.

  13. hmm yeah i agree it seems a lil immature for his age, however i know this is tough but 24 is still young. i would stick to the original advice i posted to changes to really make. it would really hurt me if something like that happened and i dont think you should be to eager or quick to give it another try. make him work for it from the start again. and give it somet time so he can also see if he wants to persue something again. and as i said remember that next time take it a little more slow, those impulsive crazy in love relationships never really work, i mean rarely really. ive noticed it, let it simmer! all those people who had to give gifts every week and hold hands every moment and kiss every second....it goes away and then they're like hmmm i dont like you anymore! and this happens to people even in their 20s. not just 16 yr olds lol.

  14. i would call. i mean the worrying about hes got the power and lalalalla, whatever. its not going to look like that unless you're ALWAYS calling or something. i mean he could geniuinely be busy and you know when the other person doesnt make an effort in sometimes COMMITTED relationsihps you start to forget yourself so for a relatioship in this stage it seems completely normal. i would give him a call see whats up if he wants to mmet up whatever. no biggie really.

  15. hmm...well this is the fun flirty stage that is stressful but personally my fav part lol. look just go wit hthe flow, in conversation ask him about things. its fine to make that extra effort to talk to him. and through conversation you can find out about his life and take it to another level. as far as other people and his parents well tahts great time to just chill and have fun and show him that side of you and not make it look as if you just wanna talk ALL THE TIME. now as far as the fact that you guys have never aknowledged eachother before...WHO CARES! it just shows that you guys are interested now! its just a good sign for both of you lol. so just go with it, and use converstaion to find out more.

  16. ouch. after a 9 month committed relationsihp i felt stupid for going to third base. im not sure about how old you both are but ive noticed most teenagers change partners more often then their clothes. HONESTLY, NO EXAGGERATION. and the feelings are sooo immersely strong at the beginning it feels like romeo and julliet but in this century. like you could die for one another. and then its just gone. one day they wake up and just dont feel it anymore. look...iits sort of normal so dont feel TOO STUPID or as if theres something wrong with you. however i want you to take this as a lesson learned the hard way. because 2 weeks into it to begin to have sex seems pretty quick. and im not saying he used you, he probably geniuinely felt those feelings but thats why time is so essential because after time, those OMG feeligns die down. its that aftermath that you realize if theres a deeper connection or not. this is why true love REQUIRES time. its the aftermath that you see if those cute little quirks are annoying or if you still want ot kiss and hold eachothers hands and not just take for granted that you can have sex because you've been there before....see where im going? look its obvious this is something you're not oging to get over overnight, however i think its absolutly necessary that you get out of this. it is a hurtful situation and theres no guarenttes he wont do this again. dont feel silly or stupid, it happens to the BEST OF US, but take it as a lesson and put some closure to this. tell him that you really like him but you're not going to just be played like this. if he really like you and is ready to commit then you MIGHT MAYBE GIVE HIM another chance (however i would personally say that this is not a good idea). even better: you feel that you rusehd into it and maybe later on when he knows what he wants you guys can give it another try officially and slowly but for now this is too much un necessary stress.

  17. im sad and hapy for you. because it was obvious that there were problems in this relatioships that were simply too difficult to overcome. it is better to let go and find someone who is better suited for you, and if you realize she is more then you could ask for who knows maybe you could give it antoher try. but personal advice: this relationship was serious and to truly move on you have to lose any hope of getting back together (i say this from experience). but best of luck and hopefully one day she will be able to realize the true reasons behind it. remember that it was a wonderful relatioship that has enriched you in many ways.

  18. hey. listen...many people have alreayd coverd alot of what i would say so ill skip some of that. straight up there are TOOOOOO MANY PROBLEMS and i dont think she understands what love is if she cant leave her current bf. that just signals seriousssss issues! this shows that she is still immature. i mean honestly i believe that age gap relationships can work. okay i met this guy who was 21 and i was 16 and we talked on the phone for HOURRSS and he even said im much more mature than anyone hes talked to (even my teachers tell me this). so some people are just more mature, and to be quite honest i dont think 16 is a child. i completely understand if you're attracted to her or seem to have an emotional/physical connection i dont think you should look at yourself as if theres something wrong with you. but at the asme time realize that the obstacles with age gap relationsihps in the teen years are quite insurmountable. i mean there are laws and i would advise to follow but i just want to say that its NORMAL and you should feel as if you're somewhat of a pedophile because of the law ya no what im saying? but i agree with everyone else that this girl has a set of problems and persuing this would be a mistake.

