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Everything posted by boltnrun

  1. Is the daycare going OK? Anything else specific that could be triggering?
  2. I live in a major metropolis. In order to be away from people I would have to travel over two hours. I know I just have to deal with it. Ah well!
  3. I am washing my clothes there but they have a small stackable wash machine and dryer that can't handle blankets or loads of towels. So I take my blankets, sheets and towels to the laundromat and I also take any bulky clothing like sweat pants or jeans. It's hot and humid for the next week so I don't anticipate wearing any sweat pants or jeans but I will need to wash my blankets, sheets and towels at the laundromat in about 12 days.
  4. Ugh laundromat... Supposed to be limited to 10 people. Nope, I couldn't even count how many were in there. Two of them were employees. The only good things were masks are required and there are two entrances with doors standing open so there's a lot of air circulation. The place was so crowded that when I was simply trying to leave I had to stand in a corner for five minutes waiting for the aisle to clear because there were so many people there. And (this is 100% my fault) I washed too many things and tried to cram them all into one dryer. I had a huge bed blanket, 5 towels, two complete sheet sets and something like 6 pair of pants. So when I got everything home some of the things had damp spots. I should have divided everything into 2 dryers but I'm a dingbat. So I have hangers with sheets on them all over my apartment. They add a certain style to my dining area light fixture But it's done for about 12 days.
  5. Interesting experience, shoving a q-tip like thingy up your nostrils to what seems practically to your brain. It made my nose super itchy and also made my eyes water. Tears were literally running down my cheeks. And the guy was shouting "no, gotta put it further!" And I had to drive a half hour home PLUS I took a wrong turn so it took me longer to get home, more like 40 minutes. However, it wasn't nearly as bad as some people said it would be. So, results should be in about a week. Fingers crossed.
  6. So, about 2 years ago I was sent to the Midwest for training after a promotion. During that training I met in person a gentleman who I had talked to on the phone previously (he interviewed me). I thought for sure he didn't much care for me because during that job interview I accidentally insulted him. I had used a company term to describe a task I'd been successful in accomplishing and he didn't know what the term meant and he spoke a bit strongly to me. I thought for sure I'd blown the interview because of that but I ended up getting offered the job. ANYWAY...I can't explain why, but I found him very attractive. He is NOT my type at all! I generally am attracted to very tall, lanky men who have a certain hair and eye color. He's pretty short, probably about 5'7" and has what might be classified as a "nerd" look complete with horn rimmed glasses and not a particularly fashionable dress sense. But he's smart and maybe that's what attracted me. He also has a really nice speaking voice. He was impressed with my knowledge and job skills, he said so, and I made a good impression on the group as a whole with my presentations. We ended up needing to go to the airport at the same time on the last day of training so he offered me a ride (I would have had to take a Lyft otherwise). I was feeling unsure of what to do so I just thanked him after we went through TSA and went my own way to eat and wait for my flight. So I am currently job hunting and thought it would be a good idea to build my LinkedIn network. I found him on there and requested to connect and he accepted. Now, I know better than to try to make some kind of romantic connection on LinkedIn. Not to mention he lives halfway across the country. But I looked him up on Facebook and saw no evidence of a wife or girlfriend but I did see he'd reposted something from an LGBTQ website, so it's possible he is gay. Cool, no chance for me to ever try to date him anyway. But it's funny how I find him so attractive. I haven't found anyone attractive for YEARS. So, a fun distraction. New medication seems to be not quite strong enough. I find the anxiety creeping back in the middle of the afternoon. I am taking less than the usual therapeutic dose so my doctor said he might choose to increase my dose. I have an appointment with him next week so we'll see how that goes. Going for my Covid test in a couple of hours.
  7. We're going for a heat wave in a couple of days. My old, excuse me, VINTAGE apartment has no AC so I ordered a small personal air cooler.
  8. I love to see the good stories. World Central Kitchen is doing wonderful work. My city got hit hard by rioting and the next morning people showed up downtown with brooms and dust pans to help clean up, and people donated their services to help businesses rebuild. Children are bringing their piggy banks to donate to feed the unemployed. I love those stories and wish I could see more of them.
