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Everything posted by RJmed76

  1. Recently a couple of close friends (ladies & men) told me that I look intense. I took that to mean that I could scary away people at first glance. Can someone who looks intense do that? and if so any ideas how to change it? Is it more physical or is it mental? BTW I'm not scary, I guess you can say that I've been an adrenaline junkie for a good number of years that maybe I'm getting used to using some emotions more at times than others. I try to be reserved until the time calls.
  2. Why don't you tell her the truth? That you always wanted to say something to her, but couldn't. Instead of playing the waiting game fate stepped in, and you wanted her to have it.
  3. Next time you guys hang out just ask him. No subtle hints. Plain and simple. Nothing sexier than a girl who doesn't keep things in. You owe yourself that much.
  4. Honesty always works. Don't leave anything for him to interpret. Let him know how you feel at this stage of the friendship. But if don't think you like him why are you coming up reasons not to like him, instead of just going with things. Your reasons although they are reasonable have nothing to do about the two of you. Just how you feel things will be. Remember the best thing about tomorrow is that it is a present.
  5. I call her to do something with me. Wanting to share my time with her. But she does not return the effort. It makes me feel like she is hiding things, because of the past. Maybe she is being pursued by someone else, so know she feels like it's a competion. Which boy will win? Who will make more of the effort? So she just stands back and waits to see what happens. That is not how a relationship will work. Do I stop calling? Or what a couple of days and then ask?
  6. Not really sure how to explain my story withoug getting too specfic, but I dated this girl at one time and out of nowhere she called it off. I knew the reason why and knew what she wanted. Time has passed and know we are hanging out again. My problem is that since she broke up with me out of nowhere, and never talked it out. I feel like I don't know her, So I end up being reserved around her trying not to push her away, while trying to let her in. She never express herself for how she feels. Any ideas of how to find out how she feels about us hanging out and how she views me? Apart of me doesn't feel like I should if she doesn't believe it is worh sticking up for?
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