  19. hey. well not too long ago it was my freshman year and same thing. my middle school...alllll my BEST FRIENDS, my first love allll moved at the end of gr 8. i was so scared, i thought it would be so hard. turned out to be the BEST MOVE OF MY LIFE. now im not saying its like this for everyone, but ive noticed when you expect something to be crap it turns out great (thats why i enjoy being pessimistic lol). ANYWAYS, it was great, i still stayed close to my good friends we still meet up without all the drama. my grades stayed high as ever, i became super popular, i had my first bf, i mean its been wonderful. really, you know how in middle school its such a big diff between a 7th grader and 8th grader, in high school the age means NOTHINGGGGG at least in my school its like that. like barely anything, and its a great time, no more puberty woes! middle school is actually a much tougher time because its a big change, big transition. and keeping up your grades is up to you, as long as you dont cave into peer pressure then fine. it really doesnt affect your popularity, maybe your IMMEDIATE FRIENDS who you're reallly cloes to but it doesnt change your popularity ya no wat i mean? and you're making major assumptions about all teenages really its not like that. and yes they are more reckless and most are scrweed up lol but really you're overstressing. just be yourself concentrate on your marks and ENJOY YOUR FRESHMEN YEARS (GR 9 AND 10) where really your marks dont matter! i no im a nerd too and i dont think that way but now i realize they dont matter. so enjoy yourself! this is going to be fun!

  20. okay im a torontonian and honestly just the other night i was just walking along harbourfront with a gf of mine lol and we were like DAMMMMMITTTT why am i here with you??! lol because it was just so romantic, but it has to be dark, but a ferry ride is not overdone honestly!! i mean ya dinner and a movie seems like watever but considering your age hellooo that would be totally sweet and the ferry ride is creative. low on cash...i mean you could go cn tower and just go up there. but its not sactly cheap styll. hmm what else, you could just go to the beach have a nice lil date there. umm or...this isnt romantic but you guys could go clubbing at all ages (i mean depends on the type of girl she is) i mean it would be a night of rubbing up against eachother all night lol. ummmm....ya...downtown is simply gorgeous so you could relaly just take a walk on harbourfront get a boat crusie lil thing. and its not toooo expensive its like 15 $ per person. and dinner and a movie is always good. maybe even omit the movie just do dinner and the boat thing.

  21. sorry i just feel compelled to intervene. the idea that he should split that it will screw it all up. okay i agree you risk at losing something amazing however its CLEAR YOU'RE NOT HAPPY. and no matter how practical something is, it does not equal happiness. its better to address this issue now instead of when you're married and bored sexually. and this is not something you have never brought up, you could bring it up again but i think suggesting a break might be the best thing to do honestly.

  22. okay....some of you probably know about my situation but ill give some backround anyways. we went out for 9 months we were very in love he was great everything was amazing he went on vacation and came bak "confused". anways we basically broke up and i was heartbroken but i lost hope i figured its over i love him but moveo n. so thats what i started doing. anyways about five months later we were flirting like crazy and spending tons of time together. we finally talked about it and decided that we still liked eachother and decided to give it another tyr but take it slow. there was no official label, but it is exclusive. there were some serious positives: the pressure you feel when you put that label when yhou're in the same school is crazy to talk to that person EVEYRTIME YOU SEE THEM IN THE HALL FOR 10 MINS or wait at their locker or walk them to class so it was much more casual. it went well for awhile, had its ups and downs as in sometimes we just didnt see much of eachother but it wasnt a relationship we had TO TEND TO lol. and i liekd this and im sure he did as well. we meet sometimes to just hang out and dont make out and stuff i mean its not about the sex or well since we're virgins the sexual aspect. it is a BIG PART OF IT much bigger then before but its not like f*** buddies. anyways the thing is when people ask me are you two going out i cant just straight out say yes and i was thinking if i should tell him that i want the label....but then if we were to break up it would be an official brekaup and i dont want that. and i dont want me or him to feel pressured to ACT like a couple. but do you think that its stupid that we dont have a label? i mean we refer to eachother as bf/gf but its not like i dont official. the other thing is that at times he can be very caring and what not and sometimes hes kind of rude and just seems unintereseted (this is something that he always goes through) he sometimes is very in love and sometimes doesnt care, any comments??? plzz?? lol

  23. no thers nothing wrong with you. oaky i know this doesnt compare but think high shcool years. im dating a guy a year younger then me and ppl call me pedophile lol but its like jokes wihthin my friends but still people have problems with the older girl younger guy thing. really its not a big deal, but ill say this to all posters even though you dont seem to have thsese problems but that usually age gap relatioships like that dont work out not because of the connection but because of lifestyle issues that create obstacles impossible ot overcome. for example as you said hes a very mature 21, probably is however while hes thinking about school and what not you might be thinking about kids and a job and what not. just an example. so when having a relationsihp those are issues to considerr. but really theres nothing WRONG WITH YOU. younger guys are hawt!

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