  9. People holding "warehouse" parties. That's a bad idea on its own during a pandemic (and against state regulations) but there was a shooting during the party. These things are why we can't get out of this pandemic. Between people stubbornly refusing to wear masks and people insisting on behaving like there is no pandemic, there will be no end to this. What is it going to take for people to take this seriously???
  10. I can't figure out why people need to be told to wash their hands after using the toilet or before preparing food. Are those things people weren't doing before?? Grossssssss!!! Also wearing gloves while preparing food in a restaurant or fast food place. Again, why was that not already a thing?
  11. Can you get tested? That way you would know and wouldn't have to worry about whether you might be infected and not know it. I've just scheduled my third test. I want to know because I would like to visit my brother but not if I'm infected.
  12. It was OK. They stayed in her apartment and even kept the back door closed. She has a screen door (I don't...totally wish I did!) which she normally keeps open when she's home but she didn't while her visitors were there. They stayed for about 3 hours. It was fine, I was just being weird and paranoid lol. Thanks for the concern :) I scheduled another Covid test for Wednesday afternoon. I want to visit my brother but don't want to put him or his kids at risk. I should have the results about 7 days after the test. I have assigned myself a busy week! I'm going to drive down south late this morning, get my car washed and then do a grocery pickup. Tomorrow it's laundry at my son's home. Wednesday is the Covid test and I might go for a drive before and maybe a walk. Thursday is probably going to be the laundromat for blankets, sheets and towels. And Friday will be open since I have had bad luck every time I try to do errands on Friday. I might have to go to the store for some staple items like coffee creamer and water. And I have made a goal to fill out at least one online job application per day. So far today I have applied for two.
  13. Neighbor across the hall has people visiting. Now, I have also had people visit. My son and his spouse came by for about 10 minutes once to see my apartment and my brother and nephew visited for about an hour and a half on my birthday. These apartments are small so it's not like we can pack too many people in here. But it sounds like she maybe has 3 or 4 people over. I really don't have much contact with her. I haven't worked on site since early May and that was in my previous state so I haven't gone in to work here. And I think she goes to a job every weekday morning. So I am mostly inside and she goes out frequently but not while I'm out. I have gotten (honestly) lazy and been sleeping in until about 7:30 AM. I'm not necessarily worried that her friends are going to expose me somehow since they are inside her apartment with the door closed and I have my door closed. It's more if she gets infected and since we use the same stairwell she might breathe it out or something. I know, very small chance. Sigh. I've got to decide what to do in the next 5 weeks or so regarding housing. I am fortunate to have options. I have about a month to find a job here. Fingers crossed.
  14. It's almost interesting to read how people are coping and what it is they need in order to try to maintain a healthy outlook and mental and emotional state. I have way too much "me time". I live alone (with my cat) and since I am following the recommendations (because the spread is frightening in my county) I do not have any in person interaction with anyone other than my son once a week for 3 or 4 hours while I wash my laundry and the cashier at the supermarket ("Did you find everything you were looking for?" "Yes, thank you.") I left my friends behind when I moved to this state so I don't have anyone to meet up with for a "socially distant" walk. I could go visit my brother, who said I am welcome to, but technically that isn't allowed. I know he would let me but I would feel absolutely awful if I was somehow an unknowing carrier and gave it to him and my nephew. So yeah, too much time alone in isolation. I do my best to keep healthy by messaging my friends who live far away. And I am attending virtual therapy sessions. I'm also job hunting so if I find a job I think it would help a lot by having in person interactions with coworkers (at a safe distance and while masked, of course). This is so hard on all of us. We're all doing our best to get through it. I hope somehow, some way, we can get some form of "regular" life back in the next few months.
  15. It's been a beautiful day outside but I'm still following "safer at home". I feel more comfortable going out for walks during the week, when there are fewer people roaming around. It's ironic that I chose this neighborhood mainly because of its walkability and proximity to my son. And now we're not even enjoying it. But it's just the way things are. Something else I find ironic...so the cousin of my cousin who was on social media insisting the pandemic is a hoax and "hospitals are empty" has done a complete 180. She's now posting about how there's no way she's willing to send her kids to school because it's too dangerous with the virus running rampant. She's certainly welcome to express her opinions but what's annoying is the people like her who don't think something's a thing unless and until it affects her personally. Her state has a horrendous number of cases due to their state leadership refusing to mandate masks and refusing to implement safety measure when reopening. So now it's a thing and she's scared. Ah well...I do hope she and her family remain safe and healthy. I cleaned my apartment today mostly. Tomorrow I have to go pick up a couple of packages from Amazon Locker and finish cleaning. My leave is up in a week. I'm curious to find out if they are going to insist I work out a two week notice. Since I'm supposed to be training on site for my new position I can't see the point. But they may insist anyway just to be difficult, which this company often does. We will see! So far new medication is ok. No scary side effects. It just makes me a bit dizzy and nauseous and groggy about an hour after I take it, but since I take it at bedtime that isn't really a problem. And it causes very vivid detailed dreams. I dreamed about my mother last night. That was nice.
