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how does she feel about me?


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the story is, basically I have been close to this girl for a year and I was just wondering how she feels. we have pretty much always had that thing that's always been more than friends, and I have even dated her before but we agreed it wasn't going to work because of the way she is. basically , she suffers from extreme anxiety which means she struggles socially to hold convo with me, so she gets scared and hardly ever speaks to me in person. shes even that scared she wont ring me. recently, weve both been getting closer and closer and it seemed like we were dating that's how close we was. suddenly, she started acting off with me and being less talkative, and I asked her what was up and eventually she told me. basically she said she wanted to slow things down because of the way she was and she was unsure it would work out again. eventually, I asked her to be honest how she felt and she said that she didn't want to be with me because of the way she is and that she believes the way she is wont change anytime soon. she says stuff like this, but she says she wants to carry on texting all day non-stop? I'm just so confused. I also very recently had an argument with her and she said that she cried over the argument because it hurt her a lot. all this stuff gives away little aspects on how she feels, but then she can suddenly just go blunt. any help would be much appreciated

PS has anyone got any tips on how I can persuade her to go further with me?

many thanks

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