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  1. Hello everyone, Okay, I need some advice. I met this really nice guy last week at a bar. I was introduced to him by my friend. We had a really good conversation (even though he seemed really shy) and exchanged phone numbers (this was last Thursday) He called me on Saturday and asked if I wanted to hang out this week. I said yes, and I told him that I would give him a call during the week. I called him yesterday (wednesday) and he asked me what I was doing the rest of the week. I said nothing, and he said that he would give me a call today (thursday), so far no call. He's a fireman, so his hours change constantly. I know that it is still early in the evening, but what do I do if he doesn't call within the next three days. I do not want to seem like a psycho if I keep calling him. However, I really do like him. My boyfriend and I broke up 4 months ago, and I believe that this new guy could definitely make me move on....
  2. This is a pretty long, complex story but I will try my best... My best friend and I have not spoken for over 6 weeks. We have been best friends for seven years and this loss is worse than what I am going through with my ex-boyfriend. It all started when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. I was/am taking the brake up really bad, and I was majorly depressed for about a month straight. I wouldn't eat, smile or anything. My friend stuck by me the first 2 months... she was there 5 minutes after him and I broke up, and never left my side. After 2 months, she noticed a change in me. I was more cynical and just didn't care about anything anymore. I stopped going to school and began to drink more often than I used to. She didn't call me for a week, and basically told me that she couldn't handle me going in a downward spiral, because I was occupying too much of her time, and she was making herself upset by thinking about me too much. After this argument we reconciled and everything was ok. About 2 weeks later a mutual good friend of our's ( we will call her E) got engaged. Now, E is also friends with my ex-boyfriend. i called E to congratulate her, and all was well between us. About one week later I had found out that E had invited everyone out to go and celebrate, I was hwoever not invited. To this day I have no clue as to what happened between E and I, and I am too stubborn to confront it. E and I have also been friends for 7 years and were close. I think it has something to do with the ex-boyfriend but I don't know. When I found out about this party, I asked my best friend why I wasn't invited. And her callous response was "That is something between you and E, I didn't invite people so I had nothing to do with it, you just put me in a weird position by asking me that." Which lead me to believe that my best friend knew something and was not telling me. Which is pretty messed up, considering she was my supposed "best friend" I dont know what to do though. My birthday is tomorrow, and both her and I take birthdays very seriously. If we dont get phone calls for our birthdays, we dont speak to those peple. I dont know what to do if she doesn't call. Should I confront her aboutt everything? I am soo devestated about the whole situation. She is like a sister to me, and this is killing me. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Nadia
  3. Wow, that is a two timer!! Did he start contacting you after he found out you had a boyfriend, or before this? It's just a confusing thing all together. My ex and I haven't spoken in over a week now. My birthday is tomorrow so I am seeing if I get a phone call from him or something. Regarding the level of niceness. My ex started out very nice when we first started speaking on the phone. Now sometimes he will call me derogotory names to annoy me, which works... Don't you wish you could just live inside their brains the split second b4 they decide to call?
  4. Since he texts you, it's an easier form of communication because you cannot hear the tone of the other person's voice. How rude were you the last time? Depending on the level of rudeness would gauge how you should act if he does get in contact with you via text message. You could always just text him back a "Hi, How are you?" and leave it at that
  5. As far as the marriage issue goes, it came up in conversation about once or twice, and he knew eventually I wanted to get married.. Not necessarily to him, and he was aware of that. He on the other hand never wants to get married in his entire life. It's just weird, because when we first started going out, he told me numerous amounts of times how I would be the perfect one for him, and we even spoke about getting married. If I knew off the bat that he never wanted to, I would have never brought it up. I think he is scared to see me, because he is scared that he is going to realize when he gave up. He was attracted to me for 2 yrs, had me, and then gave me up.... I don't get it! I understand his issues with his child. I however, never had an issue with that. One of his major complaints is that his ex-girlfriend will never be out of his life, and I guess that is a lot for him to handle...
  6. Wow, that was quite a post you wrote.. I think I am going to print it out, and read it a lot more carefully!! I am so happy that I found this web-site
  7. This is a pretty difficult and complex problem. My ex-boyfriend and I broke up about 3 months ago. He broke up with me because he believed that I wanted to get married and he was not ready for that. He was also having problems in his life because he has a 2 yr old daughter. We have spoken about 12 times since the break-up and we have only seen each other 2 times at bars that we both frequent. Everytime I bring up hanging out 1 on 1, he always seems to want to, but when the time comes to actually see me, he always thinks of an excuse or avoids it all together. I want my ex back more than anything because he is an amazing guy, and I believe that we broke up because of a lack of miscommunication. I also believe that if I do not get back with him, I can't fully get over him because I would have never had the closure I need to do so. On top of all of this, my best friend of 7 yrs have not spoken in over 6 weeks, and that is also eating away at my heart. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.!
  8. When My ex calls me I always get confused and wind up becoming more and more depressed. He broke up with my 3 months ago. We were going out for 6 months, but were casually "talking" to each other for 2 yrs. He'll call, and we'll have a great conversation, but all it leads to it mixed signals for me, because some of the comments that he makes borders on flirtatious...
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