  16. I figured since I gave birth without anesthesia (TWICE!) and had a uterine biopsy (no anesthesia for that either!) I can handle the q-tip brain probe! I wish I had been given that kind of test. I feel they are more accurate than the throat swab I had done twice, but it wasn't an option for me.
  17. Last Saturday was a "better" day for us. We "only" had 54 new cases. My city is up to 8775 total cases with 7455 recovered, 181 deaths and 89 currently hospitalized. Other than a really bad day on 7/16 , 7/22 and 7/27 we have been trending just a bit better than a month ago for the past 3 weeks or so. It's such a beautiful day outside but I am staying in because my neighborhood is very popular and there's always a ton of foot traffic on the weekends. We have nice weather forecasted next week so I'll enjoy it on the weekdays. Safer at home and avoiding crowds and all. All in all, I am very glad I returned to my home state. I can't even imagine being all alone in my previous state trying to deal with all of this. At least here I can have socially distant visits with family members. Previously the nearest family member lived 3 hours away.
  18. So, the universe was actually looking out for me on the smog check thingy. I went to the DMV this morning and was told you can't even get in unless you 1) had an appointment that was originally scheduled for March or April before they shut it down or 2) get in line at approximately 5:00 AM and wait for them to open and even then they might not get to you because they are limiting staff for obvious reasons. That's fine, I wanted to get it done but I need for the state to realize that I want to register my vehicle but CAN'T. The lady said they will start accepting new appointments September 1st. My registration from my previous state expires September 21st so hopefully I can get in by then. If not, I guess they'll fine me or something. Eye roll. So, I did some more grocery shopping so I won't have to go again until next Wednesday and I put gas in my car. Tomorrow will hopefully be a nice walk near the ocean. My psychiatrist instructed me to double my dose of antidepressant since a good amount of anxiety was still creeping through. So far the only bad thing that happened was a slight increase in nausea and I was SUPER groggy last night. But that was easily solved by going to bed! Also having a decent amount of achy joints. Not sure what that's about. Currently job hunting. No takers so far but I've only been looking for just under 2 weeks. If I find a job before the first week of September I'll stay here but if not I will have to move in with my brother. Not sure what the best option would be but I'd like to at least give it a try.
  19. I'm glad you got the med you needed and that you don't have to deal with that pharmacy anymore.
  20. They want you to pay for a medication they don't even have yet? That makes no sense! I never have to pay until the prescription is actually filled. I hope you get it all sorted out so you never have to deal with that pharmacy ever again.
  21. How can they hold it hostage when they never even filled it?? Can you call your doctor's office and ask them to transmit the prescription to the new pharmacy?
  22. Well, that was a waste of time and gas. The smog check place is 30 minutes away. I got there and it is squeezed into a tiny little parking lot with only one way in. The only way out is to back your car out. So I managed to pull in front of the shop. And I never even got out of my car. I could see there were about 5 or 6 people crammed into a tiny waiting room sitting shoulder to shoulder. And there was nowhere to wait outside since it was an active parking lot. So I backed my car up and got out of there. No way, no how. I'll have to search for another place to get it done. Maybe somewhere that isn't so far away. The only good thing is it did get me out of my apartment. Oh, and I had to pee. Like, really bad. And public restrooms are a big NO right now. My bladder likes to play games with me. I'll be at home not drinking a thing for an hour before I leave, then I'll pee right before I go and 15 minutes later, when I'm too far away for it to make sense for me to go back home, my bladder will start absolutely SCREAMING at me. It happens every.single.time. So I'm just going to go get grocery shopping done and gas up my car.
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