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My big brother got married without job

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The girl which my big brother got married prooved to my family she would love him and do everything for him, she said she would give her life for him. When my family except my brother left the country, my brother was looking for a job and all his life he went to private schools and worked hard always in universities. When he got married in argentina he decided to live in a little town where his wife was from. He later went to buenos aires to tryout for the ekson company. They said his english was awesome, and that he could get the job and that they would send him to the usa for 2 months. His wife didnt like this at all, and now she wont allow him to get a job, and he wont because he loves her. He is like her little dog, he cleans her clothes and cooks for her, when he used to be someone who knew what was always doing. I HATE HIS WIFE, SHE IS NO GOOD, SHE TALKS BAD ABOUT US BEHIND OUR BACK, WHY CAN I DO, I WANT THEM TO GET DIVORCED, BECAUSE IM LIKE MY BROTHERS BEST FRIEND, AND I CANT STAND SEEING HIM SUFFERING OUR ACTING LIKE A LITTLE DOG. ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE REPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


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Hey gcasco,


Unfortunately, you can't do anything. You are sweet to care about your brother's happiness, but he is big enough to take care of himself. He chose to marry your sister-in-law, and you have to support him no matter what, because that's what family is for - to be there through thick and thin (even if you don't like your sister-in-law). If he is happy, then that's the only thing that matters. If he's not, and he decides to get a divorce, then I know you will be there to route him on. Either way, you always support him (this includes being nice to your sister-in-law).


That is what is so good about my family - even though they "sensed" my former love relationship was not healthy for me, they always supported me but didn't say anything. All they were concerned about was my happiness, and if I was happy, they didn't say a word. They were always nice to my ex. They always supported me. They let me realize BY MYSELF that my former love relationship wasn't going to last because we just had different family values - so, I love them for that, i.e., they had confidence in me to make my own decisions in life.


So gcasco, as long as your brother is happy, that's all you should be concerned about. If he's not , then just give him time to maybe realize it himself that maybe that's not what he wants in a marriage (the key is, he has to realize it himself).


I hope this helps

Kung Fu

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